(b) Part B of the DD Form 350.
Block B4, Completion Date. When preparing a template (see 4.670-6(b)(4)(i)) use this item to enter the expiration date.
Block B5A, Contractor Identification Number. This block is for reporting the Contractor’s nine position DUNS number according to DFARS 253.204-70(b)(5)(ii)(A).
Block B5B, Commercial and Government Entity (CAGE) Code. The additional reporting requirement at Subpart 90.9, Updating Small Disadvantaged Business Status and Women-Owned Business Status in the DD Form 350 CAGE File, applies when the small disadvantaged business status or women-owned business status is incorrect in DCARS.
Block B7, Type of Obligation. For DLA contracting offices, the DCARS will generate Code 3 to indicate a template record whenever an IDC is being reported pursuant to 4.670-6(b)(4)(i), or when a template record is being created for a blanket purchase agreement (BPA) or Federal Supply Schedule.
Block B12C, System or Equipment Code. Enter the three position DLA Weapons or System code from the Purchase Request trailer or other source. If not known or the item in B12A is not part of a listed weapon or system, enter "000." DCARS will convert these data into the DoD codes for DoD reporting purposes.
(c) Part C of DD Form 350.
Block C2, Reason Not Synopsized. Enter Code A, Urgency, only when Item C9, Authority for Other Than Full & Open Competition, is coded 2A and Item C8, Solicitation Procedures is coded N, Other Than Full and Open Competition.
Line C3, Extent Competed: Enter “A” on this line (in accordance with DFARS 253.204-70, line C3(A)(3), full and open procedures after exclusion of sources) whenever award is made as a set-aside to a service-disabled veteran-owned small business entity. For sole-source SDVOSB awards, enter “A” on this line (in accordance with DFARS 253.204-70, line C3(A)(3), full and open competition after exclusion of sources - set-asides) whenever more than one offer is received; if only one offer is received, enter “D” on this line (in accordance with DFARS 253.204-70, lines C3(A)(3) and C3(D), not competed). For both set-asides and sole-source awards to SDVOSBs, also code Block C8 in accordance with the instructions below.
Block C7, Number of Offers Received. Offers, for the purpose of completing C7, shall only be offers from responsible contractors capable of satisfying Government requirements. If an offer is an alternate offer and is rejected, or if award must be made before evaluation can be completed, the alternate offer is not to be counted.
Line C8, Solicitation Procedures: Enter “K” on this line (in accordance with DFARS 253.204-70, line C8(B)(8), set-aside) whenever award is made as a set-aside to a service-disabled veteran-owned small business (SDVOSB) entity. Enter “N” here (in accordance with DFARS 253.204-70, line C8(B)(9), authority for other than full and open competition) whenever award is made on a sole-source basis to an SDVOSB.
Line C9, Authority for Other Than Full and Open Competition: Enter “5A” on this line (in accordance with DFARS 253.204-70, line C9(B)(11), authorized by statute) whenever award is made on a sole-source basis to a service-disabled veteran-owned small business entity.
(d) Part D of DD Form 350.
The DFARS requires blocks D2, D3, D5, D7, and D8 be blank under certain circumstances. If the contracting officer completes any of these items in one of those circumstances, the DCARS will convert the entry to a blank and pass the record to DoD in the required format. Block D4E, Premium Percent. DLA contracting offices may enter "000" for this item when D4B is coded A or B and D4C is Coded A. The DCARS will convert the record passed to DoD into the required format.
Line D1, Type of Contractor, line D1(E), Veteran-Owned Small Business: Enter “A” on this line (in accordance with DFARS 253.204-70, line D1(E)(1), service-disabled veteran), whenever award is made (including set-asides or sole-source awards) to a service-disabled veteran-owned small business entity.
Line D4, Set-Aside or Preference Program, line D4(A), Type of Set-Aside: Even though the instructions at DFARS 253.204-70, line D4(A)(2), have not been updated to reflect set-asides for service-disabled veteran-owned small businesses, the DLA Contract Action Reporting System (DCARS) is able to accommodate the reporting of the SDVOSB set-aside or sole-source award. Enter “M” on this line whenever award is made as a set-aside to a service-disabled veteran-owned small business entity; enter “N” if award is made to an SDVOSB on a sole-source basis.
Block D5, Ethnic Group. For DLA, if the Small Disadvantaged Business Concern Representation, (see DFARS 252.219-7000), indicates the offeror is claiming eligibility in the Minority Small Business and Capital Ownership Development Program, Section 8(a) of the Small Business Act, then the ethnic group must also be completed and the appropriate code entered. This item must be completed for all awards made to a small disadvantaged business.
(e) Part E of DD Form 350.
Block E9 may be entered in Part E of the DD Form 350 in the margins or on the reverse side for manual reports. DCARS will provide for these items on the input screen.
(5) Block E9, National Stock Number. Enter the 13 position National Stock Number (NSN) or Local Stock Number (LSN) which defines the item of supply. Do not enter dashes, slants, or similar punctuation marks and do not show spaces between numbers or letters in the stock number. Leave blank when acquiring services (position 1 of B12A is alpha). If more than one NSN or LSN is the subject of this action, enter the stock number of the predominant item as determined by dollar value. If no stock number applies, enter the FSC shown in B12A followed by the word "NONE" without spaces between the two (e.g., "8905NONE").
(g) Special instructions for DD Forms 350 on actions of $25,000 or less under the Small Business Competitiveness Demonstration Program.
(2)(i) Block B5A, Contractor Identification Number. Enter the Contractor’s nine position DUNS number.