Use 52.247-9024, F.O.B. Origin by Non-CONUS or Non-Canadian Offerors for Delivery to Consignees Within CONUS or Canada, in large purchase whenever offers are invited on a F.O.B. origin basis for CONUS deliveries and it is anticipated that foreign offers (other than Canadian) will be received. If offers are invited on both F.O.B. origin (A) and F.O.B. destination (B) basis, immediately following the title the buyer will insert the words “applicable to f.o.b. origin bids/offers (A) only”. This will facilitate evaluation and expedite the award process by eliminating the necessity of securing foreign land transportation rates as well as ocean rates to CONUS or Canada.
Use 52.247-9025, F.O.B. Origin by Non-CONUS or Non-Canadian Offerors for Delivery to Consignees Outside CONUS or Canada, this provision in solicitations inviting offers on an F.O.B. origin or F.O.B. Port of Loading Basis, for supplies to be delivered to consignees located outside CONUS or Canada. Buyers will add applicable CLINs and overseas destination in paragraph (a) of this provision. NOTE: This provision should be used for any overseas distribution (including APO and FPO) except for FMS shipments that are treated as domestic.