(b)(90) DLA small business specialists are guided by “the DLA ‘One Book’ (DLAD 5025.30) process chapter, ‘DLA Small Business Programs.’” Contracting personnel should recognize the assigned responsibilities of these individuals and work cooperatively with them to achieve the objectives of the DLA Small Business and Small Disadvantaged Business Utilization Program and to avoid duplication of effort.
(d)(10)(A)(i) DLA contracting and small business personnel have been granted a deviation (FARS DEV 2004-01) to forego this review for transactions with a value less than or equal to the simplified acquisition threshold (SAT) when such transactions are accomplished or initiated electronically via the “SPEDE” (SAMMS (Standard Automated Material Management System) Procurement by Electronic Data Exchange); “SASPS II” (SAMMS Automated Simplified Procurement System, Phase Two); or “PACE” (Procurement Automated Contract Evaluation) systems.
(d)(10)(A)(ii) DLA contracting and small business personnel are also permitted via FARS DEV 04-01 to forego this manual review for transactions with a value less than or equal to the SAT when such transactions are accomplished or initiated via automated processing within the Business Systems Modernization (BSM) environment.
(d)(10)(B) Whenever the deviations in (d)(10)(A), above, are used, an individual or blanket DD Form 2579, Small Business Coordination Record, shall be included in the (hard-copy or electronic) contract file.
(d)(10)(90)(a) Periodic reviews of automated awards to which either the legacy or the BSM deviation pertains shall be conducted to determine whether certain buys may be set aside in the future for HUBZone or service-disabled veteran-owned small business concerns (in the case of legacy system buys only) or 8(a) program participants. The contracting officer and small business specialist shall jointly consider backing out individual or groups of transactions, based on a national stock number or federal supply class, with Central Contractor Registration (CCR)-listed HUBZone or service-disabled veteran-owned small business concerns or 8(a) suppliers (for legacy and BSM applications), from these automated systems.
(b) For review of an action that could result in a recommendation for a service-disabled veteran-owned small business (SDVOSB) set-aside, use the following procedures for individual or blanket DD 2579s until the form is revised: identify the contractor as an SDVOSB in the “Acquisition History” block (line 10(b)(9)); indicate a set-aside recommendation in the “Remarks” block (line 14).
(d)(10)(91)(i) There are times when a contract action’s estimated value will be less than $10,000, thus precluding the need for a DD 2579 review, but the resulting contract’s actual value exceeds the review threshold. So long as the estimate was originally made in good faith, there is no need to conduct an after-the-fact review in accordance with DFARS 219.201(d)(10).
(ii) However, if changes (e.g., quantity increases) are made to the scope of the acquisition subsequent to establishment of the original good-faith estimate, and if these changes cause the potential value of the contract to exceed the DFARS 219.201(d)(10) review threshold, do not proceed with the acquisition until a DD Form 2579 review is conducted.
(d)(11) See subsections 7.170-2 and -3 and paragraph 10.001(a) for a complete discussion of consolidation of contract requirements.