(a) General.
(1) The Pre-Award or Post-Award AS shall use existing reports and tools to determine prioritization of workload and appropriate escalation to next higher level, consistent with customer need date and Attainment to Plan (ATP).
(2) Executing contract modifications to expedite delivery and any other contractually-binding decisions made by the AS are subject to contracting officer approval if the AS has no warrant. No contracting officer approval is required to respond to status requests or to make non-binding agreements with contractors, such as obtaining an informal agreement that the contractor will attempt to expedite delivery.
(3) Policies and processes in DIRECTOR, ACQUISITION MANAGEMENT (J-7) CROSS-PROCESS POLICY MEMORANDUMS 05-001, Creating and Maintaining Externally Viewed Item Notes, and 05-002, Expedite Policy and Processes, apply. See 42.1190 regarding contract acceleration/status requests.
(b) Pre-Award.
(1) Reports and tools. The “Open Purchase Request (PR) Report” lists all PRs received and includes the Priority Group for workload prioritization. The “PR Prioritization Report” provides lists of open and blocked PRs, summarized by Priority Groups, and includes PRs that exceed the award date. These reports are available on BSM On-Line Help at https://dolh.bsm.dla.mil (Procurement, Procurement Job Aids, Reports).
(2) Anticipated delays in award.
(i) The Pre-Award AS may become aware of an anticipated delay in award, such as when a vendor advises there will be a delay in providing a quote/offer. In such cases, the Pre-Award AS shall document the following information on the text tab of SAP Purchase Request (PR) in the Header Note text block:
(A) Date the information was entered in SAP PR;
(B) Reason the delay in award is anticipated;
(C) Approximate amount of time award is expected to be delayed;
(D) Status or resolution; and
(E) Name and phone number of Pre-Award AS.
(ii) DLA Direct items. Supply Planners use the information in the text tab of SAP PR in the Header Note text block to create external SAP Material Master Item Notes on when required, such as when a CAS asks for status or requests an expedite.
(iii) Customer Direct items. A CAS will contact the Pre-Award AS directly for status. The CAS will then annotate the Sales Order Item Notes with the results of the research or expedite request. (For Customer Direct items, external SAP Material Master Item Notes do not require updating.)
(c) Post-Award.
(1) Reports and tools. Delinquency reports are available for both legacy and BSM acquisitions (i.e., the SAMMS Contract Delinquency Report (USPF-38) and the BSM Post-Award Delinquency Report). The Post-Award Workload Prioritization Procurement Business Rule can be used as a guide when practical. Additional resources may be found at BSM On-Line Help at https://dolh.bsm.dla.mil (Procurement, Procurement Job Aids, Reports, and Procurement R2.2 Release Notes).
(2) Anticipated delays in delivery.
(i) The Post-Award AS may become aware of an anticipated delay in delivery, based on information from the contractor, the Post-Award Delinquency Report, or other sources. In such cases, the Post-Award AS shall document the following information on the SAP Purchase Order (PO) in the Delivery text block:
(A) Date the information was entered in SAP PO;
(B) Reason the delay in delivery is anticipated;
(C) Approximate delay anticipated;
(D) Status or resolution; and
(E) Name and phone number of Post-Award AS.
(ii) DLA Direct items. Supply Planners use the information in the SAP PO Delivery Text block to create external SAP Material Master Item Notes on DLA Direct items when required, such as when a CAS asks for status or requests an expedite.
(iii) Customer Direct items. A CAS will contact the Post-Award AS directly for status. The CAS will then annotate the Sales Order Item Notes with the results of the research or expedite request. (For Customer Direct items, external SAP Material Master Item Notes do not require updating.)