(a) An Advance Acquisition Planning Template (AAPT) (formerly the Advance Notice of Initiative for Potential APEC Review) (see 90.1103) shall be completed for all proposed acquisitions requiring review/approval at DLA HQ that meet the criteria and the dollar thresholds identified below. Templates must be electronically submitted to J-72 for review and approval once the contracting activity has sufficient information to complete the template. Excluded from this requirement are those acquisitions identified in paragraph 7.104-90. Once J-72 reviews the template, the contracting activity will be advised whether they have authority to proceed with the acquisition. All templates submitted to DLA HQ for review must be coordinated with the contracting activity's Director of Small Business and Office of Counsel and be approved by the Chief of the Contracting Office. (Orders under proposed acquisitions for which the maximum anticipated value was included in a previously submitted template with a single all-inclusive acquisition plan need not be submitted for approval separately.)
Contracting Activity
An advance acquisition planning template (see DLAD 7.104-90) is not required for acquisitions that meet the criteria for the Integrated Acquisition Review Board (IARB).
An advance acquisition planning template is required when:
● Any bundled acquisition* < $1 million; or
● Any consolidated acquisition**; or
Regardless of estimated acquisition value of the resulting contract, any of the following:
● The program or proposed acquisition is identified by HQ DLA as high interest.
● There is known OSD, Congressional, or White House interest or a high potential to attract such interest.
● The acquisition involves strategies or processes that are expected to significantly impact the traditional supplier base or established customer practices. This includes efforts that may cause reductions in the industrial supplier base; significantly influence a market segment, supply chain, or commodity group; initiate a test or pilot program; or cause a significant increase/decrease in the DLA business volume.
● Requesting a waiver to the IARB.
● The acquisition does not require an IARB and one of the conditions specific to a contracting activity (see below) is applicable
* includes base and all option periods.
** consolidations also require final approval by the SPE; see 7.170-3(a)(3).
(b) J-72 will advise the contracting activity within 15 calendar days after receipt of the Advance Acquisition Planning Template if the proposed acquisition is approved or disapproved, or whether an I-ARB is required. Once the proposed acquisition is approved, no significant changes shall be made without prior J-72 approval.