(a) Request for Appointment.
(1) The supervisor will complete a Request for Appointment of a Contracting Officer (such as the sample below), justifying the validity of the organizational need (such as surge in workload, retirement or termination of other personnel, etc.) and verifying the contracting officer candidate's compliance with selection criteria. The supervisor will sign the request and submit it through appropriate organizational channels to the appointing authority.
The following findings and determinations are made pursuant to applicable law and regulation.
1. There is a clear and convincing need to appoint a contracting officer with the ability to perform at the __________ ( dollar threshold) warrant level for the following reasons: (Include discussion of quantity, complexity, type, and average dollar amount of documents to be obligated).
2. Request the following contracting officer candidate be appointed a warrant with the above dollar limitation: (Name, Title, Series and Grade).
3. The contracting officer candidate will occupy the following organizational level: (Office/Branch/Division).
4. The candidate's Contracting Officer Warrant Program Selection Statement stating the candidate's background is enclosed. For the limits set forth above: (Check as applicable.)
_____ The candidate meets the selection criteria.
_____ This candidate does not meet the minimum criteria in (experience, education and/or training), namely; (Indicate deficiency)____________________________________________________
_____ An interim appointment for the period of _______________is requested because_______________________________________________________
(Include rationale/justification needed to issue warrant despite failure to meet qualification criteria.) These experience and/or training needs will be identified in the candidate's individual development plan and must be completed by_____________________________.
5. In addition to the limitations imposed by the Defense Logistics Acquisition Directive, the DoD FAR Supplement, the FAR, laws, Executive Orders, and other applicable regulations, the following additional warrant limitations are imposed:
Dollar threshold:______________________________________________
Other limitations:_____________________________________________
6. The candidate's current conflict of interest disclosure statement, OGE Form 450, “Executive Branch Confidential Financial Disclosure Report”, as required by DLAD 5500.1, Standards of Conduct, is on file with the appropriate standards of conduct counselor. The above findings and determinations are made pursuant to applicable law and regulations:
(Signature of Supervisor of the Candidate/Date)
(Typed Name, Title, Office)
APPROVED: ...........................................................
(Appointing Authority/Date)
(Typed Name, Title, Office)
(2) The appointing authority will review candidate applications and appoint Contracting Officers. If additional information is required by the appointing authority, the document will be returned with a request for further explanation or supporting data. The appointing authority shall determine the validity of the need, whether the candidate meets applicable selection criteria, and what warrant limitations should be applied. In the event that the appointing authority determines that there is not an organizational need for a contracting officer, the candidate will be notified of this decision.
(3) The appointing authority may have the candidate appear before a Contracting Officer Review Board as described in 1.603-92(b).
(4) The completed Request for Appointment of a Contracting Officer is subject to the Privacy Act of 1976 and shall be maintained in a secure location deemed appropriate by the appointing authority.
(5) Personnel shall not ordinarily be appointed as contracting officers if they do not meet the applicable selection criteria (see DFARS 201.603-2). If a candidate does not meet the selection criteria, an interim appointment may be granted. The appointing authority shall consider experience and past performance when making an interim appointment. Interim appointments shall normally be limited to dollar obligations at or below the simplified acquisition threshold in FAR Part 13. The appointing authority will require that all training or experience requirements will be met within 18 months. Failure to successfully fulfill the training requirements within that timeframe will result in loss of the warrant or issuance of another interim warrant, whichever is deemed necessary. If no appointment is granted, the candidate will be provided with a written explanation of the reasons.
(6) Appointments will be documented and copies filed as prescribed at FAR 1.603-3. Each SF 1402, Certificate of Appointment, shall be serially numbered by each DLA appointing authority. The SF 1402 will contain any warrant limitations, including limitations on the period of appointment. The original Certificate of Appointment shall be provided to the appointed contracting officer and retained at the contracting officer's duty station.
(7) Changes, such as increasing or decreasing the warrant limitations of a contracting officer, transfers, name changes, or changes in rank or grade, shall be made solely at the discretion of the appointing authority. When an appointing authority determines to make such changes, a new Certificate of Appointment shall be issued based upon an updated selection statement and request for appointment.
(8) Contracting officer warrants are effective until terminated in writing. Termination of a warrant may effected by the appointing authority or higher authority when determined necessary.
(b) Pursuant to DFARS 201.603-3(b), Heads of Contracting Activities, or their authorized designees, acting in their capacity as purchase card authorizing officials as delineated in DLAI DLA Government Purchase Card Program One Book Chapter, may authorize cardholders to use the purchase card in accordance with the criteria at DFARS 213.301. Cardholder appointment letters shall reflect the appropriate single purchase limit threshold.