The authority in FAR 1.603-1 for selection, appointment, and termination of appointment of contracting officers has been delegated by the Director, DLA to the DLA Heads of Contracting Activities (HCAs). For the activities not designated as contracting activities (see DLAD 2.101), the Director, Acquisition Management, (J-7) , as HCA, has delegated this authority, to the /Director of those activities. This authority is delegable, without power of redelegation to the chief of the contracting office. For DCSO and DNSC, the delegation is to the chief of the contracting office without power of redelegation.
(90) Definitions.
"Appointing Authority" means any person delegated the authority to appoint contracting officers in accordance with 1.603-1 above.
"Warrant Limitations" are limitations, in addition to the DLAD, laws, Executive Orders, and other applicable regulations, which are imposed on the authority of contracting officers either by delegation or actions of the appointment authority. These limitations may include, but are not limited to, dollar obligation ceilings, interim appointment period, requirements for prior reviews by higher authority, or other approval requirements.
(91) The DLA Contracting Officer Warrant Program.
(a) As prescribed in FAR 1.603-1, DLA has established the DLA Contracting Officer Warrant Program for the selection, appointment, and termination of contracting officer warrants.
(b) The objective of this program is to ensure that only those officials who fully meet appropriate selection criteria are appointed and retained as contracting officers when an organizational need occurs. Contracting officers must demonstrate that they possess the required knowledge of contracting officer authority and responsibility, the role of a contracting officer, activity/agency contracting procedures, decision making skills, and expected standards of conduct/ethical behavior.
(c) Contracting officer appointments shall be based on an organizational need (see 1.603-3(a)(1) below).