The authority and procedural requirements addressed in (a) through (d) of this paragraph do not apply to either the development or use of a new Economic Price Adjustment (EPA) clause or a revision to an existing EPA clause, which require HQ DLA approval in accordance with 16.203-3(93):
(a) Provisions and clauses that are developed as a result of negotiations or which fulfill a specific and unique requirement of the acquisition, that do not constitute a deviation from higher level regulations or from DLAD, and that do not require the approval of the Director of Defense Procurement and Acquisition Policy (DPAP), shall be approved by the Chief of the Contracting Office (CCO) for essentiality, appropriateness, and sufficiency, and reviewed by cognizant Office of Counsel prior to incorporation into a solicitation or contract. The CCO may delegate this authority to a level no lower than the Policy Chief. These provisions and clauses can be approved for one time use only, i.e., for use in a single acquisition or contract. One time use provisions and clauses are not assigned DLAD numbers, but shall be identified in accordance with FAR 52.103 by title, date, and name of organization that developed them. Upon approval, a copy shall be forwarded to HQ DLA, ATTN: J-7.
(b) Requests for proposed repetitive use or “substantially the same as” provisions and clauses shall be signed by the cognizant CCO, accompanied by prescriptive language for their use on either an enterprise or non-enterprise basis, and forwarded to HQ DLA, ATTN: J-71 , for review and approval prior to implementation. This authority may be delegated to a level no lower than the Policy Chief. They shall have been reviewed for legal sufficiency prior to forwarding to HQ. These are provisions and clauses that are not deviations and do not otherwise require approval by DPAP. J-71 shall review these provisions and clauses for essentiality, appropriateness, and sufficiency, and shall obtain the concurrence of General Counsel as part of the approval process. They will be assigned DLAD numbers when approved for use, and incorporated into the DLAD by numbered Procurement Letter (PROCLTR).
(c) Requests for substantive changes to existing provisions and clauses shall be signed by the cognizant CCO and forwarded to HQ DLA, ATTN: J-71, for review and approval prior to implementation. CCOs may delegate this authority to a level no lower than the Policy Chief. They shall have been reviewed for legal sufficiency prior to forwarding to HQ. These are provisions and clauses that are not deviations and do not otherwise require approval by DPAP. J-71 shall obtain the concurrence of General Counsel as part of the approval process. These provisions and clauses shall be incorporated into DLAD by numbered PROCLTR.
(d) Requests for minor changes do not require signature by the cognizant CCO or approval by the cognizant Office of Counsel; email requests will be accepted. Such minor changes may include, but are not limited to, changes to addresses, dates, position titles, spelling errors, and typographical mistakes that do not result in any substantive change to policy. These changes may be considered technical edits and may not require approval of General Counsel or incorporation into DLAD by numbered PROCLTR.
(e) DLA clauses codified in the Code of Federal Regulations shall be numbered using the prefix of 54.