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Section 5301.601: General.

(a)(i) Heads of Contracting Activities (HCAs).

(B) AFSPC/CC, as head of the contracting activity for "Other Contracting", has delegated authorities to the Chief, or Assistant Chief, Contracting Division (A7K), this headquarters, with power of redelegation to lower levels to the extent authorized by regulation, authority to:

(1) Make awards and grant clearance approvals on contracts and contract actions for CONUS requirements without limitation as to dollar amount. (AFFARS 5301.601(a)(ii)).

(2) Approve individual deviations to the FAR and its supplements. (AFFARS 5301.403).

(3) Ratify unauthorized commitments made by personnel under Air Force Space Command jurisdiction who lacked requisite authority. (AFFARS 5301.602-3(b)(2)(A)).

(4) Appoint contracting officers, set the limits of their authority consistent with this delegation and the requirements of their position and terminate contracting officer appointments as necessary. (AFFARS 5301.603-1).

(5) Order necessary utility service and paying for it upon the presentation of an invoice without written contract. (FAR 41.202(c)(2)).

(6) Make the determination when the use of an area-wide utility contract is most advantageous to the government. (FAR 41.204(c)(1)(ii)).

(7) Approve the use of undefinitized contractual actions. (AFFARS 5317.7404-1)).

(8) Make determination to grant a public interest exception where the purposes of the Buy American Act are not served, or in order to meet a need set forth in 10 U.S.C. 2533 for acquisitions valued up to $1,000,000. (FAR 25.103, DFARS 225.103(a)(ii)(B)(2)).

(9) Exercise all remaining powers in the FAR and supplements thereto, and all other actions on matters related to contracting that are vested in the Head of the Contracting Activity for major command commanders which are authorized for delegation to a lower authority.

(a)(ii) Redelegation of Contracting Authority. The Chief, Contracting Division has redelegated contracting authorities as follows:

(A) To the Space and Missile Systems Center Commander (for “Other Contracting” actions except 61st CONS) with power of redelegation to no lower than SMC/PK, the Senior Center Contracting Official (SCCO), the authority to execute all items referenced in AFSPCFARS 5301.601(a)(i)(B) (2), (3), (4), (7) and (8) above. AFSPCFARS 5301.601(a)(i)(B)(1) may be redelegated below the SCCO.

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