This supplement is numbered as consistently as possible to correspond with the FAR, DFARS, and AFFARS sections affected. New material in this supplement is numbered to correspond with the related FAR, DFARS, and AFFARS subpart, having a section number starting with "95xx." For example, AFSPCFARS 5316.405-9502 entitled "Evaluation" is numbered as follows: Part 5316 - Types of Contracts; Subpart 5316.405 - Cost-reimbursement incentive contracts; Section 5316.9500 - Award-fee type contracts; Subsection 5316.405-9502 - This is new material added by AFSPCFARS. Numbering on new material for subdivisions below the section or subsection level will follow the FAR numbering system as referenced in FAR 1.105-2(b)(2).