(a) General Requirements-Refer to Summary Chart for Acquisition Strategy Approval Authorities for all program types per AFFARS 5307.104-90.
(3) Streamlined ASPs should include a clear description of the requirement(s), market research findings, risks involved, forecast CLIN structure, contract type by CLIN and any unique aspects of the acquisition (i.e., government furnished property/equipment, leased vehicles, environmental compliance, government furnished facilities, etc).
(b)(90) ASP Chairperson - Refer to Summary Chart for Acquisition Strategy Approval Authorities for all program types (AFFARS 5307.104-90).
(b)(1)(90) HQ AFMC Senior Leaders, as designated on a case-by-case basis, will participate in ACAT I and non-delegated ACAT II ASPs and Air Force Review Boards (AFRBs). HQ AFMC/A2/5 is the lead for preparing designated AFMC Senior Leaders for participation in SAE-level ASPs, AFRBs, etc. A4A will address sustainment issues.
(b)(5) For all programs ≥ $100M and < $500M in the AFPEO/CM portfolio acquired by AFMC activities, the ASP chairperson is the AFMC Services Advocate, in accordance with the Expectation Management Agreement Between AFPEO/CM and AFMC, dated 01 Aug 08. The Center Commander, Vice Commander, or Executive Director shall coordinate and the HQ AFMC Services Multifunctional Team shall review and comment on any ASP briefing presented to either the AFMC Services Advocate or AFPEO/CM. For AFCEE programs ≥ $100M, the ASP Chairperson is AFPEO/CM.
(b)(7) AFMC Other Contracting
(i) For acquisitions other than Services, the AFMC SCO delegates ASP Chairperson to the SCCO with power of further redelegations. The SCCO at each of the locations has made further delegations for the ASP chairperson which are the same as the Final Acquisition Approval Authority delegations set forth in the Appendices. The SDOs for non-PEO/DAO services programs have been standardized across the command and are included in the Appendices.