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Section 5301.9001: Policy, thresholds and approvals

(b) Contract actions meeting the contract value thresholds set forth in the Appendices shall not be awarded without obtaining the clearance review in accordance with 5301.9002 prior to each required business and contract clearance. The CR is set forth in the Appendices and may delegate clearance review down one level on a case-by-case basis. For AFCEE, the CR for contract actions ≥$5M is AFCEE/ACB.

(f)(1) The Appendices define “One level below SCCO” and “Two levels below SCCO” for Clearance Approval Authority purposes. For AFCEE, the SCCO is the CAA for contract actions ≥ $5M.

(i). Minimum Criteria for Designation as a ”One or Two level below SCCO” equivalent position:

A. Structure: The organization is missing a Directorate, Division or Branch level

    B. Quality: The proposed equivalent must have sufficient contracting expertise and independence to satisfy the clearance objectives in AFFARS 5301.9001(a):

(ii) The center’s Chief of Clearance and Program Support or SCCO shall submit the following information to HQ AFMC/PKQ to request a designation as “One or Two levels below SCCO” equivalent:

      A. Organization’s name and office symbol;
      B. Identify which level(s) is missing [Directorate and/or Division]
      C. Proposed equivalent position [grade level, title and office symbol]
      D. Organization chart showing

        (1) Reporting chain;
        (2) Location and numbers of assigned contracting personnel; and
        (3) Proposed equivalent position

      E. Center Chief of Clearance and Program Support’s or SCCO’s statement that approval of the requested designation will not violate the clearance objectives in AFFARS 5301.9001(a).

(iii) If an organization listed in paragraph 202 of the Appendices undergoes a name and/or organization change, the Center’s Chief of Clearance and Program Support or SCCO shall notify HQ AFMC/PKQ of the change. The notification shall state whether the organization still meets the minimum criteria in 5301.9001(g)(1)(i) above, or does not meet the minimum criteria. Organizations that no longer meet the minimum criteria shall be removed from the list of equivalents.

(iv) HQ AFMC/PKQ shall evaluate each request or notice of change for compliance with the minimum criteria and submit for HQ AFMC/PKQ approval. Upon HQ AFMC/PKQ approval, PKQ shall process an administrative case to update the table in 5301.9001(f)(1) above.

(v) For AEDC and AFFTC, contract actions meeting the contract value thresholds set below shall not be awarded without obtaining the required business and contract clearance approval(s).

Contract Value

Clearance Approval Authority

$500K < $5M

One level above the CO

(2) For Operational Contracting actions over the highest assigned threshold, the SCCO is the Clearance Approval Authority (CAA).  For AFRL, the Contracting Branch Chief is the CAA for all Operational Contracting actions from $1M to $10M.

(i) For Operational Contracting, the clearance threshold for the SCCO is $10M. 
 (4) If the “One or Two level below SCCO” or equivalent, is the Source Selection Authority (SSA) for an action, the clearance approval authority for that action shall be at least one level higher in the clearance approval levels.

(90) Directorate/Division PK Deputies are authorized to exercise clearance approval authority, as long as the SSA is not at the same PK level.  In addition, individuals designated in writing by the Directorate/Division PKs to act in the absence of the Directorate/Division PK (“designees”) may exercise clearance approval in the absence of the CAA.   In situations where the Directorate/Division PK is absent and no Deputy or Designee has been assigned, clearance approval must be executed at the next higher clearance approval level.

(91) For classified actions if staff reviewers do not possess appropriate security clearances, the Directorate or Division PK (with the appropriate clearance) will perform the clearance review.

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