(a) Before entering into any multi-year contract, the contracting officer shall review current statute and other Congressional language for potential restrictions. The Congressional language is that language in the respective Appropriations Act that applies to their specific multi-year contract. Congress addresses, by separate line item, any multiyear contract and any special considerations they have identified. The Contracting Officer, Program Manager, and Buyer should be aware of any special considerations Congress applies via the Appropriations Act.
(b) Requirements.
(1) For non-space related programs and acquisitions, the ASAF(A) has the authority to enter into multi-year contracts which exceed any of the thresholds established in DFARS 217.170(d)(1), subject to the requirements of statute and higher regulation as outlined in FAR 17.1, as supplemented.
(2) For space related programs and acquisitions, the USECAF has the authority to enter into multi-year contracts which exceed any of the thresholds established in DFARS 217.170(d)(1), subject to the requirements of statute and higher regulation as outlined in FAR 17.1, as supplemented.
(3) The HCA has the authority to enter into multi-year contracts which are below the thresholds established in DFARS 217.170(d)(1), subject to the requirements of statute [see 10 U.S.C. 2306b(i)] and higher regulation as outlined in FAR 17.1, as supplemented.