(a)(3)(i) The Deputy Assistant Secretary (Contracting) (DAS)(C)) or Associate Deputy Assistant Secretary (ADAS)(C)) is the authority to make the consolidation determination for actions $100 million or greater.
(ii) The DAS(C) has delegated the authority to make the consolidation determination for actions exceeding $5.5 million, and less than $100 million, to the HCA delegees in accordance with 5301.601(a)(i).
(iii) The determination shall include the acquisition strategy information required in DFARS 207.170-3.
(iv) The determination may be included in an AS/LCMP/CSS/AP when coordination of the approving official in accordance with (a)(3)(i) and (a)(3)(ii) above is accomplished as part of the approval process. When preparing these documents clearly identify the consolidation determination. Coordination on such documents by the DAS(C) or ADAS(C) is approval of the required documentation. For all other consolidation determinations requiring DAS(C) or ADAS(C) approval, prepare a separate Determinations and Findings.