(Revised February 2010)
(d) Acquisition plans with an estimated value of $50M or more will include a briefing highlighting the relevant facts surrounding the acquisition. The briefing, formatted substantially the same as the template, will include as a minimum: customer, estimated price, delivery schedule, acquisition strategy recommended. The brief will be presented to the PEO/Dir or Deputy PEO/Dir, the DOP/Deputy DOP and the HCD/FCO Chief before the acquisition process begins. The Acquisition Strategy Briefing template can be found in the DCG.
(1) The Acquisition Strategy Briefing is not a substitute for a formal written Acquisition Plan as required by DFARS 207.
(2) An Acquisition Strategy Brief will also be required for task/delivery orders that must be negotiated with the estimated value of $50M or more, unless covered by the original Acquisition Strategy Brief..