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Section 5417.9306: Executing S&S

    a. CO shall invoke and execute a surge order when:

    (1) Supporting project-coded requisitions for:

    (A) Wartime or Contingency operations;

    (B) Reconstitution of contingency resources

    following wartime operations or a major exercise;

    (C) NMCS, MICAP, unusual and compelling


    (2) Senior leadership determines executing and invoking surge are appropriate to prepare the Agency for anticipated increases in demand due to a national emergency via a memorandum or other written authorization;

    (3) Recognizing a Peacetime Support Issue where inventories and peacetime delivery rates alone cannot or will not support total demand. A Peacetime Support Issue may exist prior to the establishment of JCS Project Code. Under such circumstance, HQ DLA J-7 in coordination with

    J-3 provides the Supply Chain with the authorization to execute and invoke surge to support a peacetime issue; or

    (4) Testing, validating, or maintaining the operability of the S&S capability. Under these circumstances, HQ DLA J-74 authorization and approval is required prior to invoking and executing surge.

    b. CO shall invoke and execute surge when it is in the Government’s best interest and shall consider the following:

    (1) Any premium costs associated with exercising S&S compared with other options such as expedited delivery, spot buys, diversion, redistribution orders, reclamation;

    (2) Whether the supplier is contractually obligated to provide S&S coverage and consider surge ramp-up and/or recovery time after S&S activations;

    (3) Availability of funds and priorities.

    c. CO shall exercise great prudence when exercising surge with Warstopper investment and only execute surge when one or more of the conditions below apply. CO shall consult the IS before executing surge when there is Warstopper- funded property, equipment, or materials involved. Free issue of consumables involving Warstopper investments require HQ DLA J-74 approval.

    (1) Deploying or deployed troops shall be in an actual or anticipated contingency (including a declared contingency with or without a project code);

    (2) A build up of troops is in process in preparation for a contingency;

    (3) Call up of Reserves for deployment is in process; or,

    (4) Any other preparation events intended to place DOD resources in a contingency, or at a higher than normal operations tempo.

    d. CO shall report surge execution to the lead IS within 30 days for tracking purposes. Refer to PGI 17.9301 Section 8 for surge execution procedures.

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