(b)(2)(ii) Submit the required annual report on exceptions used in the previous fiscal year for the acquisition of COTS end items valued at $5M or more per item via DASN(A&LM) email address RDAJ&[email protected] not later than October 15. See PGI 225.7003-3.
(b)(5) Submit required domestic non-availability determinations (DNADs) for approval by the Under Secretary of Defense (Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics) or the Secretary of the Navy (SECNAV) through DASN(A&LM) using the format in Annex 3, DOMESTIC NONAVAILABILITY DETERMINATION, via email address RDAJ&[email protected]. Include in subject line: “DNAD Pursuant to DFARS 225.7003-3 for approval by (i.e. USD(AT&L) or SECNAV).”
(c)(2) and (d) Submit required determinations for approval by the Under Secretary of Defense (Acquisition, Technology and Logistics) or SECNAV through DASN(A&LM), using the format in Annex 3, DOMESTIC NON-AVAILABILITY DETERMINATION, via email address RDAJ&[email protected]. Include in subject line: “Determination Pursuant to DFARS 225.7003-3 for approval by (i.e. USD(AT&L) or SECNAV).”