(S-90) Field service representative (FSR) services requested by the contractor.
(1) If the contractor requests an FSR be used solely for advisory service or for liaison between the contractor and the military users of the contractor’s equipment or components, the cost of the FSR, to include travel and transportation of baggage and equipment, must not be directly reimbursable by the Government. If the contractor desires to send an FSR for advisory or liaison purposes, the contractor must notify the contracting officer by letter and include -
(i) The name of the FSR;
(ii) The dates, times and places of visits;
(iii) Contract identification; and
(iv) The equipment and components involved.
(A) After verifying the information in the notification letter, the contracting officer must approve the arrangement by countersigning the letter. The countersigned letter must be the FSR’s accreditation and will identify his position and functions in the field.
(2) The contractor must obtain security clearances and the FSR must comply with identification requirements of AR 600-8-14.
(3) An accredited FSR is entitled to the benefits and privileges which AR 600-8-14, paragraphs 6-31b and 6-32, authorizes for U.S. citizen civilian employees of firms under contract to the Department of Defense (DoD) or a Uniformed Service.
(4) The duration of the assignment of an FSR requested by the contractor must be governed by the controls imposed for contracted field services. See AR 700-4.