Acquisition plans which have not been approved cannot be released outside the PEO organization or supporting contracting activity without the authorization of the Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Army for Procurement (DASA(P).
5107.104 - General procedures.
(a) Each Head of the Contracting Activity (HCA) must establish an acquisition planning (AP) system which includes all significant or sensitive contracting requirements anticipated for the upcoming fiscal year.
(b) The AP system must include monetary thresholds, milestones, and other parameters for all proposed contract actions that will be included in the AP system, including those proposed requirements for which formal acquisition plans are not required under DFARS 207.103(d)(ii). [AFARS Revision #21, dated May 22, 2007]
(c) Acquisition lead-times should allow sufficient time for development of acquisition strategy, preparation of solicitations (including any necessary coordination with requiring and technical elements), receipt and evaluation of bids or proposals, audits, negotiation, boards or business clearance reviews, source selection and preparation of contractual documents in an orderly and timely manner.
(d) HCAs should establish due dates for submission of procurement requests requiring action by the end of the fiscal year to the contracting office. Exceptions to established due dates must be minimized and require authorization at a level not lower than the chief of the contracting office.
(S-90) In acquisitions where sole source approvals will be obtained, acquisition planning must provide appropriate opportunities for the following -
(1) Involving Defense Contract Management Agency and Defense Contract Audit Agency early in the acquisition process,
(2) Obtaining appropriate contractor input for use in the development of the acquisition strategy,
(3) Establishing a Government/Contractor team (including executors and reviewers), committed on a real-time basis to streamline the acquisition process and maintain open communications;
(4) Teaming of the Government and Contractor in development of the proposal and model contract, leading to agreement on contractor effort and costs associated with the task(s); and
(5) Teaming of the Government and Contractor during post-award contract performance to improve communications and develop efficient contract administration. [AFARS Revision #21, dated May 22, 2007]