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Section 1846.000: Scope of part.

The Government has a duty to assure that appropriated funds are spent wisely. That duty is fulfilled in part through surveillance. Surveillance may be conducted through "insight" or “oversight.” Insight requires the monitoring of Government-identified metrics and contracted milestones. Insight is a continuum that can range from low intensity, such as reviewing quarterly reports, to high intensity, such as performing surveys and reviews. Oversight occurs in line with the contractor's processes. The Government retains and exercises the right to concur or nonconcur with the contractor’s decisions. Nonconcurrence must be resolved before the contractor can proceed. Oversight is a continuum that can range from low intensity, such as Government concurrence in reviews (e.g., PDR, CDR), to high intensity oversight, in which the Government has day-to-day involvement in the contractor’s decision making process (e.g., hardware inspections). The decision to use insight or oversight is based on an assessment of the risk inherent in the activity being surveilled. Surveillance must be conducted whether or not the contract effort has been structured as a performance-based acquisition.

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