Section 1819.7203: Mentor approval process.
(a) An entity seeking to participate as a mentor must apply to the NASA Headquarters Office of Small Business Programs (OSBP), to establish its initial eligibility and approval as a mentor, prior to submission of a mentor-protégé agreement.
(b) The application must provide the following information:
(1) A statement that the entity is currently performing under at least one active approved subcontracting plan negotiated with NASA pursuant to FAR 19.702, The Small Business Subcontracting Program, and that the entity is currently eligible for the award of Government contracts.
(2) A summary of the entity's historical and recent activities and accomplishments under its small and disadvantaged business utilization program.
(3) The total dollar amount of NASA contracts and subcontracts that the entity received during the two preceding fiscal years. (Show prime contracts and subcontracts separately per year.)
(4) The total dollar amount of all other Federal agency contracts and subcontracts that the entity received during the two preceding fiscal years. (Show prime contracts and subcontracts separately per year.)
(5) The total dollar amount of subcontracts that the entity awarded under NASA contracts during the two preceding fiscal years.
(6) The total dollar amount of subcontracts that the entity awarded under all other Federal agency contracts during the two preceding fiscal years.
(7) The total dollar amount and percentage of subcontracts that the entity awarded to all SDB, women-owned small businesses, HUBZone small businesses, veteran-owned and service-disabled veteran-owned small businesses, Historically Black Colleges, and Universities, minority institutions of higher education and nonprofit agencies employing people who are blind and severely disabled under NASA contracts and other Federal agency contracts during the two preceding fiscal years. If the entity is presently required to submit a Summary Subcontracting Report via the Government Electronic Subcontracting Reporting System (eSRS), the application must include copies of the final reports for the two preceding fiscal years.
(8) Information on the entity's ability to provide developmental assistance to its eligible protégés.
(9) Any additional information as requested by NASA OSBP.
(c) In accordance with the Small Business Act, developmental assistance as described in 1819.7205(c) and provided by a mentor to its protégé pursuant to a mentor-protégé agreement may not be a basis for determining affiliation or control (either direct or indirect) between the parties.
(d) Entities that apply for participation and are not approved will be provided the reasons and an opportunity to submit additional information for reconsideration.
(e) Entities approved for participation as a mentor in the NASA program must resubmit a mentor application every six (6) years for review and approval by NASA OSBP.
(f) A template of the mentor application is available at: http://www.osbp.nasa.gov.
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