(i) NASA is committed to providing to small, veteran-owned small business, service-disabled veteran-owned small business, HUBZone, small disadvantaged, and women-owned small business concerns, maximum practicable opportunities to participate in Agency acquisitions at the prime contract level. The participation of NASA prime contractors in providing subcontracting opportunities to such entities is also an essential part of the Agency's commitment. The participation of these entities is particularly emphasized in high-technology areas where they have not traditionally dominated.
(ii) NASA annually negotiates Agency small, service-disabled veteran-owned small business, HUBZone, small disadvantaged, and women-owned small business prime and subcontracting goals with the Small Business Administration pursuant to section 15(g) of the Small Business Act (15 U.S.C. 644). In addition, NASA has the following statutory goals based on the total value of prime and subcontract awards:
(A) Under Public Laws 101-144, 101-507, and 102-389, an annual goal of at least 8 percent for prime and subcontract awards to small disadvantaged business (SDB) concerns, Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs), minority institutions (MIs), and women-owned small businesses (WOSBs) (see 1819.7000); and
(B) Under 10 U.S.C. 2323, an annual goal of 5 percent for prime and subcontract awards to SDBs, HBCUs, and WOSBs.
(d) The Assistant Administrator for Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization is the Agency official responsible for carrying out the duties in
FAR 19.201(d).
(i) The center director shall designate a qualified individual in the contracting office as a small business specialist to provide a central point of contact to which small business concerns may direct inquiries concerning small business matters and participation in NASA acquisitions. The small business specialist shall also perform other functions specifically set forth in this section 1819.201 or that the procurement officer may prescribe, with the concurrence of the Assistant Administrator for Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization, for implementing the Small Business Program. When the center director considers that the volume of acquisitions or the functions relating to acquisitions at the center do not warrant a full-time small business specialist, these duties may be assigned to procurement personnel on a part-time basis. However, whether full-time or part-time, that assigned individual, when performing the duties of a small business specialist, shall report directly to the Procurement Officer.
(ii) Small business specialists appointed under paragraph (d)(i) of this section shall perform the following duties, as the procurement officer determines appropriate to the installation:
(A) Maintain a program designed to locate capable small business sources, including those located in labor surplus areas, for current and future acquisitions.
(B) Coordinate inquiries and requests for advice from small business concerns on acquisition matters.
(C) Before issuance of solicitations or contract modifications for additional supplies or services, determine that small business concerns will receive adequate consideration, including making recommendations for initiation of set-asides (see
FAR 19.5 and
19.8) and for taking action in accordance with
FAR 19.506(b) and 1819.502-70. Participate and provide input early in the acquisition planning phase of proposed acquisitions, including procurement strategy meetings.
(D) If small business concerns cannot be given an opportunity to compete because adequate specifications or drawings are not available, work with appropriate technical and contracting personnel to ensure that necessary specifications or drawings for current or future acquisitions will be available.
(E) Review acquisitions for possible breakout of items suitable for acquisition from small business concerns.
(F) Advise small business concerns regarding financial assistance available under laws and regulations, assist such concerns in applying for such assistance, and ensure that small business concerns' requests for financial assistance are not treated as a handicap in securing the award of contracts.
(G) Participate in responsibility determinations (see
FAR 9.103) when small business concerns are involved.
(H) Participate in the evaluation of prime contractors' small business subcontracting programs (see
FAR 19.705-4).
(I) Review and make appropriate recommendations to the contracting officer on any proposal to furnish Government-owned facilities to a contractor if such action may hurt the Small Business Program.
(J) Ensure that participation of small business concerns is accurately reported.
(K) Make available to SBA copies of solicitations when requested.
(L) Act as liaison between contracting officers and SBA area offices and representatives in connection with set-asides, certificates of competency, and any other matters in which the Small Business Program may be involved.
(M) In cooperation with contracting officers and technical personnel, seek and develop information on the technical competence of small business concerns for research and development contracts. Regularly bring to the attention of contracting officers and technical personnel descriptive data, brochures, and other information regarding small business concerns that are apparently competent to perform research and development work in fields in which NASA is interested.
(N) When a small business concern's offer has been rejected for nonresponsiveness or nonresponsibility, assist that concern, upon its request, in understanding such requirements for future awards.
(O) Advise center personnel, as necessary, on new Governmentwide and Agency-approved small business programs and initiatives.
(f) (1) The NASA Ombudsman, the Director of the Contract Management Division, is the designated official for determining whether the use of the SDB mechanism in
FAR Subpart 19.11 has resulted in an undue burden on non-SDB firms in the Department of Commerce designated NAICS Major Groups, or is otherwise inappropriate.