(b) Implementation of the Metric Conversion Act of 1975, as amended, must be in accordance with
NPD 8010.2, Use of the Metric System of Measurements in NASA Programs.
(h) For Space Flight and Ground Support Programs and Projects, the Program or Project Technical Authority(ies) (See NPR 7120.5) must certify that the Technical Standards and Specifications cited in any solicitation or award are: 1) the most recent version, 2) tailored to the needs of the project and its elements, and 3) registered with the NASA Standards Update Notification System (SUNS) at
http://standards.nasa.gov/default.taf. Exceptions must be approved by the Technical Authorities, and attached hereto.
(i) For procurements which include space communications and navigation (SCaN) capabilities, the Program or Project Technical Authorities (See NPD 8074) must certify that the requirement has been coordinated with the SCaN Office in the Space Operations Mission Directorate (SOMD).