(a) The PSM is an acquisition plan conducted through a meeting attended by all interested NASA offices. The online Guide for Successful Headquarters Procurement Strategy Meetings (PSMs) can be found at the following URL:
http://ec.msfc.nasa.gov/hq/library/PSMs.html. At the meeting, the acquisition plan topics and structure specified in 1807.105 are presented in briefing format, and formal written minutes prepared to summarize the decisions, actions, and conclusions of the ASM members. The approved minutes, along with the briefing charts, shall be included in the contract file to document completion of the acquisition plan required by 1807.103.
(b) The PSM is not a requirements definition meeting. It is a meeting to seek approval for the proposed acquisition approach for requirements that were previously defined and agreed to by the cognizant offices.
(c) Headquarters PSMs will be chaired by the Assistant Administrator for Procurement or designee. The Headquarters Office of Procurement (Program Operations Division) will prepare the minutes of Headquarters ASMs and distribute them to all attendees for review prior to approval by the PSM chairperson.
(d) For field installation PSMs, the minutes shall be approved in accordance with installation procedures.