(a) When using the authority of FAR 6.302-2, the justification required in FAR 6.303 shall describe and provide rationale as to the extent and nature of the harm to the Government by: quantifying the serious injury; estimating the cost and describing the basis for the estimate of the financial injury. If personal injury or loss of life or any other injury is probable, describe the circumstances behind this potential injury/loss and why no other action could avert these conditions. Include a chronological explanation of events that caused the urgent situation. The justification must also explain the extent to which competition is limited and describe the extent to which maximum practicable competition was obtained given the circumstances.
(b) If the authority at
FAR 6.302-2 is used for extending the performance period of an existing services contract, the justification shall contain the information required by FAR 6.303-2 and;
(1) Documentation that the acquisition process for the successor contract was started early enough to allow for adequately planning and conducting a full and open competition, together with a description of the circumstances that prevented award in a timely manner; and
(2) Documentation of the reasons why no other source could practicably compete for the interim requirement.