(i) When offers are received that, in the opinion of the contracting officer, indicate possible antitrust violations, the contracting officer shall report the circumstances to the General Counsel, NASA Headquarters, through the Office of Procurement (Code HS). Reports should not be submitted automatically but only when there is reason to believe the offers may not have been arrived at independently. These reports shall be submitted with conformed copies of bids or proposals, contract documents, and other supporting data, and shall set forth -
(A) The noncompetitive pattern or situation under consideration;
(B) Purchase experience in the same product or service for a reasonable period (one or more years) preceding receipt of the offers under consideration, including unit and total contract prices and abstracts of bids;
(C) Community of financial interest among offerors, insofar as it is known;
(D) The extent, if any, to which specification requirements or patents restrict competition;
(E) Any information available about the pricing system employed in offers believed to reflect noncompetitive practices; and
(F) Any other pertinent information.
(ii) Evidence of practices that, in the opinion of the General Counsel, NASA Headquarters, may violate the antitrust laws shall be forwarded to the Attorney General of the United States (see
FAR 3.303).
(d) The contracting officer shall submit the identical bid report required by FAR 3.303(d) to NASA Headquarters, Office of Procurement (Code HS). The report shall include the reasons for suspecting collusion. Code HS shall forward a copy to the NASA Office of the Inspector General.