(a) Agencies and departments who subscribe to the National Institutes of Health's Contractor Performance System will have direct access to all Reports, including those of EPA, in the National Institutes of Health's database. Information on EPA contractors' performance ratings may also be obtained by contacting the EPA contracting officer responsible for the evaluation.
(b) Contractors' performance ratings may be released to other Federal, State, and local Governments upon written request. The release to other Federal, State, and local Governments must stipulate that the information provided shall not be released outside of the requesting Government agency. In cases where the Federal agency is part of the National Institutes of Health Contract Performance System, a written request is not applicable.
(c) Freedom of Information Act requests shall be processed by the EPA Freedom of Information Act office where the contract is located. Requests for past performance evaluations during the period the information may be used to provide source selection information shall be rejected if the requests are made by other than the Government personnel and the contractor whose performance is being evaluated.
[64 FR 20204, Apr. 26, 1999]