(a) Contracting officers are responsible for the timely completion of contractors' performance evaluations. The National Institutes of Health Contractor Performance System shall be used to record individual contractor performance histories on EPA contracts and to obtain contractor past performance information for use in EPA's source selection process.
(b) For service type acquisitions, contracting officers shall use the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Contractor Performance System to record evaluations for all contract performance periods expiring after May 26, 1999. For construction type acquisitions, contracting officers shall use the NIH system to record evaluations for all contract performance periods expiring after December 2, 2002.
(c) Contractor evaluation information shall be recorded in Contractor Performance Reports (Report) which are generated by the National Institutes of Health system. Reports shall cover individual contractor evaluations at the contract level, which includes all work assignments, task orders, or delivery orders associated with the 12 month period being evaluated (interim Report) or the last 12 months (or less) of contract performance (final Report).
(d) The contracting officer must complete interim Reports covering each 12 month period after the effective date of contract for all contracts in excess of $100,000, except those acquisitions identified in 1509.170-3, Applicability. In addition to interim Reports, the contracting officer must complete a final Report which covers the last 12 months (or less) of contract performance.
(e) The contracting officer shall initiate the process for completing interim Reports within five (5) business days after the end of each 12 months of contract performance. The contracting officer shall initiate the process for completing a final Report within five (5) business days after the end of the last 12 months (or less) of contract performance. Final Reports must be completed prior to contract closeout.
(f) The contracting officer must complete interim and final Reports, including the project officer's evaluation of contractor performance, receipt of any contractor input, and resolution of summary ratings (if any) within 90 business days from the date the contracting officer initiates the evaluation.
(g) Reports shall be used to inform other agencies and departments (upon request) about a contractor's performance on an EPA contract, and to assist the contracting officer and the Technical Evaluation Panel with evaluating past performance for future EPA acquisitions.
(h) When evaluating proposals, contracting officers shall use the National Institutes of Health system to access Reports from other agencies or departments that are available in the National Institutes of Health database. Contracting Officers may need to access past performance information from other than the National Institutes of Health system if the National Institutes of Health system does not include applicable information.
(i) In accordance with FAR 42.1503(b), the ultimate conclusion on the performance evaluation is the decision of the Agency. The contracting officer must ensure the accuracy of ratings for each performance category by verifying that information in the contract file corresponds with the project officer's designated ratings. A contractor's performance evaluation should closely parallel award fee determinations made under the contract.
(j) In cases of novations involving successors-in-interest, a final evaluation of the predecessor contractor must be completed within five (5) business days after the end of the predecessor contractor's performance, and an interim evaluation of the successor contractor must be completed within five (5) business days after the end of each 12 months of contract performance after the successor began performing. In cases of change-of-name agreements, the system shall be changed to reflect the new contractor's name.
(k) Contracting officers must inform the Office of Debarment and Suspension of any repetitive unsatisfactory or poor (a score of 0 or 1) ratings encountered by the contractor.
[64 FR 20203, Apr. 26, 1999, as amended at 64 FR 41043, July 29, 1999; 67 FR 66344, Oct. 31, 2002]