(a) The DOT does not have a centralized location to receive unsolicited proposals. The type of effort submitted in the proposal determines which DOT OA should receive and evaluate the proposal.
(b) Unsolicited proposals should be submitted to the responsible OA contracting office for appropriate handling. Specific information concerning the mission of each DOT OA is available on the worldwide web at http://www.dot.gov. Prospective contractors are urged to contact these contracting/procurement offices prior to submitting a proposal to ensure that the unsolicited proposal reaches the correct contracting office for action. This action will reduce unnecessary paperwork and wasted time for both the Government and the prospective contractors.
1215.606 Agency procedures.
(a) The Chief of the Contracting Office is responsible for establishing procedures for controlling unsolicited proposals received in the contracting office. Within ten working days after receipt of an unsolicited proposal, the contracting office shall review the proposal and determine whether the proposal meets the content and marking requirements of (FAR) 48 CFR 15.6. If the proposal does not meet these requirements, it shall be returned to the submitter giving the reasons for noncompliance.
(b) The OA contracting office is the designated point of contact for receipt and handling of unsolicited proposals. Persons within DOT who receive unsolicited proposals, such as technical personnel, shall forward the document to their responsible contracting office.