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Section 1001.106: OMB Approval under the Paperwork Reduction Act.

OMB has assigned the following control numbers that must appear on the upper right-hand corner of the face page of each solicitation, contract, modification and order: OMB Control No. 1505-0081 (Offeror submissions), OMB Control No. 1505-0080 (Contractor submissions), and OMB Control No. 1505-0107 (Protests). OMB regulations and OMB's approval and assignment of control numbers are conditioned upon Treasury bureaus not requiring more than three copies (including the original) of any document of information. OMB has granted a waiver to permit the Department to require up to eight copies of proposal packages, including proprietary data, for solicitations, provided that contractors who submit only an original and two copies will not be placed at a disadvantage.

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