(a) The Department of State subscribes to the Contractor Performance System (CPS) maintained by the National Institutes of Health. CPS is an Internet-based tool allowing contracting officers to input past performance information and view past performance information input by other contracting officers in other locations and agencies.
(b) All DOS contracting officers with access to the Internet shall use CPS to evaluate contractor's past performance for all contracts exceeding $100,000, including options. Contracting officers shall also use the CPS to evaluate the past performance of offerors on all competitive negotiated acquisitions exceeding $100,000, including options, unless the contracting officer documents in the contract file why past performance is not an appropriate evaluation factor. The CPS may also be used for evaluating acquisitions not exceeding $100,000 to conform to the general principle of considering past performance in all acquisitions.
(c) Form DS-1771, Contractor Past Performance Evaluation , shall be used only:
(1) When the CPS is temporarily unavailable. When the CPS becomes available, data from any DS-1771 created in the interim shall be promptly entered into the CPS; or
(2) At overseas locations where access to the Internet is not practicable.
(d) Heads of contracting activities shall send a list of the names, work addresses, and phone numbers of all acquisition personnel whom they wish to have access to the CPS to A/LM/AQM.