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Section 570.601: FAR provisions and clauses.

Include provisions or clauses substantially the same as the FAR provisions and clauses listed below.


Then include…

(a) the estimated value of the acquisition exceeds $2,500

52.204-3 Taxpayer Identification

52.219-1 Small Business Program Representations

52.222-36 Affirmative Action for Workers with Disabilities

52.232-23 Assignment of Claims

52.233-1 Disputes

(b) the estimated value of the acquisition exceeds $10,000

52.222-21 Prohibition of Segregated Facilities

52.222-22 Previous Contracts and Compliance Reports

52.222-25 Affirmative Action Compliance

52.222-26 Equal Opportunity

52.222-35 Affirmative Action for Disabled Veterans and Veterans of the Vietnam Era

52.222-37 Employment Reports on Disabled Veterans and Veterans of the Vietnam Era

(c) the estimated value of the acquisition exceeds $25,000

52.209-6 Protecting the Government’s Interest when Subcontracting with Contractors Debarred, Suspended, or Proposed for Debarment

(d) the estimated value of the acquisition exceeds $100,000

52.203-11 Certification and Disclosure Regarding Payments to Influence Certain Federal Transactions

(e) the estimated value of the acquisition exceeds the simplified lease acquisition threshold.

52.203-2 Certificate of Independent Price Determination

52.203-7 Anti-Kickback Procedures

52.209-5 Certification Regarding Debarment, Suspension, Proposed Debarment, and Other Responsibility Matters

52.215-2 Audit and Records-Negotiation

52.219-8 Utilization of Small Business Concerns

52.223-6 Drug-Free Workplace

52.233-2 Service of Protest

(f) the estimated value of the acquisition exceeds $500,000

52.219-9 Small Business Subcontracting Plan

52.219-16 Liquidated Damages-Subcontracting Plan

(g) the estimated value of the acquisition exceeds $500,000 and the acquisition includes an evaluation factor that considers the extent of participation of small disadvantaged business concerns in accordance with FAR 19.12.

52.219-24 Small Disadvantaged Business Participation Program-Targets

52.219-25 Small Disadvantaged Business Participation Program-Disadvantaged Status and Reporting

(h) the estimated value of the acquisition exceeds $10 million

52.222-24 Preaward On-site Equal Opportunity Compliance Review

(i) you require cost or pricing data for work or services exceeding $500,000

52.215-10 Price Reduction for Defective Cost or Pricing Data

52.215-12 Subcontractor Cost or Pricing Data

(j) you authorize submission of facsimile proposals

52.215-5 Facsimile Proposals

(k) a negotiated acquisition provides monetary incentives based on actual achievement of small disadvantaged business subcontracting targets under FAR 19.1203 and 519.1203.

52.219-26 Small Disadvantaged Business Participation Program-Incentive Subcontracting

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