(a) Semi-annual reports shall be submitted by the mentor to the GSA Mentor-Protégé Program manager to include information as outlined in section 552.219-76(c).
(b) Protégés must agree to provide input into the mentor firm’s semi-annual reports detailing the assistance provided and goals achieved since agreement inception. However, for cost reimbursable contracts, costs associated with the preparation of these reports are unallowable costs under these Government contracts and will not be reimbursed by the Government.
(c) The GSA contracting officer, or if applicable the technical program manager, shall include an assessment of the prime contractor’s (mentor’s) performance in the Mentor-Protégé Program in a quarterly “Strengths and Weaknesses” evaluation report. A copy of this assessment will be provided to the Mentor-Protégé Program Manager and to the mentor and protégé.