[see DoD deviation below]
(a) Past performance evaluations shall be prepared as specified in paragraphs (b) through (g) of this section at the time the work under the contract or order is completed. In addition, interim evaluations shall be prepared as specified by the agencies to provide current information for source selection purposes, for contracts or orders with a period of performance, including options, exceeding one year. These evaluations are generally for the entity, division, or unit that performed the contract or order. The content of the evaluations should be tailored to the size, content, and complexity of the contractual requirements.
(b) Except as provided in paragraphs (e), (f) and (h) of this section, agencies shall prepare an evaluation of contractor performance for each contract that exceeds the simplified acquisition threshold.
(c) Agencies shall prepare an evaluation of contractor performance for each order that exceeds the simplified acquisition threshold placed against a Federal Supply Schedule contract, or under a task order contract or a delivery order contract awarded by another agency (i.e., Governmentwide acquisition contract or multi-agency contract). This evaluation shall not consider the requirements under paragraph (g) of this section.
(d) For single-agency task order and delivery order contracts, the contracting officer may required performance evaluations for each order in excess of the simplified acquisition threshold when such evaluations would produce more useful past performance information for source selection officials than that contained in the overall contract evaluation (e.g., when the scope of the basic contract is very broad and the nature of individual orders could be significantly different). This evaluation need not consider the requirements under paragraph (g) of this section unless the contracting officer deems it appropriate.
(e) Past performance evaluations shall be prepared for each construction contract of $550,000 or more, and for each construction contract terminated for default regardless of contract value. Past performance evaluations may also be prepared for construction contracts below $550,000.
(f) Past performance evaluations shall be prepared for each architect-engineer services contract of $30,000 or more, and for each architect-engineer services contract that is terminated for default regardless of contract value. Past performance evaluations may also be prepared for architect-engineer services contracts below $30,000.
(g) Past performance evaluations shall include an assessment of contractor performance against, and efforts to achieve, the goals identified in the small business subcontracting plan when the contract includes the clause at 52.219-9, Small Business Subcontracting Plan.
(h) Agencies shall not evaluate performance for contracts awarded under Subpart 8.7.
[Deviation per DAR Tracking Number: 99-o0002, until further notice]
42.1502 Policy.
(a) [(1)] Except as provided in paragraph (b) of this section, agencies shall prepare an evaluation of contractor performance for each contract' in excess of [-
(A) $5,000,000 for systems and operations support contracts;
(B) $1,000,000 For services, and information technology contracts; and
(C) $ 100,000 for fuels and health care contracts.
(2) There is no dollar threshold for evaluating contractor performance under science and technology contracts.
(3)] In addition, interim evaluations should be prepared as specified by the agencies to provide current information for source selection purposes, for contracts with a period of performance, including options, exceeding one year. This evaluation is generally for the entity, division, or unit that performed the contract. The content and format of performance evaluations shall be established in accordance with agency procedures and should be tailored to the size, content, and complexity of the contractual requirements.
(b) Agencies shall not evaluate performance for contracts awarded under Subparts 8.6 and 8.7. Agencies shall evaluate construction contractor performance and architect/engineer contractor performance in accordance with 36.201 and 36.604, respectively.
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