In the Marañon Valley of northern Peru, two extremely similar populations of Psittacara parakeets occur together: chlorogenys (an atypical subspecies of Mitred) and minor (Cordilleran, which is often classified as a form of Scarlet-fronted). Create a account to save favorites, leave a review for your breeder or list your aviary. Note the scattered red feathers around the face. Estimates are of several hundred to more than 1000 birds, and these birds are believed to be A. m. tucumana (“Tucuman” Mitred Parakeet: California Parrott Project, 2009). Join Our Community. Roost may include: Red-crowned Parrot, Mitred Parakeet, Yellow-headed Parrot, Blue-fronted Parrots. A flock of red-crowned parrots and mitred parakeets is seen frequently in his neighborhood. What type of bird cage should I get for my parakeet? Most common here are mitred, red-masked and blue-crowned parakeets, in addition to red-crowned and lilac-crowned Amazons. So for one parakeet, you can have a cage of 20 inches long, 18 inches deep and 18 inches wide. Cordilleran Parakeet. The more capacious the cage is, the happier is your Budgerygah. For a pair of parakeet, you can have a cage of 30 inches length, depth, and height. A list of Mitred Conure for sale. This bird is at its best when it has four hours of free flight time out of the cage in a safe space daily. 2. Cf. Typically a parakeet is of 6 to 7 inches long. Mitred parakeet, red-headed conure: Color: Green body with itsy-bitsy red spots on the head, face, and neck. Photo by Kimball L. Garrett California; we provide data for nine species (no recent data were available for the Canary-winged Parakeet, Brotogeris oersicolurus sensu stricto, ... Mitred Parakeet, Aratinga mirrata, feeding on fruits of Myoporum laetum in lower Zuma Canyon, Malibu, Los Angeles County, 24 September 1994. A Mitred Parakeet in Florida. Your mitred conure should be allowed sufficient time out of his cage every day for supervised playtime. ... Tomatomania, Southern California’s harbinger of … California, populations increased from the 1980s to the 1990s. Pranty and Garret (2003) identify the Mitred Parakeets in Florida and California Note the green body, dark wingtips, light beak, dusky blue-grey nape, and bright red forehead. Trader Joe’s Market on Mission west of Orange Grove: In daytime, Mitred Parakeets often show up in the camphor trees on surround streets. Mitred conures are very active and inquisitive, and they need adequate space to fly, explore, and play. ... California, and Florida. 3. (Other species also have red-and-green faces, so look closely.)