If your pump is made of plastic, it must be the bearings, failing so hard that it is causing the motor to overheat. Hi Sam, I suppose a dead battery (capacitor), but there would be some noise or hum, as the motor tried to start, then would trip the breaker. There is an o-ring on the union, and also on the valve stem, and they can start leaking over time. Page top illustration courtesy of Carson Dunlop Associates. Any ideas on troubleshooting this issue? Next year, June 21, 2021, is the date that VS (Variable Speed) pumps will be required, over 1-hp in size. 2 - CONSTITUTION OF THE DIAGRAMS: Schematic diagram: supplies ( + and -) components (with references, function symbols and internal electro-mechanical details, except for electronics) connector sockets on components earth points wire lines (with reference) Wiring diagram: supplies (+ and -) Hi Gail, overheating can be caused by the wrong wire size from breaker to motor, or loose wire connections, or over-voltage coming into motor, or lack of ventilation around the motor (mulch piled up, or big bushes close by, or placed in a box cover), but it’s can also be a fatal fault inside the motor. It doesn't have a ground wire ? We recently noticed the plug and cord are getting hot and the rubber is beginning to melt. Hi Toula, consider that the impeller may be clogged, or you may have an air leak, in front of the impeller. Cheers! Watch out: If the pump motor won't shut off you should turn off electrical power to the pump to avoid damaging it, then diagnose the problem. Leaks can also come from loose drain plugs or loose on bolts on the seal plate, connecting the motor to the pump. Or to a light switch and then to a breaker, that would be more of a standard installation. The loud noise could be the bearings, or it could be the impeller having come off the shaft and contacting the volute – if you have an older bronze or brass pump, with an impeller that uses a stub shaft. A Start Capacitor holds an extra charge to start a motor moving. If the well recovery rate is too poor and the pump is operating at low water pressure, possibly because a tailpiece is installed to prevent air injection and pump burn up, the pump may be overheating. I have a dual flow 2 speed pump. If it is a union valve, cream also on the union nut. 78 15 Coil On Plug (COP) (gas), Ignition transformer capacitor 1 (gas), Ignition transformer capacitor 2 (4.6L and 5.4L), Fuel pump diode (Diesel) 79 10 Overdrive cancel switch, 4R75E transmission 80 10 Instrument Panel Cluster (IPC) run/start power (stripped chassis) 81 15 Fuel Injector Control Module (FICM) 82 – Not used 84 – Not used The motor has all of the same specifications of the Hayward motor that is being replaced, what could possibly cause the motor not ot work? Will definitely keep you posted. Do keep me posted. Look for water spray back or dripping when pump shuts off. Almost like it was revving. This table is a general guideline for well pump wiring sizing. If the drain pump is clear of obstructions, but is still noisy during the drain cycle, replace the drain pump. I would look on the capacitor and order a new one online, with the same MFD number, or call some local electric motor repair shop and see if they have one available. View and Download Toyostove Laser 56 E service manual online. Now it runs nice and quiet but still overheats and shuts off. During the power outage the pump lost prime as water drained back into the well.Try re-priming the pump, but ultimately you'll need to replace the leaky foot valve or other check valve in the system. Technicians should test a well pump's control box before pulling a nonworking pump from the well. Makes Noise: If the pump motor makes a humming sound when trying to start, you likely have a bad start capacitor. Some of the well pump troubleshooting suggestions in this list can be found at the Betta-Flo Jet Pump Installation Manual from the National Pump Co. It's difficult to make an exhaustive check of the wires for leaks or weak shorts to ground without pulling the wiring out of the well since at the wire ends there will be a connection through the pump motor - giving some resistance but not a quantity that we know without help from the pump manufacturer. Sometimes, small objects or articles of clothing can get caught in the drain pump. Even if it looks good, it could be bad. Stephen A water logged pressure tank will quickly if not immediately reach cut-out pressure and turn off the pump (unless the pressure control switch is itself faulty and not sensing that the tank is up to pressure). A bad impeller can jam the pump, causing it to draw high current. It does this everyday and then starts working like normaly for the rest of the day. Temporary emergency repair by cleaning the switch contacts may be possible. If the pump is not pumping water at all, check that all suction and return valves are open, and the pump lid is on tight, with the lid o-ring in place. It has numerous transistors acting as a switch and the switch gets activated when the sensors tell them to. Thank you for the quick response. I wasn't sure in my original post if I was seeing an issue with the air pressure in the tank or something along those lines. A motor with a more high pitched squeal or screech is usually in need of shaft bearings. Since the pool is still being finished, the lines going to and from the pool are not installed yet so wanted to put water in there to test. Suction side valves (skimmers, main drain) are open. Jake, sounds like you got the filter up to speed. Replace with the exact same MFD number capacitor if defective (they can be tested) – the capacitor is the battery that starts the motor…. Upon reading alot of articles and watching videos, it seems the pump came with the clamp on the 115V setting? Then, take a look at the capacitor, located at 9 o’clock. Be sure proper breaker or fuse size in ampacity is installed. well i had replaced the gauge and pressure switch when i put it in,,, its a 2 wire pump........ ok so i thought i tested circuits,, it sits like many below ground and the manual shut off was a fused box ...... so after i tested them and no breakers were tripped ,,,, i checked voltage and the voltage with wires on supply to fuse box disconnected show 120 on each,,, then i connected them and coming from the new breaker box they show 120 each side,,,, and good solid ground,,,, but when i connect them to the pressure switch and pump and turn them on the one leg on the pressure switch goes to 168 and the other is like 78 v so the pump isnt working, i did unhook wires from the pressure switch and the continuity tester shows one leg and ground making continuity the other is ope.n. If the motor does not turn on, check the breaker and, If the motor hums but does not start, check that the shaft is free-spinning, then check the. Apologies for the delay. The burned wiring tells us that there was (probably) a short circuit in the wiring and/or a seized pump motor. Then wire sparked when turned back on. Do keep me posted; what you find will help others. When install a motor using capacitor for starting or running methods,we must sizing the rated of capacitor suitable with motor to get correct starting torque and avoid winding from overheating and can cause a damage. If these quick tips didn’t solve your problem, feel free to call our pool tech supporters at 1-800-288-7946 for more Hayward pool pump troubleshooting. Check electrical connections and wiring for loose or broken. Fourth, bad capacitor on the motor? If the drain pump is clear of obstructions, but is still noisy during the drain cycle, replace the drain pump. Clear away mulch and leaves from around the motor air vents. V70 automobile pdf manual download. Hi, could be a lot of things, first I would use a test meter or outlet checker to be sure the outlet has power. ok the deep well pump i installed 2 years ago quit,,, its a 220 v 3 hp about 100 foot deep,,,. ... hello from morocco i need to use this one to auto water level control my 2hp pump wich is 50m below what do i change to become very stable and is relay 10amp enough for 2hp any help thank you very much. (far right wire see image) - Valerie. We carry the other brands, but Hayward pumps and filters have always been our flagship line. DaveTwo common causes of a circuit breaker tripping when the pump turns on are- a short circuit anywhere in the well pump wiring - those issues are discussed above on this page- a seized or frozen pump motor - details are at ELECTRIC MOTOR DIAGNOSTIC GUIDE inspectapedia.com/electric/Electric_Motor_Diagnosis.phpbut Makes No Noise: If you flip the switch and nothing happens and you hear no noise at all, check the circuit breaker by flipping it Off and then back On again. If the meter does not move (no current flows) the capacitor is "open". I went to go on vacation the last couple of days but had issues so I had to come home. The wire from the house is buried really deep. I cut the insulation back and found that the leg I was loosing when the pump came on was damaged. Maybe that’s off. It took forever [for the water tank pressure] to get past 25 psi, but once it hit 30 psi it took about 2 minutes for it to reach the cut off pressure of 68 psi (my pump and tank are quite a ways from my house and I adjusted the pressure). There are a couple of ways to find the part or diagram you need: Click a diagram to see the parts shown on that diagram. The tech came out the next day and upon looking over the situation determined that the tank was not the issue.... that it was probably something to do with the absence of a check valve, or the switch itself..... again, with zero electrical testing.....he told me that he couldn't simply add a check valve to the existing system or simply replace the switch because the plumbing was in disrepair and he'd probably break some things off when trying to do those things...... since we had already secured the funds to cover the repair I decided that replacing the tank as well as all components involved was a good idea since everything would be new and would ease my mind that it was all set. Internal electrical faults in the pump, such as a short circuit or improper ground, also can cause the device to draw more power than necessary and excess heating. Plus, since the old tank was still holding air pressure I could maybe sell it for $100 or something. It makes humming sound 1-2 times before starting. Second thing could be loose wire connections, on the breaker, on the outlet, or on the cords connecting to the pump/trol, or damaged plug ends. in the last few days, it has tripped the breakers 5 times. Hi Ron, I assume you have had the system for some time, an it’s just now giving trouble? I’ve had the pool for about a month and all has been fine but while I am ordering a new hose is there a replacement hose I can use in the meantime? Impeller is not clogged with small debris. AaronI cannot bet your life or the fire-safety of your building by making a guess at exactly what wiring you're trying to connect - I've got just no information about what your pump and control wires are.Typically in electrical wiring Black = hot and White = neutral, particularly on 120VAC circuits.However if your pump is a 240V pump someone could have run a two wire circuit to it and both wires could be hot.So sorry but I can't give an answer to what wires go where on an unknown switch for an unknown pump. I spent all day with it, watching it, listening to it. If the motor is loud, remove from pump and test briefly. Hi Davy, Joe, Tripping breakers on the pump circuit often mean that the pump is drawing high current [or that there is an actual short circuit]. Meanwhile, I have marked the identity of the wires in your wiring diagram. It worked fine for the first 2-3 years and then every time it needs to restart, it trips the breaker. Test entrance pipe fitting (threads into front of pump) for Air leakage. Lubricating the lid o-ring regularly will help improve the seal. Thanks for the response Dan. TonyaMost-likely yes there is a central underlying issue - either a very low flow rate well or simply a loss of well prime. I took out the filter cartridge and hosed it down replaced, emptied all the baskets but still no change, only one of the jets is pushing out water, but barely. Since I will already need to connect the two (2) hot leads together. BLUE or "run"wire connects from the On-Off switch or relay to a capacitor R terminal and also to the motor's R or run terminal. I have to manually hold lever (over and over) until I finally get enough pressure in the tank where the switch takes over, but even then the pump only runs in 2-5 second increments until it reaches max pressure (60 PSI). Replace access cover. While it is normal for an appliance plug to become warm, it is abnormal for such a plug to get hot. If your pool is fairly small, without spa and water features, you can also consider using a Pentair SuperFlo VS pump, which has fewer features than the Intelliflo, but also costs much less. On 2020-05-25 by (mod) - do not re-use burned damaged well pump pressure control switch. The print and bearings were replaced. Where do the black and white wire go on a well pump that has a regulator switch, Anon:Please see your question and my detail reply athttps://inspectapedia.com/water/Well-Pump-Wiring-Damage.php, Why would the wires in my well keep breaking, On 2019-01-17 by Ronnie Neathery 12 ga or 14 ga? Ultimately using some simple electrical tests the homeowner traced the water pump problems to a nicked well pump wiring circuit wire. To spin the shaft, disconnect power at the breaker and remove the capacitor (at 9 o’clock) and the thermal overload (at 12 o’clock) so that you can slip a 7/16” wrench onto the slotted shaft. 365 day return policy. Pump is about 5 years old without problems prior to this.What could be causing this issue?? Also check the threaded pipe that comes into the pump, #1 most common air leak. Anything else to fiddle with or bad motor? Search our blog for “shaft seal replacement”, if so. The Type FYG is designed to meet higher horsepower and pressure requirements. Lower than normal pressure on the filter corresponds with lower than normal flow rates. We also provide an ARTICLE INDEX for this topic, or you can try the page top or bottom SEARCH BOX as a quick way to find information you need. If you feel anything unusual, remove the bolts to pull the motor out for a good cleaning of the impeller. My Hayward xstream filter pump is not turning on at all. The pump was working well since opening the pool in May, but the last few days it was quite weak. We only use the pump in the summer months, since we live in Canada. Pump does not drip water from plugs or seal when pump is off. The pump only runs for a few seconds and then shuts off. Gail, good luck! Check the pump impeller by removing the pump basket and reaching through the hole to feel for any debris or rocks stuck inside the impeller. Sometimes I am able to get it going by switching the breaker on/off several times, but most times I can hear the motor trying to start for a couple of seconds before it trips the breaker again and again. The Type FSG is the standard water pump switch, suitable for all types of pumps: jets, submersible. We could regain functionality by manually resetting the switch. Hi Davy, June Or could it be a dirty motor or ground wire that isnt connected well enough? If the pump sounds like it’s gargling rocks, or there is heavy vibration noise, it may be cavitating, a term that means it’s starved for water. If your pump is tripping the circuit breaker the usual causes are a failing pump motor or possibly damaged electrical wiring. check supply voltage right at the electrical panel. See WATER PUMP SHORT CYCLING CAUSES if the pump is turning on and off too frequently. If all good, check the capacitor, at 9 o’clock, looking for bulging or cracking or burned marks. If the motor makes no noise at all, check the wiring and terminal connections. Hi Davy, An electrician would1. StuartI can but make a feeble guess as you don't give the name of equipment, model no. The above diagram is a complete method of single phase motor wiring with circuit breaker and contactor. The motor then runs using only the run winding. Hi, I have a hayword C48L2N134B3 1.5 HP pool pump. If it continues to overheat and shut off, replace the. Thanks in advance for any help you can provide, the pool should be done in the next few days and need to figure out this pump situation. I think I have a different problem with the pump now. If the pump won't turn off the cause may be a damaged pump control, a plumbing or fixture leak, or a well problem. Laser 56 E gas heater pdf manual download. You can also order capacitors online. Sandy, some hoses are clamped onto hose adapters, using a ‘worm clamp‘ or ‘radiator clamp’ that tightens the hose to the hose adapter. My pump keeps overheating and shutting off. Hi, i need help, anytime I put on my water pump, the cucuit breaker Trips, what could be the problem? More details are. A loose wire can cause intermittent pump or other electrical device failures as well as a hard failure that means no power or blown fuses. If it might help you, take a look at our electric motor diagnostics at, For readers who are qualified and know how to use electrical test instruments, for safety and completeness also see. Do I need to run a larger wire size? If power is reaching the time clock or switch, check the wires running from the switch to the pump for any signs of damage, and inspect the connections on each end, for loose wires or insect infestation. I first thought it might be the motor capacitor, new cap, problem still the same. The Type FRG is reverse acting: the contacts open on falling pressure. When I powered the system up nothing happened so I started trouble shooting the system as I always have. easier. - unbalanced voltage on 2 legs of a 240VAC pump circuit. ... thanks of sharing your electrical knowledge ,please give the EOD crane control wiring diagram of four and five stage resistance box . My well problems began with total loss of water throughout my home. Continue reading at WATER PUMP WIRING DAMAGE or select a topic from the closely-related articles below, or see the complete ARTICLE INDEX. Indeed, it was the capacitor and as soon as I replaced it ($6) the pump is working like a champ. Probably not, Jose. If the external wiring is ok (no short circuits) the motor is shorted internally, Use a VOM to check the voltage level at the pressure control switch, If voltage is too low, check voltage at the electrical panel and check that the proper size wiring was used for the ampacity and length of run and that there are no partial shorts or damaged wires or connectors, Check the actual electrical wiring against the motor wiring diagram or the installation manual for the equipment, Motor is too hot due to surroundings - inadequate ventilation, Install adequate ventilation, or if needed, shading, or relocate the motor/equipment to a cool location, Pump operates too long at low water pressure. Go to the grocery store and come back and it’s dead. It would appear this is open. How to check voltage, current, resistance to help diagnose well pump problems such as tripping breakers, blown fuses, weak pump performance or no water delivery from a well water pump. He used a piece of wire to jump the blown fuse and we still had spark at the switch, but in his words, not enough voltage to actually turn the pump on because the wire was too small. Is this a pump problem, priming problem (filter, pipes losing water somewhere)? I do not think it’s the breaker…it’s relatively new. Before ordering a new capacitor however, be sure that the shaft is not “froze-up’ with rust. If you can remove the handle, you can apply shaving cream and run the pump to see if it gets sucked in – put cream around the stem and on both joints in/out of the valve. When I turn on my clock and put my ear close to the clock I hear the clock sound like it’s on but my Hayward filter does not turn on and makes no noise. ( It's a 1/2 hp 2 wire 230V submersible deep well pump). See DMMs VOMs SAFE USE OF With power OFF and wires to the pump DISCONNECTED at the house end so that there is no power to the pump or controls, AND provided you know how to use a DMM or VOM safely - as you could be killed if you make a mistake in wiring - you or your electrician might use the DMM or VOM in Ohms mode to measure the circuit resistance. Flipped the timer on, water shot up about 10 feet and went all over me and the timer and the breaker blew. Thanks! Leave the circuit off to avoid a fire and shock hazard - sorry I know that's not exactly convenient. View and Download Volvo V70 wiring diagram online. Room Air Cooler Wiring Diagram # 2. Once I get it going, it works fine for as long as I leave it on. by Anonymous My first thought is that the breaker may be too small for the amount of amps needed to start each piece of equipment. I set up to measure motor current, using 100amp, 100mv shunt, the current draw is 6.5 amps @241V (Pump pressure about 17-18 psi) We had a storm a few days ago and lighting (sounded fairly close) that cut our power off until the utility company fixed things a few hours later. I just replaced my pump/motor at the start of this swimming season. This could be caused by incorrect voltage or from clogged or restricted pipes, valves or impeller. Beyond the air conditioning and heating thermostat, many people know nothing about the HVAC systems that keep them comfortable year-round. 9-17-2020 There must be a leak. Wiring diagram. Am I wrong thinking that the new pump is bad too? And check that incoming power matches the voltage for the motor, as the motor can be switched to accept 110V or 220V, see wiring diagram on motor label. Can I just insulate? Illustration at above-left: orange extension cord wiring used to hook up the pump pressure control switch is an improper and unsafe electrical installation. I then plugged the pump into the outlet and it tripped again. Most pump breakers are not GFI, it might not trip if it is a regular non-GFI. How do I seal it? A diagnostic step is to stop using water for as long as you can - several hours or more - to let the well recover (if it can). My water pump keeps shutting off. Or in general, with the motor in the well you will see 0.5 to 2.0 MegOhms resistance (500,000 to 2,000,000 Ohms). My pump is probably 150' from the holding tank. There’s a few ideas to check, good luck! thanks. Hi, my Hayward pump is about 5 years old. If the air temperature is over 100 degF, the pump may be too hot and its thermal overload switch tripping because of the environment, not a pump problem. Or the old control box? There is water, not a lot, but water at the base of the pump. Please advise. Make sure there is no water in the conduit from the timer to the pump, and breaker to timer. OEM Part - Manufacturer #279816 Return side valves (after the filter) are open. 14 x 28 inground, water clear. Attach the pump power cable wires and ground per pump's wiring diagram. The symptom you describe occurs usually when there is low flow rate of water into the well combined with a pump protection switch or device (designed to shut off the pump to prevent it from running "dry" and thus being damaged). Do they sometimes have to be replaced? When I turned the pump on it is very loud and the pump is not moving water. If that does not fix the issue, the problem goes deeper, and it may be a fatal error in the motor. We continued using water while power was out but had no water pressure when power came back.I replaced the old pressure switch with a new one that has the little lever to manually switch on the pump to refill the tank when pressure drops too low. If there is a GFCI outlet wired into the system, check that the red button is not popped out. The illustration I show above is excerpted from Gould's pump manual, On 2018-12-26 Take A Sneak Peak At The Movies Coming Out This Week (8/12) New Movie Releases This Weekend: February 12th – February 14th; Judge rules tabloid editors invaded Meghan, Duchess of Sussex’s privacy He did no electrical testing before coming to this conclusion.... .the price he quoted was nearly $800.....we contacted some family members and scraped together enough to cover the repair. If you just pulled the pump to check the impeller or replaced a shaft seal, make sure the seal is installed correctly and that the diffuser and diffuser gaskets are seated firmly. It’s either too powerful for the incoming plumbing, or too many suction lines are closed, or the skimmers are clogged. Hi Jim, yes it could be leaking, around the stem that sticks up thru the valve body and attaches to the handle. When the filter pressure is high, the filter is dirty ~ and when the filter pressure is low, the basket(s) are dirty. Watch out: if you're not familiar with safe electrical wiring and practices, don't fool with these tests yourself as you could be shocked or killed.Your electrician can do some simple tests, measuring resistance, to get a clue about what's happening.If the pump is a submersible unit, in the well, it may have to be pulled in any case, as the problem is either the wiring or the pump or its control switch. Nothing tripped. Is the motor set to accept 220V, and matching what you measure at the motor terminals? Pump shutoff during 24 hours of pouring rain. Remove obstruction in impeller housing, inspect for and replace damaged impeller or frozen motor. Thank you. There are two sealed bearings inside pool pump motors. I went out Toto shut it off so I could backwash and add chlorine. On 2018-08-19 by (mod) - wiring diagram of a a 4-wire pump circuit. I have chalked all the connections and lubricated the basket seal. I have provided a picture of the inside cover of control box diagram. Not the power leads, but other connecting wires from the terminal board to the switch, to the cap…? Pool putty can make a semi-permanent repair, or the fitting can be cut out and replaced. I don’t really know if my pump can be repaired or if the only solution is buying a new pump so soon. I know for a fact it's getting proper voltage to the pump at all times no matter what. Once the water pressure reaches the switch's high-pressure limit the switch opens, turning off the electricity. that would permit consulting the installation and operation manual for your well pump (or other equipment unspecified)But typically a power fault means low voltage or loss of voltage or, less likely, reversed polarity. In the search box below, enter all or part of the part number or the part’s name. I have been getting GFI breaker trips intermittently. etc. Often the cause is a water-logged pressure tank. HI Sang, check the capacitor, or just replace it, they are cheap, it is the large black cylinder at 9 o’clock in the rear of the motor. by Gilbert Suazo jr, The unit was beeping. Check the motor diagram for the Low Voltage / High Voltage wiring diagram. Turned it off and now it makes the grinding noise and turns off itself. i can not seem to find any info on this particular compressor or wiring diagram. He immediately noticed we had a blown fuse in our service box. If the dryer does not heat the thermal cut off may have blown and a new high limit thermostat is needed. So I once again ran a jumper wire from the supply at the emergency shut off straight to the pump and still it did nothing. IF not, you may remove the motor end cap (with power off) and see that the wires are connected firmly. The ampage to the pump has been the same since we got the pump 7 years ago and never had this issue before. Please tell me the "unit" brand and model, On 2020-12-19 Check that the drain plugs are tightly inserted with Teflon tape, and that the pump basket is inserted in the proper way, and is sitting all the way down. Our recommended books about building & mechanical systems design, inspection, problem diagnosis, and repair, and about indoor environment and IAQ testing, diagnosis, and cleanup are at the. Hello Davy, you just saved me a few hundred bucks. I changed the GFI Breaker in the main panel, problem still the same. i did find some information about the wiring. i attached line and neutral and it came on. So he surmised that the tank was bad and that was making the switch over work and that's why the fuse popped. I may have been hasty (trying to answer too many questions too fast - apologies). My water pump cycles a lot. My pump seems to trip the GFCI breaker each time it is plugged in. All breakers are good. If the well casing is metal then connect the ground lead of the VOM/DMM (be sure it's a good clean connection) to the well casing or metal piping). What are the brand and model of the old pump? A test of the pump wiring itself for deteriorated or damaged insulation (low resistance), breaks (infinite resistance), and dead shorts to ground (zero or close to zero resistance) 2. Check also that your well pump wiring has been properly sized for the distance from building to well pump (e.g. Hi Ryan, it possibly could be a problem with running two extension cords, also could be voltage fluctuation, or loose terminal connections, or just a pump going bad. Barring problems with other pool equipment, a pool pump problem will either be an electrical issue or a plumbing issue. If there is zero resistance the capacitor is shorted. Take A Sneak Peak At The Movies Coming Out This Week (8/12) New Movie Releases This Weekend: February 12th – February 14th; How Hollywood celebs are celebrating Lunar New Year Provide shade if necessary, and make sure that air is circulating freely under all parts of the motor, and that the motor vents are open.
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