Keep current health records Ex: diseases, immunizations, medications, etc. Ear Notches Ear notching is done on new born baby pigs for the purpose of identification. Each ear is divided into four quadrants. 0000060900 00000 n
To notch pigs properly, one must know the identity of each notch and its proper location. %PDF-1.2
For example, ear notching can be used to denote birth type and/or week of birth. 0000052792 00000 n
The universal ear notching system is based on the fact that a pig has two ears. 0000062888 00000 n
You also want to make sure you make the notch deep enough in that it will not grow shut. Title: Microsoft PowerPoint - Reference Guide Author: fisher86 Created Date: 2/20/2013 3:37:22 PM Make the notch a few centimetres deep so in future you will be able to read it from a distance. Each pig will have different notches in the left ear. USDA backtags only when used on swine moving in slaughter channels. The outside bottom quadrant represents the number 1. Notches are placed in one of five locations in the pig’s ear. 0000060879 00000 n
Ear Notching Introduction Why do we use animal identification? Ear Tagging. Notching the ear. Each pig will have different notches in this ear. Universal ear notching system guide. To develop a number, make notches in different parts of the ear in such In order to keep such records, producers must be able to identify pigs from birth. The pig’s right ear (as viewed from the rear of the pig) is designated as the “litter” ear. Unless you have a lot of sows, you probably won’t use that notch. While ear notching can be a complete animal identification system, as is done with swine, ear notching in sheep is more commonly used for simple differentiation. Individual Pig Marks: The left ear is used for notches to show an indi-vidual pig’s number in the litter. There are various methods that can be used to identify an animal. 0000052771 00000 n
**You can learn more about how to ear notch and how to read ear notches. 0000074131 00000 n
As noted in Figure 1, the right ear designates litter number, while the left ear indicates pig number. Syringes are used to administer medications to animals. Cattle are easiest to tattoo when they are young calves. To further describe the universal ear notching system, pictures are required. The 14 represents a pig from the 14th litter and the 6 represents the 6th pig within the 14th litter. 0000051905 00000 n
(We hope you never get a litter with 27 pigs, so you won’t have to use that quadrant in the left ear!) To further describe the universal ear notching system, pictures are required. How would you notch for pig number 11? Objectives Explain the importance of identification of swine. 0000063544 00000 n
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Meaning of ear notching . 0000060523 00000 n
Recognize ear notches on a poster. 0000001627 00000 n
If you think you have adequate knowledge about pigs, their bodies, organs and even different breeds this quiz s for you. The universal ear notching system is based on the fact that a pig has two ears. The left ear is divided into three sections, with values of 1, 3, and 9 (Figure 2). Syringe/Needles. Coronavirus/COVID-19: Update for Event Attendees. Ear notching is widely used in the swine industry as a system of animal identification. All numbers in the right ear are added to make the litter number. 0000051189 00000 n
(graphic by Melanie Barkley). It can be used for all livestock species, but is particularly common in the pig industry. Methods to Identify Animals. 0000062225 00000 n
The following texts are the property of their respective authors and we thank them for giving us the opportunity to share for free to students, teachers and users of the Web their texts will used only for illustrative educational and scientific purposes only. Pigs are considered to be the smartest domesticated animals, and what they lack in eyesight they make up in good memory and a strong sense of smell. But, … Actinobacillus pleuropneumonia has been identified in outbreaks of the disease. Principles of the system!All the numbers in the left ear are added to identify the individual pig within that litter. Ear notching . The pig’s left ear is used to show individual identification for each pig in the littler. There are variations in systems, but all of them identify a pig by litter number and indi-vidual pig number. However, with an experienced team, ear notching is a very efficient way to identify pigs. Notches in this ear tell the producer which litter the pig was born to. Ear notching is done at birth for a new born pig. You can mark up to 161 litters with this system. Ear notching is a simple and handy method to identify animals individually from a distance. (These individual numbers are randomly assigned to piglets. It also allows for a producer to cull if there appear to be problems in a particular litter, and to identify outstanding litters. The notch in the very tip of the right ear signifies litter number 81. There are many ways to identify animals including numbered collars, tattoos, and plastic tags. The Pennsylvania State University, 323 Agricultural Administration Building, University Park, PA 16802, Swine Production and Management Home Study Course. 0000063565 00000 n
There are far simpler ways to ear notch to identify your pigs without using this system. 0000051954 00000 n
This universal notching system is used by Pure breed swine breeders who are required to notch thier pigs in order to be eligable for registration in their respective swine breed association so I am wondering Blonde why you wish to use this system? Ear Notching Practice Assignment Name _____ 1.What ear is notched for the litter number? Ear Notching System Details. 0000060675 00000 n
Ear notching is the practice of cutting a small (usually triangular) section out of the edge of a pig's ear in order to identify the owner of that pig, similar to branding of horses and cows. The simplest method and the one recommended by most breed associations is ear notching. 0000001420 00000 n
All pigs in the same littler should have the same ear notch in the right year. 0000053353 00000 n
For piglets of this size, a small … So, the first piglet would be pig number one, the second piglet is pig number two and so on. SWINE EAR NOTCHING PIG LITTER MATES IMPORTANCE OF THE TOPIC Identification of litter mates is important to help swine producers determine if the dam and sire are producing fast gaining meat type hogs. The pig stands with its head to one side often shaking. Vӷ��Hʵ�UJoz#��Z��1b^2Zт��iJ�N��%�(�獷�C���p��xb�SNJ3 �����\�z��M�@-�����DūB3�n����0�6c4f�c �ϳ[��#�u��7�+Y��E�D�6ߴor��r��SIyA�SzӳErLn�vʩ��ɺ�\k-��!��2�<9
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It is designed to identify each pig at birth so that the similar looking pigs are not mistaken. 0000001087 00000 n
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There are a few disadvantages to the system such as the numbers can be misread and misplaced on the ears if not done carefully. This also offers an opportune time for identification. A V-shaped notch can be cut out of the edge of the ear using a pair of clean scissors. Producers may start with litter number 1 on the first of the year, or re-start the litter numbers several times per year, depending on the number of sows. Clinical signs. If treatment is delayed there is the risk that infection will spread from the middle ear into the inner ear and directly to the brain, setting up a meningitis or encephalitis (inflammation of the brain). 0000064188 00000 n
Ear tags are metals pieces that have letters or numbers engraved on them. (Now.., if we can just figure out how this whole thing started! The pig™s right ear is used for the litter number. 2.What ear is notched for the pig number in the litter? These are: Ear tagging; Ear tattooing; Number tagging; Branding; Ear notching; 1. Ear notching is a very traditional method of identification in swine in which pigs are identified based on their birth order within a given farrowing. 13 0 obj
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Both commercial swine and show pigs are individually identified using a universal system known as ear notching. The outside bottom quadrant represents the … After notching, an individual pig’s identification would be read as something like 14-6. Ear notching in swine is used to identify the litter number and pig number in that litter. ����O��$%/�c�����X���~Z�w?=;7;#�jV�`��3�r�`�x�}�yhn^�����m�y51�������H�#�2�����ij����y�C�}�nB��h�1��І��ހ6�u�?�Zw���3s:��iV�������0,G(�G1_)
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Be it for a 4-H project or for commercial purposes, it benefits anyone involved in the swine industry to have a handle on the Universal Ear-Notching System. Ear notching An ear notch is a V-shaped notch placed somewhere in the ear. Individual Pig Marks: Left ear is used for notches to show individual pig number in the litter. Now pigs can have ear tags too. Most common form of animal identification for swine (also used for sheep and cattle). In the litter ear only, the inside bottom represents the number 27. 0000051415 00000 n
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ca���23EG�������������! in the section titled “Ear Notching”. For farm animals like goats, sheep, and swine, the tattoo is placed above the first rib of the ear so it does not interfere with the use of ear tags. By utilizing the “81” notch you can identify up to 161 distinct litters using this system. Ear notching is used to identify the pigs. Each ear is divided into four quadrants. They are not associated with birth order). The right ear has five locations for notches, each assigned various numbers, either 1, 3, 81, 9 or 27. Ear-notching helps identify a pig’s litter and which one of the litter it is, giving each pig a unique identity number. ! After notching, an individual pig’s identification would be read as something like 14-6. When you are ear notching them you want to make sure to leave ¼ inch between notches to make sure that you can easily read the notch. 0000021314 00000 n
Whereas ear tags may be lost or damaged, ear notching remains in place to provide a unique identification for each animal. ��
h���UT��CGm�*�:<3/#?Ҽ�Ȇ̹���;5ܻ Ear notching is typically done within 7 days of birth, and is often accompanied with iodine to prevent any infection from occurring. The pig’s right ear (as viewed from the rear of the pig) is designated as the “litter” ear. 0000051975 00000 n
Click on graphic to enlarge. 0000073855 00000 n
For instance, when I … Name_____ Period_____ Binder Page #_____ Swine Ear Notching Worksheet Directions: Identify the litter number and pig number for each piglet below 0000001160 00000 n
0000061563 00000 n
In the right ear, there would be two notches in the outside top quadrant plus one notch in the outside bottom quadrant (3+3+1 = 7). So how do you notch a litter number 7? Ear notching if the ear notching has been recorded in … The outside top quadrant represents the number 3, and the inside top quadrant represents the number 9. All pigs in the same litter should have the same ear notch in the right ear. Notching the ear is easy and is the cheapest way. There are variations in systems, but each identifies the animal by an individual number expressed in the relative positions of a combination of notches in the ear rim. You need to make sure that you don’t notch their ear too deep because that could cause their ear to be torn. Rk�uH�YU�����]����1. 3.Using the ear notching system handout, what would be notched out if the pig number was 7? There will never be more than two notches in any quadrant. With this system every number from 1 through 161 can be created on each ear. 0000001854 00000 n
Other Identification Systems for Larger Farms In large-scale swine production, individual pigs are rarely identified. 0000020913 00000 n
0000074956 00000 n
Identify tools and methods for identification of pigs or pens of pigs. 0000074053 00000 n
Ear notching can also be used in other animal species, but it is not utilized as widely as it is in the swine … 0000021494 00000 n
�}�L�j�N�����k��X`FS��=�C[�=̧���k^x�zK���X֢������@�\*���Y�٘�y��BF|+����@%c_�+d�z��r���u��b>M�I�������;�������\�[�>AuS�j=JS��D�$����5��rF]TW�M�T��溃��z�^���GW��F��h�ӍS�9z�b6'���s���. The pig’s left ear designates the pig number within the litter. “Reading” the notches allows producers, judges, and other swine professionals to know more about the pig they’re viewing. Below is a general swine knowledge test! Ear-notching helps identify a pig’s litter and which pig in the litter it is, giving each pig a unique identity number. Every pig in the litter will have a different notch number in the left ear. 0000061584 00000 n
Illustrate ear notching procedure on a worksheet. Notches are shown on this page for 149 litters. Each quadrant represents a number. The successful manager clips the needle teeth and navel cords as soon after birth as possible. Notches are placed in one of five locations in the pig’s right ear — to show the litter number — and in one of three locations in the left ear — to show the individual pig number. The 14 represents a pig from the 14th litter and the 6 represents the 6th pig within the 14th litter. The best time to tattoo depends on the species of the farm animal. The most common notching system is the 1-3-9 system. All pigs born to the same sow have the name litter number, and thus identical notches in the right ear. The pig™s left ear is used to show individual identification for each pig in the litter. ?�3��y�zX���VO���b]�j�Ж�$V�tr�r��ϘW�4.��7H
2?���Ԛ�:�S:I$�-cd��z)�����3�Du�tQ�T��� Ear notching is a permanent method of pig identification. Each quadrant represents a number.
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