Variants: Blue, Green, Red, White, Yellow Occurences: Folded tourist map. Occurences: Home proven alcohol-based tincture with herbal extracts. Variants: Blue, Green, Orange, Red Occurences: A canopy, often seen at farmers' markets. 本文出自於有很多初學者,想架設伺服器給朋友但是卻不會架的人的教學文章,架設創世神官方伺服器是非常簡單的! Snausges and rice ready to go now to finish episode 3 of casrlevania laaaarvely >> Anonymous 02/11/21(Thu)13:00:12 No. Can be filled with various liquids. The first few hours are unlike anything thanks to the whole vibe. Occurences: Selective-fire battle rifle, fed from a detachable magazine. Variants: Green, Orange, Yellow Occurences: All-terrain shoes, designed to protect the feet during everyday activities. Occurences: 7.62x39mm intermediate cartridge with a pyrotechnic charge. Uses .45 ACP rounds. Used for keeping trunk contents closed. Definitely useful for wire cutting and some light bending. You can get in touch with the iZurvive team via. Uses .357 rounds. Occurences: Camouflage wrap used to conceal the shape of various long firearms. Holds up to 5 rounds of 7.62x39mm. Used to deliver electric current to chambers of combustion engine. Occurences: Rear left door of the Olga 24 sedan. It appears in the form of an anthology, a compilation of texts of a variety of forms that are all linked by the belief that they are collectively revelations of God. Can hold several attachments. It provides enough light to brighten those dark Chernarus nights. We leverage cloud and hybrid datacenters, giving you the speed and security of nearby VPN services, and the ability to leverage services provided in a remote location. They provide a combination of grip and stability suitable for a rugged environment. Occurences: A large military tent. Great for self-defense, but it has other, more mundane uses as well. Occurences: A small bottle with pills that covers a wide spectrum of vitamins, that strengthen your immune system. The catastrophic technical condition obscures the gaming experience enormously: glitches, bugs, poor sound mixing, zombies without hitbox make DayZ a nightmarish gaming experience that is hardly fun. Variants: Blue, Brown Occurences: A rugged, plastic, airtight container. Holds up to 15 rounds of .22 LR. Variants: Black, Blue, Green, LightBlue, Red Occurences: Casual pants, designed for comfort and athletic purposes. Occurences: Metal sheets, great if you need to do some serious building, otherwise not that useful. Occurences: Mounted 1.8x magnifying pistol scope. Occurences: A pair of denim trouser shorts. Occurences: A box of 5.45x39mm tracer rounds. Simple, yet effective at providing cover or marking positions. Occurences: Military patrol pants. Occurences: A wooden box, containing complete and universal gun-care system. It is basically a big knife. Shop women's jewellery now & get FREE delivery in Australia for orders over $120. Holds up to 30 rounds of .22 LR. Not very suitable for difficult terrain, nor for rainy weather. Occurences: Detachable polymer magazine for the KA-M assault rifle. Variants: Black, Grey Occurences: Small disposable heat source, keeps you warm for a limited time when it's near. Occurences: Detachable box magazine for FX-45 pistol. Occurences: Apparel of Russian navy, telnyashka shirt is a thin and tightly fitting underdress. Variants: Autumn, Flat, PautRev, Summer Occurences: Bulletproof helmet used by special forces in life threatening situations. Intended for use with compatible pistols. Used in select rifles. Holds up to 30 rounds of 9x19mm. Have stutters and frame drop when many zombies on screen, zombies still move in a janky fashion, sometimes glitch through doors and hit you, collision detection still a bit off. Used in select rifles. Date Day Start Time Game Title Runtime Views; 2021-02-09: Tuesday: 00: 00: Start: Clayvon Barksdale Stories 3: 03:37:21: 2753; 2021-02-09: Tuesday: 00: 00: Just Chatting Ammo: 7.62x54mm Rounds Magazines: Internal Box, 5Rnd Clip Variants: Black, Camo, Green Occurences: Six shot pump action shotgun fed from internal magazine. Взял платину, начал второе произведение на выживании. Keeps driver safe inside vehicle. Occurences: Relieves the patient’s pain, for a short period of time at least. Never gets out of style. Ammo: 9x19mm Occurences: Detachable box magazine for Sporter 22 rifle. Holds up to 20 shells. Occurences: 12ga shell with one rifled slug. It is very warm, very absorbent, and itchy as hell. Used in select pistols and SMGs. Used in shotguns. Occurences: Small metal keys for opening handcuffs. Provides head protection from impact, shock, and shrapnels. Uses 9x19mm rounds. Used to replenish a survivor's energy and hydration, food and drink is perhaps the most important of the four categories of loot.Food typically replenishes both energy and hydration, while drink typically only replenishes hydration. Variants: Blue, Green, White Occurences: Part of medical scrubs, these pants offer little protection from damage or cold. Goes well with full prisoner uniform. Variants: Beige, Black, Blue, Green, Red Occurences: Variants: Black, Blue, Brown, Grey, Red Occurences: Durable leather boots, popular among industrial workers. Keeps the passenger in the backseat safe inside the vehicle. Variants: Beige, Dark, Pink, White Occurences: A child backpack. If unopened, it will last two to five years depending on storage conditions. Occurences: A CQB buttstock for M4-A1 assault rifles. Occurences: A folding buttstock for the LAR battle rifle. Looks classy while keeping the wearer warm. Otherwise compatible with KA based rifles. Rainy Dayz I got jerk chicken, rice and peas with steamed cabbage with carrots, with lemonade. I felt at peace when playing this game because the atmosphere made me feel that I was there surviving and alone. It's unbelievable that this broken mess of a game appears on the PlayStation Network in this basically unplayable state. Protects from cold very well, but suffers from low water resistance. I had low hopes for this game, but i had nothing better to do so i installed it. Variants: Grey, Red Occurences: Front right door of the Sarka 120 that keeps the co-driver safe inside the vehicle. Occurences: It lacks the magnification and stability of binoculars, but makes up for it by its ability to precisely measure long range distances. Popular among fishermen. Makes it impossible to wear a backpack. It makes for a popular alternative to more expensive hunting gear. Variants: Brown, Gray Occurences: An officer cap with a crown, a band, and a peak. Occurences: Single-handed bladed tool with a hammer head on one side. Not only is it profoundly outdated in 2019, it’s also technically inept. Occurences: A stick of hand-mixable reinforced epoxy putty. Variants: Black, Blue, Brown, Green, Grey, Red Occurences: Durable pants, designed for prolonged periods of time spent outdoors. Somewhat warm and comfortable. Associated with ranch workers. Occurences: A lightweight windproof and water resistant jacket. Uses 7.62x54mmR rounds. Downloaded it yesterday around lunch time om PS4 Pro, applied for refund around 4-5pm. Not really protecting or helping in any way. Variants: Mossy, Woodland Occurences: Camouflage hood, designed to break up the silhouette of wearer's head. Occurences: A metal pot. Nothing special. Run away, or you could become friends with them. It is very difficult to get lost with one of these. Not effective against viruses. 55 $ 22. Ammo: 9mm Rounds Magazines: Chamber, 15Rnd CZ75 Mag Occurences: Semi-automatic pistol, fed from a detachable magazine. Take A Sneak Peak At The Movies Coming Out This Week (8/12) New Movie Releases This Weekend: February 12th – February 14th But sometimes i find good **** and that pays off. Unlike other open-world games, you don't have a map to help you get around so if you're a new player you'll be confused as to where you're are. Absorbs impacts nicely, but does not offer much protection from cold or rain. Occurences: Standard curved crowbar. Variants: Blue, Crimson, Green Occurences: Classic foldable side cap. Occurences: 5.45x39mm intermediate cartridge with pyrotechnic charge. Аналогов ей нет и скорее всего к сожалению. I don't know why. Variants: Beige, Black, Brown Occurences: Comfortable women’s dress. Can be used to scare people who are afraid of doctors. Method: Heat milk and boil for sometime say 3-5mins(depends on what type of milk you get).After the milk is boiled, let is sit aside for 30mins or few hours in the … It makes for a popular alternative to more expensive hunting gear. Provides enough electricity to power a small home for as long as the fuel lasts. Holds up to 30 rounds of 5.45x39mm. Trash game, Notable Video Game Releases: New and Upcoming, 2021 Sundance Film Festival: Best and Worst Films, PS Now, PS Plus, and Other New Free PS4 Games, Dragon Quest XI S: Echoes of an Elusive Age - Definitive Edition, Music title data, credits, and images provided by, Movie title data, credits, and poster art provided by. Holds up to 40 rounds of 5.56x45mm. Older model, but still reliable. Generally unfavorable reviews- based on 175 Ratings, Crime Scene: The Vanishing at the Cecil Hotel: Season 1. Occurences: Invaluable crafting tool, intended to saw off metal pipes. Requires a battery to operate. Just about every aspect of DayZ is in dire need of some degree of polish, however, if you persist (and you should) a deep and ultimately ingenious title lay underneath that places a premium on player-made stories. 4:47 PM ... Hey 8:14, I'm cooking baking turkey wings,rice, peas,biscuits 6:33 PM Anonymous said... ^ Maybe Snitch got Covid. Occurences: Detachable aftermarket box magazine for compliant assault rifles used by alliance forces. Holds up to 20 rounds of .308 WIN. Keeps the co-driver safe inside the vehicle. Мне очень нравится игра. Occurences: Three color camouflage military pants, they offer quick access to large cargo pockets. Makes it impossible to wear a backpack. It is lethal in small radius, but it can cause serious injuries at medium ranges. Variants: Black, Blue, Brown, Grey, Red Occurences: A full face gas mask with one filter. Can hold several attachments. Keeps the driver safe inside the vehicle. Get all of's best Movies lists, news, and more. A 225 km2 open world post-soviet state and one of the areas hit by a new and presently unknown infection which has wiped out most of the world's population. Strong, steel blade easily splits both soil and skulls. They have been laying idle, just waiting for a chance to be used. Variants: Beige, Black, Blue, Brown, Green, Grey, Pink, Red Occurences: A blouse is a loose-fitting upper garment, part of formal women’s attire. Occurences: Detachable box magazine for the KA-74 assault rifle. Holds up to 15 rounds of 9x19mm. Compatible with KA scopes. ; Discover a growing collection of premium plug-ins, effects & music for all your creative projects >> Occurences: A spray bottle of disinfectant. Variants: Black, Brown Occurences: Versatile boots, with their design making them the middle ground between hiking boots and athletic shoes. Not to mention warm. Occurences: 7.62x39mm intermediate cartridge. Except for chopping wood, it has a wide array of uses. Occurences: Standard issue prisoner uniform pants. Occurences: This hunting knife is used during hunting to skin animals and cut up the meat. Offers a lot of customization with attachments. Replacement of KA-M with compatible attachments. It makes you stand out in the crowd, it is not very warm or practical. Occurences: A rugged dirt bike helmet. Capable of protecting contents from dust, sand, dirt and water. Ammo: 7.62x54mm Occurences: Detachable box magazine for Vaiga shotgun. Variants: Black Occurences: Front left door of the Olga 24 sedan. Occurences: A convenient battery-powered LED lamp with a headstrap. based on Variants: Black Occurences: While not the original Santa's beard, it's the next best thing. Ammo: .357 Rounds Magazines: Internal Cylinder Occurences: Semi-automatic pistol, fed from a detachable magazine. Occurences: This common household instrument is used to smoothly open metal/tin cans, with no content spilling. Variants: Black, Blue, Brown, Green, Red Occurences: Stun grenade used to temporarily overload senses of the enemy combatant, leaving them disoriented and vulnerable. Occurences: A portable lamp running on gas, suitable for camping. Occurences: A folding buttstock for KA based assault rifle. If it moves and shouldn't, use duct tape. Variants: Grey, Red Occurences: Rear left door of the Sarka 120 that keeps the passenger in back seat safe inside the vehicle. Occurences: Single-use blood type test kit contains everything needed to perform a complete blood test for ABO and Rh. Occurences: A box of 7.62x39mm tracer rounds. Occurences: Battle Dress Uniform jacket with classic camouflage pattern. Occurences: Portable gasoline-powered generator. Occurences: Battle Dress Uniform pants with classic camouflage pattern. Occurences: Front right door of the M3S off-road truck. Quite heavy, but seems to be durable. Occurences: A sharp table knife, used for cutting steak. Unless you're a big fan of hardcore games you'll stray away and feel that the game is boring, because it is. Open for customization with attachments. Learning how to cut a chicken breast into thin cutlets is an essential skill for weeknight cooking. Its original purpose is mostly for showing rank. Avoid like the plague, get your zombie fix from L4D developers Back 4 Blood when it comes. Occurences: Broad spectrum antibiotics. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Uses 5.45x39mm rounds. Occurences: Detachable box magazine for USG-45 submachine gun. Also known as .22 LR. Uses 7.62x39mm rounds. Variants: Black, Blue, Brown, Green, Grey Occurences: Oversized teardrop-shaped lenses and a thin metal frame. Uses 5.56x45mm rounds. It's almost impossible too find your friends on it the loot is terrible , the graphics are way outdated very laggy all in all don't buy it save your money for something better or when the games fixed an working right. Protects both head and face with the attached visor. Sector9 DayZ Trader Prices. Also offers decent protection from the elements. Variants: Black Occurences: Front right door of the Olga 24 sedan. Variants: Black, Blue, BlueDark, Brown, Green, Grey Occurences: Shoes designed for running. Uses both 12ga bucks and slugs. Reduces sound intensity and muzzle flash generated by firing. Used to treat dehydration and accelerate blood regeneration. A 225 km2 open world post-soviet state and one of the areas hit by a new and presently unknown infection which has wiped out most of the world's population. It is effective at shielding the eyes from the sun. Don't regret it, it is a really good experience. Occurences: A bag of garden lime. Favored by hikers all around the world. Offers little protection, but has pockets. Occurences: Highly compressible puffer jacket. This has become our go-to for an easy asian-style weeknight meal. Variants: Blue, White Occurences: Designed for military use, but quickly found their way to the civilian market. Occurences: A mounted 4x-8x-12x variable magnification hunting scope. Great for recreational activities, like target shooting, plinking, and even small-game hunting. It can also be eaten raw. Occurences: Standard issue paramedic jacket. Holds up to 10 rounds of 7.62x54mmR. Variants: Black, Green Occurences: A polymer handguard for KA based assault rifles. Variants: Beige, Black, Blue, Grey Occurences: A lightweight windproof and water resistant jacket. This is going to be my second review and I have got to say, people hate this game. Shop our great selection of video games, consoles and accessories for Xbox One, PS4, Wii U, Xbox 360, PS3, Wii, PS Vita, 3DS and more. Not only does it include a pompom, it provides some warmth as well. Also offers quick access to the bottom part of the cargo space. DayZ has a rich history, a long lineage of war stories and strange survivor tales that have drawn thousands down its rabbit hole, but its reality is very different. Variants: Ruined Occurences: A box containing H7 Headlight Bulb. Download FREE PC Games. Used to reduce friction and wear on moving parts of the engine. Steer clear. Variants: Grey, Red Occurences: Hood of the Sarka 120. All the same be aware that in its current state, it will take a remarkable degree of patience to get that most from DayZ - such quantities that more than a few folk simply won't have. Unopened, it lasts over 10 years. Very high rate of fire. Variants: Black, Brown, Green, Grey Occurences: A jacket, designed to be worn as part of women’s formal outfit. Variants: Black, White Occurences: Fragmentation grenade type used by eastern forces. Occurences: Detachable aftermarket box magazine for compliant assault rifles used by alliance forces. Useful in the dark to keep hands free. Can be worn with glasses, to make you look smarter. Occurences: Made of activated charcoal. Variants: Black, Camo, Green Occurences: Compact backpack with enough capacity for necessary gear. Popular due to good quality and affordable price. Variants: Green, Red, White, Yellow Occurences: Fragmentation grenade type used by western forces. Occurences: A leather pistol holster that is worn around the shoulders, placing the pistol on the chest. Occurences: A rail handguard for M4-A1 assault rifle. Export version of modernized KA-74M with compatible attachments. Also used as cough medicine. - Occurences: Automated external defibrillator for treatment of heart arrhythmia. Intended to allow wearer to work in adverse conditions. Anonymous 02/11/21(Thu)13:00:12 No. Occurences: A deployable tripod, used to suspend cooking equipment over an open fire. Occurences: A simple plastic lighter, filled with pressurized gas. GAME SUCKS DONT WASTE YOUR TIME OR MONEY. Occurences: Dried cow milk. Variants: Black, Green Occurences: A polymer buttstock for KA based assault rifles. Holds up to 30 rounds of 5.56x45mm. Occurences: Battery-powered night vision goggles for intensifying images in low light environment. 62281341. Bands, Businesses, Restaurants, Brands and Celebrities can create Pages in order to connect with their fans and customers on Facebook. Reliability and high performance of a proven design. Occurences: A large tent, spacious enough to shelter a parked vehicle or a pile of equipment. Variants: Blue, White Occurences: Hood of the Ada 4x4 off-road. Occurences: A portable stove. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. As they can be locked easily, having keys to unlock them is recommended. Occurences: A mounted non-magnifying optics with a battery-powered illuminated reticle. Character customization gone, server and favourite list still a mess, character deletes on entering new server like 5 years ago. Occurences: Surprisingly sharp large machete. Occurences: Relatively small pack. Variants: Black Occurences: Rear right door of the Olga 24 sedan. Can be used to mask your base structures, or even to craft a shelter to serve as a temporary hideout. Variants: Desert, Woodland Occurences: Marine combat uniform pants. Fits the 'Nuclear, Biological, Chemical' suit. Variants: Beige, Black, Blue, Green, Pink, Red, White Occurences: Slightly unfashionable, but extremely comfortable and warm pants. Occurences: A muzzle device for Mosin 91/30 rifle. Cant even get into a match lol bugs, lag etc. Used for different cooking techniques involving fire. Read instructions before use. Used in select rifles. Not really protecting or helping in any way. Occurences: Detachable box magazine for the CR-527 rifle. They come in a variety of patterns. Protects the eyes from the sun. Occurences: A revengeful spirit lives in this pumpkin. Used to make fishnet or make a base for camouflage. It can be used to power other appliances, if connected properly. Can also be used to light fires or for communication. Used to treat bacterial infectious diseases. Giving it a one because it's a decent walking simulator if that's your thing. Occurences: An empty bag for collecting blood directly. Occurences: 7.62x54mmR full power cartridge with a pyrotechnic charge. Шикарная игра! Occurences: A telescopic buttstock for M4-A1 assault rifle. Variants: Black, Camo Occurences: A wooden handguard for KA based assault rifle. Lacks any means of delivery into the bloodstream. Occurences: Standardized rail-mounted, non-magnifying optics with battery-powered illuminated reticle. Взял платину, начал второе произведение на выживании. It has other uses as well. Occurences: A bag of saline solution. Keeps the passenger in the backseat safe inside the vehicle. You have to go to the nearest civilization for the supplies that are oh so scarce. Not too different from other military uniforms, this model is made distinct by its multi-scale digi camo. Ammo: .380 ACP Occurences: Detachable box magazine for CR-75 pistol. Ammo: .45 ACP Occurences: Detachable box magazine for VSS marksmen rifle. Compatible with KA scopes. Used for keeping hood contents safe. Occurences: Standard issue of police force uniform pants. Occurences: A side-mounted, 3.5x magnifying scope with a non-illuminated reticle for Mosin 91/30 and SK 59/66. PUBG Mobile Phantasy Star Online 2(PSO2) World Of Warcraft (US) World Of Warcraft (EU) Grand Theft Auto V Escape from Tarkov Animal Crossing New Horizons EVE Echoes RuneScape - … Offers some protection from the environment and looks cool. Uses .22 LR rounds. This is going to be my second review and I have got to say, people hate this game. Occurences: Standard hunting backpack with closable pockets. Coat the steak with the marinade and let sit covered in the refrigerator for at least 2-4 hours and ideally overnight. Holds up to 8 shells. Instructions. Variants: Black, Green Occurences: A cast iron pan. They can be comfortable, if ill-suited to cold weather. Designed for use by untrained persons. High caliber makes up for slower fire rate. Occurences: Latex surgical gloves. 6 Occurences: Detachable box magazine for the KA-M assault rifle.
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