The point is to push yourself (safety). grainy, Huge, monstrous… as much muscle as he can have a possible place onto the frame. With maximal loading comes a lower number of reps per set, which means fewer occasions to impose the mechanical stress while the fibers are lengthening. That stands for a 30-second slow negative repetition, followed immediately by 10 faster positive/negative reps (one second up, two seconds down) with controlled turnarounds, followed by a finishing 30-second negative rep. But it will definitely make you better. Thought it'd be interesting to discuss the training style of one of the greats. Hard and heavy leg training is very taxing on the central nervous system, and a full day of rest is required to fully recover. The cameramen get instructions from Dimitri to reshoot chins. What's the deal with them? That's what one famous bodybuilder thought, and a new study kinda backs him up. That last almost impossible rep where you're bearing your teeth, you're shaking all over, you need assistance! Artikel . Then you'll never miss a workout. In this case, Squat, Deadlift and Bench Press. And all it takes is one set. It'll build your hamstrings, glutes, calves, and more. Reply. Mike Mentzer used several different training techniques that allowed him to train a muscle to total failure. Mike Mentzer. The rest is history. In that sense, it’s a lot like handling a barbell as a training tool—with the exceptions that an ISOCHAIN is less cumbersome, doesn’t require as much space, doesn’t require plate changes, is digitally accurate in terms of force measurement, and so on. Everyone does shrugs for traps, but that's the worst exercise choice for some people. Panic time! During his time in the military, while also doing his bodybuilding training the old fashioned way (very long training sessions with many sets and hundreds of reps) he came across Casey Viator, who was the winner of Mike’s first bodybuilding competition. People then got the notion that Heavy Duty was about lifting extremely heavy weights but in truth this was not the case. Mike is known for his legendary high-intensity training style. There's something special going on inside your body when that happens." This approach could be seen as … This article is dedicated to the memory of Mike Mentzer, whether right or wrong he sure made us think. "I'm a weightlifter and I really need to get stronger," I continued. Rep One-Juni 24, 2020. Let's smash it. Stretching helps improve muscle recovery and makes the muscles appear more complete. Do it slow and controlled. In an eccentric or lowering action you preferentially recruit the fast-twitch fibers. If you lift like most people, after performing the positive portion of a set, you let the weight rapidly drop to the bottom position. He figured what he needed was more exercise time. Below is a sample bodybuilding routine inspired by Mentzer principles: Workout 1 . He also used other methods to extend the set beyond the normal range of muscular exhaustion. 4 – The Mentzer Cluster. Here's how. You need more than shrugs for big traps. Nowhere is this more noticeable as with the walk-out in a squat or the unracking on the bench press. And Ray Mentzer had them. How could someone like me dare interrupt his lunch break? They were insanely strong bodybuilders, and this cluster variation was one of the tools they came up with to build their strength. I went from 455 to 525 pounds in about six weeks. There are three training mechanisms that contribute to building muscle. And as they'll see strength increases every workout, they'll receive the immediate, continuous feedback that their efforts are worth, important forvital maintenance of motivation. This firing rate increases exponentially when the load is more than 85 percent of your max. Here's how. Miller clusters are a pure strength method. 6 reps x 185lbs Etc. Here's how to train traps and keep your shoulders healthy. Heavy lifting can, over time, desensitize the GTOs. Some athletes (the stronger, more advanced lifters) often couldn't get five cluster reps with their three-rep max. Q: I’ve read that Mike Mentzer was a big advocate of keeping a log book or progress chart. © 2021 T Nation LLC. He was the first one to use clusters as an official method. Use a weight where you can barely complete the number of reps per set. Its main benefit is teaching you to be comfortable and efficient under heavy loading. This is the same routine that helped him beat Arnold Schwarzenegger. Try to increase the weight used each set each week as week. This impressive shot of Mike Mentzer was taken by Wayne Gallasch on a beach in Australia. After the first month, you start back at higher reps, but his time with […] That changed his demeanor significantly. Whatever your level of fitness, you can kick your muscles--and your mind--into high gear with the radical training philosophies and advanced bodybuilding techniques of Mike Mentzer, the first bodybuilder to ever garner a perfect score in the Mr. Universe competition. They inhibit further force production when they sense that you're already producing too much for your own structural integrity. Keep burning calories after your workout is done with this counterintuitive training method. He began to lose size. That’s what the human body does…it adjusts to every stress that it’s presented with. The giant cluster is a different animal and is a lower-impact approach. That is what turns on the growth mechanism in your body. If you lift like most people, after performing the positive portion of a set, you … He had been training two hours every day, but his progress had stalled; so he increased his workouts to three hours a day. Slow reps also force you to emphasize the negative portion of each rep - something which is very often neglected by lifters, especially by those who are dissatisfied with their progress. This is what your glutes, quads, and hams have been missing. All Rights Reserved. You can use the Mentzer approach with either the Poliquin or the Miller work to rest ratios: I popularized this method twelve years ago here on T Nation and it was used by World's Strongest Man, Martins Licis, for his deadlift. It's not what you think. With a cluster set you "practice" those actions up to seven times per set with a near maximal weight. Mike Mentzer (1995) – Mr. Universe Mike Mentzer’s Training Invention In the decades before bodybuilding became fashionable, when young men wanted to workout, they would say, “Hey, lets’ go to the YMCA and lift weights” In fact, during the early part of this century, weightlifting was much more popular than bodybuilding, in part because bodybuilding was regarded as too narcissistic. Le taux de mortalité est de 2,20%, le taux de guérison est de 55,98% et le taux de personnes encore malade est de 41,82% If you're already an expert on clusters, skip ahead, but here's a quick refresher on the benefits: Recruitment is maximized when the load on the bar is at least 80-82 percent of your max strength. The stronger a muscle is eccentrically compared to its concentric strength, the lower the risk of injury. My new technique is named 30-10-30. You need to use all of them to grow. By doing this, over time you can improve your neuromuscular system to produce a higher firing rate, which will dramatically increase force production. And it delivers, every time. This is an exercise best suited for being kept slow and controlled throughout the eccentric and concentric portions of the movement so the weight isn’t just swinging up and dropping down. Januar 20, 2021. The only problem? Ray Mentzer, wearing a yellow Gold’s Gym tank top and blue shorts, does eight reps of chins while three cameras focus on him. Privacy Policy. Slow reps also force you to emphasize the negative portion of each rep - something which is very often neglected by lifters, especially by those who are dissatisfied with their progress. It seems a huge inconvenience to have to carry one of those things around the gym every time I work out. The advanced techniques, most productive workouts, and life-transforming personal philosophies of bodybuilding legend Mike Mentzer. Mike Mentzer war einer der wenigen und wohl auch der bekannteste Bodybuilder, der (auch wenn er es zu Anfang seiner Karriere nicht tat) das HIT dem konventionellen Volumentraining vorzogen. Stretching keeps you from becoming too blocky, clumsy or muscle bound. So, it makes sense to always rely on a cluster setup whenever using weight releasers. Then pick an intensity zone: 80, 85, or 90 percent, and choose a number of reps per set: 1, 2, or 3. Mentzer shook things up in the bodybuilding world when he shared his training routine in a Muscle Builder Magazine interview after the win. Mike Mentzer; It was during this era that training began to aggressively evolve away from full body workouts. Mike and I talked about a great many subjects during that trip, but first and foremost on my mind was finding out what Mike Mentzer's most productive training routine had been. In fact, some actually had to use less weight than their 3RM. Is your body neurally inhibiting strength gains? I was 19 years old and competing in weightlifting (Olympic lifting) at the time. Incorporate lots of stretching into your workout. Note that the number of sets is decreased because of the demands of the eccentric accentuation. Slow controlled reps. Only one set to failure, per exercise. Clusters are great at getting you used to handling heavy weights. He added, "You do that for your squats, front squats, and deadlifts. Mentzer came to high-intensity training after losing a contest and finding that the winner, Casey Viator, trained that way. I was in the gym training four members of the Chicago White Sox baseball team, among them third baseman, Eric Soderholm. Mike Mentzer was born on November 15, 1951 in Ephrata, Pennsylvania and grew up there. Alle freien Wohnungen zur Miete in Franken finden Sie im regionalen Immobilienanzeigenmarkt bei Give it a shot if you're ready to gain strength fast. It might even make you mad. They were insanely strong bodybuilders, and this cluster variation was one of the tools they came up with to build their strength. As such, these more demanding options should only be used by people with a background in high-level strength work. Aus dem Temple Gym an die Weltspitze. But with a cluster set, you get more reps in a set while also maximizing load. He said, "You do one rep, rest for around 15-20 seconds, do another rep, rest 15-20 seconds, then do another rep. You do that until you get to five with a weight you'd normally only lift three times.". Early life and education. Many lifters, including Arnold and Sergio, took the fullbody workout and morphed it into a high volume protocol. News. However, both trained in similar rep ranges, being 6-10 for the upper body, and 12-15 for the lower body. Okay, that was new. They will result in less muscle growth than the Poliquin cluster. Dafür wurde er immer wieder von anderen bekannten Bodybuildern, wie beispielsweise Arnold Schwarzenegger kritisiert. When you hit the bottom, they're released from the bar, reducing the weight you need to lift. The sub-optimal rest decreases performance capacity enough to mask the increase in performance that'd come from the neural activation from the heavy rep. I’ve always trained in a personal progressive pyramidal style with very good results : A. — Mike Mentzer (High-Intensity Training the Mike Mentzer Way©, p. 41). It's one of the main methods that allowed me to eventually reach a max of 445 at Dave Tate's EliteFTS compound. Add weight as often as possible, while keeping form perfect. The Best Strength Training Method of All Time, Advanced Training – Max-Growth Cluster Sets, Painful Advice Every Lifter Needs to Hear, The Toughest Bodyweight Leg Exercise EVER, The 3 Essential Workout Methods for Muscle, The Best Damn Workout Plan For Natural Lifters, Tip: Do Metabolic Resistance Training, Not Cardio, Rest between singles in a cluster: 15-20 seconds, Rest between singles in a cluster: 30-45 seconds, Load: 85-92% for strength movements, 80-85% for Olympic lifts, Rest between singles in a cluster: 45-60 seconds, Load: 87-95% for all movements (clean & jerk could be as low as 82%), Load: 75-80% on the bar, total of 100% on the eccentric (extra 20-25% on the releasers), Load: 75-80% on the bar, 100-105% on the eccentric (extra 20-30% on the releasers), Load: 80-85% on the bar, 105-115% on the eccentric (25-35% on the releasers), The Poliquin work-to-rest ratio (15-20 seconds of rest), The Miller extensive work-to-rest ratio (30-45 seconds of rest), The Miller intensive work-to-rest ratio (45-60 seconds of rest). In grammar school and Ephrata High School, he received "all A's", He credits his 12th grade teacher, Elizabeth Schaub, for his love "of language, thought, and writing. But I was hooked. It also takes tremendous inner … After all, that was pretty much how weightlifters trained the competition lifts: Snatch the bar, drop it down, reset (which would take about 15 seconds), lift it again, etc. Stretch the working muscle between each set. Is eating a lot of whole eggs similar to a cycle of Dianabol? My push press also went up from 275 to 325. Do this full-body plan every other day. Once you can reach the top of the sets' range, you increase the weight. More importantly, what did these guys do to get them? Jim Wendler's 5/3/1/ program promises slow and steady gains that will eventually turn you into the strongest guy in the gym. Clusters, never heard of that. If you want rapid strength gains, clusters are definitely worth considering. Note: The rest between singles in a cluster could be increased in the last two sets if 4-5 sets were used. The Poliquin work-to-rest ratio will give you a bit more muscle growth stimulus. Mike Mentzer Workout. Got some dumbbells? Mike Mentzer. You start with a load that's 95-97 percent of your 1RM (the most weight you can lift with solid form) and you do 3 cluster reps. You then reduce the load by 10 percent (85-87 percent of 1RM) and get an extra 2-3 reps, still in cluster format. The load would obviously vary depending on the approach. It must work! Is a progress chart really that necessary? and the ... or more, reps and still improve their condition, so long as they reach failure, or close to it. The only way to produce more force is to make those fast-twitch fibers fire faster and more often. but then this physique is sorted what in ruins bodybuilding & make it into the death cult of insulin and the GH abuse. "That last rep where you're trying as hard as you can and you barely make it! Dips 1 set of 6 to 12 reps. High Intensity Training Secrets. Here are the parameters for the three intensity zones: The progression model is to select an intensity zone. Post: Mike Mentzer Slow Motion Reps; A 06-06-07 01:14 PM - Post# 308312 Heavy weight with fast reps may or may not provide enough time under tension to cause muscle growth. Here's how to do it. However, if your goal is to get both size and strength as an advanced lifter, Poliquin clusters are super solid. 4,785 Followers, 0 Following, 113 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Mike Mentzer (@heavydutymikementzer) With advanced lifters it's a great way to build muscle, but might not be the best option for maximizing strength gains. I know, it sounds too good to be true, and it's likely not a typical result. Die Karriere des Dorian... Rep One-April 28, 2020. Check it out. Don't add sets or extra weight to make the weight harder. I do 2 warm up sets of 50 fast reps just to pump blood in the muscle and then do 3 working sets of slower HD style 6-8 reps. The first is used to overload the eccentric; the second is used to create an isometric overload. Pamela Reif macht den BVB fit. An eccentric overload is the method that leads to the greatest increase in the muscle fiber's firing rate – the real key to strength production. Paul at . It was not uncommon for these Herculean beasts to train 6 days per week as follows: Monday - Chest and Back Mike Mentzer did not invent High Intensity Weight Training, but he made it popular. 27. Cool, that was promising. At that time, most top-level bodybuilders had long training sessions that included more than 20 sets per body part, 5-6 days a week, and Mike thought they were doing it completely wrong. This exercises was the original go-to movement for upper-body mass and strength, and it still offers major benefits for bodybuilders. This means 4 seconds on the eccentric (positive), a 2 second hold or squeeze at the top and then slow and controlled on the concentric (negative) portion over 4 seconds. The faster your fibers can fire (fire more frequently in a given unit of time) the more force you produce. Both also believed in good form, not just moving the weight, but making sure the muscle fully contracted with each rep. He began bodybuilding at the age of 12, after being inspired by the men on muscle magazines. Lots of compounds target a disease or condition through one path, but this one targets them through several, in addition to building muscle and increasing T. Testosterone replacement therapy is getting more common, but there's still a lot of ignorance out there. These actions are often done poorly with heavy weight. Set 3. He did more than just train with heavy weights and continue the set until his muscles failed. What causes it, how can you prevent it, and what can you do if you already have it? He himself typically trained three times a week … As you need to produce more and more force, you can't rely on bringing more fibers into play like you would during a concentric (lifting) action because the stronger fast-twitch fibers are already working. As a result, you get stronger. I also find the Poliquin cluster to be superior for women since they don't seem to require the same amount of rest to recover. The Mentzer system saved time and lots of it. Mike Mentzer and once a week training philosophy. The first 3 sets are from the floor for 15, 12, and 10 reps. Being a cluster fiend, I started researching the subject and found different options that allowed all lifters to greatly benefit from the approach. The training and diet advice in this article will be tough to hear. I started using them over 20 years ago and haven't stopped. You're also able to do this with no "garbage volume" since all reps are maximally effective at recruiting the fast-twitch fibers. The last three sets are elevated 12 inches on plates or in a power rack for 10, 10, and 8 reps. Make the last three sets heavier and focus on lat engagement. Listen up. He won the 1978 Mr. Universe with a perfect score of 300 points, but the Mr. Olympia title eluded him. Side Note: A cluster is an ensemble of several single reps with short-to-moderate rest intervals. Answers here. The Rock Workout Routine The Rock workout routine uses a pyramid structure. Charles was the man when it came to strength. Leg Extention with no rest do Barbell Squat - 2 super sets of 6 to 8 reps each. Mike believed in lifting more slowly during the positive (concentric) part of the movement. Do they work like steroids? What are the side effects? Here’s why and how to fix it. Other options exist that are better suited for hypertrophy, but that's for another day. That makes cluster training a powerful hypertrophy method. 25 Jahre Bodybuilding: Vom Amateur zum Profi. The heavier the weight, the greater the mechanical load on the fibers. It's great to reinforce optimal lifting technique as well as intra and intermuscular coordination. Mentzer believed that almost all bodybuilders were overtraining and that this slowed down their progress. Maybe. However, the stronger you are, the more you should go with the Miller work-to-rest ratios. I've developed a lot of training methods to stimulate muscle growth, but this one might top them all. Did it turn out that I'd been using the best method without knowing it? At first, he looked at me, puzzled. This approach could be seen as the advanced version of either the Poliquin or the Miller clusters. It's different from the previous methods in that it's a submaximal method, and the goal is to develop "strength-skill" as well as resilience under high loads. I see lots of big bodybuilders at the gym I train at who don’t keep track of any of their weights, sets or reps, and they seem to be making out okay. A former Mr. Universe, the late Mike Mentzer achieved his lifetime best condition from performing rest-pause, an old system of lifting involving single-rep maxima interspersed with … For example, a cluster set could be a series of 5-7 heavy singles. Januar 21, 2021. Hence the rest day prior to training legs. Because of the intra-set recovery period, your capacity to produce force is better maintained from rep to rep. Super Set: Flat dumbbell flies or pec deck 6 to 12 reps and Incline Barbell bench-press 6 to 8 reps for 1 or 2 cycles. Did it mean that there was no other way to rapidly get the strength I wanted? Perform the negative portion of the lift slower than positives. Sounds exotic. Get ready to be better... at everything! What is gynecomastia? The GTOs are sensors in your tendons. This effective program is for them. Bonus: You can do it anywhere. Stimulating growth is, in large part, a matter of putting mechanical stress on the highest number of muscle fibers possible. What are your thoughts on Mike Mentzer's style of HIT training? H.I.T. I had my fastest squat strength gains, ever. You start with a higher amount of reps, and a lower amount of weight. Mike Mentzer Chest Routine. Of all the cluster methods presented, it's the one you can use for the longest and that's safely doable for most people. Using a fairly high amount of heavy work – like you would during clusters – is an effective tool for desensitizing those sensors. He was wrong. Five years later, rising bodybuilding superstar Mike Mentzer followed a similar training philosophy when he won the IFBB Mr. America title in 1976. In love with the deadlift? Mike Mentzer and his brother Ray are better known for Heavy Duty Training. Mentzer and Little was/is very intelligent, well informed, and well respected in this community and Mentzer lived his philosophy. I asked, "Mr. Poliquin, what's the best training method to get stronger?". Mike Mentzer and his brother Ray are better known for Heavy Duty Training. This may be challenging because you are in a calorie deficit so your energy may be lower than usual. I'm not sure if he was able to see my immediate disappointment. 12 reps x 140lbs This type of training raises the metabolism, preserves muscle, and torches fat. This routine builds muscle size because it incorporates one power lifting type movement into each workout. Frank Zane’s Thoughts on Diet and Supplements, Frank Zane now, Building the Classic Physique and Final Thoughts, He used stretching to to shape his muscles and to remain supple rather than over-bulked, so sign up for online personal training now, Mike Mentzer’s ‘Heavy Duty’ Training Routine, Body Fat Percentage Demystified: My Journey from 15 to 7% Body Fat (with photo proof), The Ultimate Workout & Diet Plan for Skinny-Fat Guys, How to Get Rid of Man Boobs without Surgery: Reduce Gynecomastia Naturally, Vince Gironda’s 8×8 Workout for Maximum Definition. After this comes Mike Mentzers rest-pause training, which involves using the 1 rep max interspersed with 10 second pauses between reps, for roughly 4 reps, then progressing onto negatives (I think…). Then drop the angle by 10-15 degrees for 8 reps, then drop angle again for 6 reps, and again for 4-6 reps. That rep is very special, that rep is very different. An extensive (more volume) method and an intensive (higher load) method. And the volume must be kept lower. Support and fortify your sex organs and urinary tract so you can pee better and sex it up better. Maybe the multi-set system works better for muscular hypertrophy. So the more of these reps you have relative to your total number of reps, the better you are at programing your nervous system to make your fibers fire with a high rate. This takes at least 15 seconds (unless you have two partners). The weight used depended on the type of movement selected. Hold stretches for 15 seconds. Years later I'd apply it to the bench press. These types of clusters are more appropriate for very strong athletes or those with a high ratio of fast-twitch fibers. If you want a more in-depth look at them, check out Question of Strength 60 where I share the details. On the bigger lifts – like squats, front squats, deadlifts, and the Olympic lifts – the Miller ratios might also work better. With clusters, every rep is in that zone too. Keep a training journal. You can use the same work-to-rest ratio as either the Poliquin or Miller clusters. The truth is in the middle. His cluster approach is solid for both strength and size gains in intermediate lifters. This is called a "high-firing rate" and it's the real key to strength. Being a pretty average lifter, I was looking for ways to cover up my bad technique and late start in that sport by getting as strong as possible. Add one of these four movements to your list. Another benefit? Very strong lifters will need the longer rest between reps to take advantage of the potentiation effect of clusters. Bodybuilding is full of programs used by "enhanced" lifters, but most people don't take drugs and can't get good results. In a cluster set, all of your reps fall into that zone. The cadence should be 4-2-4 to enable you to go slow and controlled. First you must recruit these fibers, then every time you lengthen those fibers while they're under load (eccentric/negative portion of the rep) you trigger the mechanisms that lead to growth. 0. Casey Viator's "Demonstration" It was January of 1978. Unlike most believe, Mike Mentzer did warm up his clients with a few lighter weight sets with slow cadence and controlled form with no momentum. Artikel. A proven training system specifically designed for bodybuilding. You have to reset the releasers on the bar before every rep. Some would burn-out. In spite of Mike Mentzer's theories and physical results, many have questioned his concept of training the muscles to momentary failure while controlling load variables with slow movements, other studies have found some very significant “positive” findings. Can something so simple really be that effective? I became a lifetime champion of clusters and have used it with a lot of pro athletes, international level amateur athletes, and strength athletes. In the months to follow I got my squat even heavier, eventually reaching 595 pounds. This technique also got my front squat from 395 pounds to 485. Some people might need at least 30 seconds of rest to get the full benefits of clusters for strength gains. Twenty years ago I attended a Charles Poliquin seminar in Montreal. Make more progress with less boredom. Here's why you might want to think about doing some other exercise for your posterior chain. Because of the nature of the weight releasers, you must use a cluster approach. Mike usually recommended 6 to 10 reps per set. The Workout Routines of the World’s Greatest Bodybuilders, Only Suckers Skip Leg Day (plus a REALLY GOOD leg workout), The Best Beginner Workout Routine for Building Muscle and Strength, Herschel Walker’s Workout Routine (Become a BEAST with Bodyweight Training). The number of sets you can get will depend on your level of conditioning, strength, and muscle fiber ratio. For the first set do 10 reps at a 70-degree angle. Then you can select between three main methods for each of the work-to-rest ratio options: These are in order when it comes to the importance of the strength stimulus, but also on neurological and physiological demands. Here's an easy way to get slothful kids to do a little exercise while subtly introducing them to resistance training. Miller used two main types of clusters. Now let's look at a few solid ways to do them for maximal strength development. Mike Mentzer and Arthur Jones most notably developed such a system a generation ago. I'm thinking CrossFit athletes and MMA fighters. Coach Poliquin really respected strength athletes in general, weightlifters even more. He previously had been spending up to 3 hours a day in the gym.The key to high-intensity training is the "The best method to get stronger is clusters," he said. Christian Thibaudeau specializes in building bodies that perform as well as they look. I practiced it for 30-years. They limit how much of your force potential you can produce. Gostaríamos de exibir a descriçãoaqui, mas o site que você está não nos permite. Holding down a job, attending pre-med school. It's something that has stood the test of time and been shown to work for pretty much everybody. Get this into your workouts. Mike Mentzer was an American professional bodybuilder, author and fitness icon. A good example of this misapplication is recommendations by the late Mike Mentzer. Then, each week you increase weight, and decrease reps. Then, you add weight each week. Weight releasers are hooks on which you can add weight. I find HVT and HIT extreme dogmas. That means every rep is maximally effective at stimulating hypertrophy and increasing strength. Check it out if you want to grow! That will rapidly increase your strength.". Standing Calf Raise - 2 sets of 8 to 12 reps. Pec Deck with no rest do Bench Press - 2 super sets of 6 to 8 reps each. The ultimate combination of the most powerful kettlebell exercise and hardcore strength work. Au niveau mondial le nombre total de cas est de 107 875 462, le nombre de guérisons est de 60 393 059, le nombre de décès est de 2 370 607. Perform all movements with slow negatives, not quite locking out at the top of each rep. Doorway … Answers here. It’s better to perform squats with a fresh back. Which is why Larry Scott likely advocated running the rack, in order to counterbalance his heavy weight fast reps with a longer time under tension.
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