People do say that a lot and for some phrasings the wo-word even starts to sound a little tiny bit stiff… in spoken language that is. Kattalin meldete sich zuletzt an am 2021-02-12 06:27:01, und hat bereits 269 Ressourcen auf iSLCollective geteilt. So, we are currently learning Positionsverven in my class, and we have verbs that go with "Wo" and "Wohin".. What is the difference between Wo and Wohin?Feel free to just provide example sentences. Add to "Wo, Wohin, Woher" and the correct preposition (+ article). Wo oder Wohin? When you want to get around in a German-speaking country, you'll need to know some basic travel vocabulary. That means that you can actually use the “normal” way without it sounding totally wrong… mit was, von was, auf was. The prepositions to the questions - Wohin, Wo, Woher. Also note upper and lower case. AGADUE kommt aus Brasilien und ist Mitglied bei iSLCollective seit 2012-03-15 01:23:46. Tags: Grammatik, Übung, Niveau A1, Niveau A2. German exercise "Interrogative pronouns : wo / wohin" created by tati71 with The test builder. Example: Hallo! Question. The curious false friends "where" and "who" in German German Question Words: “Wer?” and “Wo?” – no two question words are confused quite as often by English-speakers learning German as these two. and why? Kattalin kommt aus Österreich und ist Mitglied bei iSLCollective seit 2015-11-15 07:47:34. -Where are you coming from? Wohin gehst du? Wähle aus - dativ oder Akkusativ ID: 1471014 Language: German School subject: Deutsch als Fremdsprache (DaF) Grade/level: Pre-intermediate Age: 12+ Main content: Dativ oder Akkusativ Other contents: in der Stadt Add to my workbooks (10) Download file pdf Die Präpositionen zu den Fragen - Wohin, Wo, Woher. Ergänzen Sie - Wo, Wohin, Woher und die richtige Präposition (+ Artikel). Beispiel: Wo kommt ihr denn her? English (US) Wo bist du? Woher kommt du? -Where are you? See a translation 2 likes creaston. Tags: grammar, A1 level, A2 level, exercise. Wo/Wohin/Woher - Lokalpräpositionen auf Deutsch. The need for wo-words is not as strict as it is for the da-words. Beachten Sie auch Groß und Kleinschreibung. AGADUE meldete sich zuletzt an am 2021-02-09 19:28:10, und hat bereits 35 Ressourcen auf iSLCollective geteilt. It gives some extra examples and practice, since the book exercise is fairly short in practicing the wo-wohin-woher usage. Wo = where (no movement) wohin = where/where to (movement towards something) woher = where from . Wo/Woher/Wohin - Local Prepositions in German - Lokalpräpositionen. It may help to look at the following link, which is a handout I used when I teach German in a face-to-face class. 16 Dec 2016. Handout: Practice with Wo-Wohin-Woher The reason, of course, is because they mean the exact opposite of what they sound like: “Wer ist Angela Merkel?” – “Who is Angela […] In this lesson, you'll learn the German names for common places like the bank, hotel, and school. [ More lessons & exercises from tati71 ] Click here to see the current stats of this German test They both mean "where" but i was wondering what the actual difference is, and which one takes Dativ and Akk. This is posted under English btw Related: Niveau von “wo hingehen” und “wohin gehen” – user9551 Dec 14 '15 at 19:13 There might also be a nuance like the one between hail from and come from , but that’s just a … -Where are you going? Where do you guys come from, then? Wo vs Wohin and Dativ vs Akkusativ?