I changed job internally a few times too. Unfortunately I do not know what that career would be. System Architect here (Computer System Engineer) and I totally here him on that, Lance. Because you only get paid when you’re working.” — Steve Pavlina, author of “Personal Development for Smart People”. I came from a poor family and in fact I am the only one among my siblings who were able to go to atleast government college (state univ in particular). Lots of people change career, find a different job, and do other things with their life. Okay, this isn’t totally related, but I’ve been wanting to ask this question ever since I first came across your blog a few months ago. You won’t regret giving it a shot. I have no idea, quite frankly I don’t care at the moment…. I work in a good reputaed MNC and work life and culture is pretty good here but when i think of my career after 10-15 years i feel worried . You clearly didn’t find any meaning in the work that you were doing other than collecting the paycheck. Its like for tech doubts, they can ask anyone about the problem – they can literally turn to anyone (or google) to solve their issues or clear their doubts on how to use or operate something. Engineering was fun in the beginning, but it’s not for me anymore. Engineering?! The fact that they are putting up the DuPont, WA site for sale helped my decision, and my wife fully supported me. Then, when you’re looking for another job, prospective employers see your work history and think you can’t hold a job because you’re not lucky enough to have found a steady job. You will need to build your client base and learn how to be profitable with limited resources. We’ll probably have to sell the dream house we designed and built on 4 acres in the country, something we put our hearts and souls into. Envious of the receptionist, who spends all her days on the iphone and make still make 95% of my salary. After graduating, try applying for EE job and allow yourself to explore. That’s why I’m hesitant to advise my kid to go into tech. Luckily, my alma mater offered a 5 year BS/MS program. Thank you for your reply. I’ll try self employment for a while and if I really have to, I would consider going back to work for a small company. I don’t think it would be wise to keep this up for two more months with my current pace. Another footnote on health care … DO NOT GO TO PHARMACY SCHOOL! * The lack of opportunities to move up the corporate ladder because of misconceptions about techies and engineers – engineers liked to go in a room by themselves and just code or build things. @FGA – Interesting, yet odd. There are too many people who are doing things for $200 that should cost $1000. Are you looking or will you stay where you are for now? Anyway, let me know if I can answer any questions. After being at the top of my game in software development, they had me manage the work for a team. They are managers, technical marketing, training, investors, and more. It sounds less stressful. I would really appreciate your advice. Do you miss arts or being creative? A few jobs later I’m running projects that take 3-4 years to totally complete, my team is all over the world so all the interactions are over the phone and the responsibilities and expectations are increased. Just be good at your job and go with the flow. A sudden change in the course of a disease or fever, toward either improvement or deterioration. I interviewed externally a few times but didn’t find the right fit. Thanks. Diversity wasn’t really part of the regional landscape nor the local history. I probably should have changed job more often. I bounced back (although my GPA is still below 3.0) and started to enjoy part of my major slightly more. I lost all interest in my work, and really care only about the paycheck and getting back to see my family. Let me know how it turns out in a few years. I would rather figure out a problem than pay attention to the finances. Thanks for sharing your experience. Many folks in IT/Engineering are quite content to keep their existing non-managerial roles. Download. Thanks for sharing. You don’t have to be a programmer forever. Thanks for sharing your experience. Maybe I got out at the right time. I started at DEC (anyone remember them?) I guess you can work for the federal biology department or become a professor with an Oceanography degree. You say you quit your engineering job and became a blogger? Any thoughts would be appreciated. It was Jack Welch’s idea to “squeeze” the bottom 10% so they’d leave the company on their own…GE did not have layoffs like us, so maybe that made sense for them. I was a data scientist for four years. Good luck! That causes major disruption in the departments. Your article seems to imply that engineers are, at the end, nothing more than expendable assets to the companies. Here is the problem Two years ago I suffered a heart attack after leaving a gym and doing some swimming. Sorry to hear that. In my heart and by the influence also of my wife (a civil engineer who also quit her professional/technical job to pursue her love for writing and blogging), I felt that I am more of a creative person than a technical person. I think towards the end of my employment, they had poor managerial leadership in the design teams that I worked on. That’s what I’ll be graduating in next year and it’s refreshing to get a wise perspective from you on priorities and how it is out there. The dream was, and still remains, to eventually become financially independent to play music and work on musical gear with my mates of (going on) 10 years. Sometimes I feel like quitting and learning Interior designing but have not been able to come up with a plan yet. For a few years I had a couple crappy managers and I hated my job .. manager changed and job got better again. It was a huge shift going from high school to university. I saved and invested for 16 years before I left engineering. Whether you are an engineer or accountant, you shouldn’t think it will stay the same for 40 years. As you know, therapies in my home country Philippines will cost me so much. I was tired of the abuse. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. If your team fails you will be under scrutiny even if you didn’t had any influence on the bad decisions made by your team leaders. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. Thank you again for sharing – this is valuable. Nobody worked extra hours unpaid anymore, and some didn’t work the 40 they charged, which is a felony. My husband has been an engineer since graduating in 1991. That might work for you techie guys at can work at home, but the fight in aviation is the new school management idea to save money by paying for what you need when you need it doesn’t work very well for airplanes. “My beef with all this STEM crap is that it resulted in TOO MANY ENGINEERS IN THE WORKFORCE. (6~7 years from nada to very fluent and still improving.) To alleviate some of the financial pressure. One of the main obersavations nevertheless is, that things go down the hill when more bureaucrats and accountants are taking over . It’s a cautionary tale. Cheap paper writing service provides high-quality essays for affordable prices. I think this MS/BS combo program was a great idea. The private sector is just a nightmare as I have had a few part time jobs in that relm. I’d value your perspective.” “The hiring committee sure got it right bringing you on board. On the surface, it may appear that pharmacy is another adjunct health care field, kinda like the ‘pill dispensing’ version of a nurse but it isn’t. That job sounds like a nightmare. I wish I had the opportunities you did, I am currently a freshman in College and am pursuing a software engineering degree. Hopefully, they can help. • Prepare and submit the progress report on activities falling under transport and logistics sector to SDF Program Manager with a copy to SPIU Coordinator. I became an engineer due to my fascination with airplanes and Legos literally! Good luck! If you make, let’s say, $100,000 a dollar/y but have to squeeze your brain out everyday not to get fired and live under constant stress. I think this happens to a lot of engineers. Going back to my control room operator training — which is a position higher than local or field operator position, the thought and feeling of becoming one already started to indwell. 3. Also finding a job in the US as an international student, especially with the military duty in the way, is nearly impossible. If you come every day on time for 10 years and then management suddenly realizes people are late to work you will be among everyone when they give you the hard time and lecture you about timing. My $400 laptop works well enough and I, like most regular people, don’t really care about the next snazzy upgrade. I would like to graduate school and have a full time job. I too would like to semi-retire by 40 (ideally 38 years old). It might seem impossible to you that all custom-written essays, research papers, speeches, book reviews, and other custom task completed by our writers are both of high quality and cheap. WE always need more engineers. I had to do that to motivate myself during my training. Thanks for sharing your real experience ! I just find this a very strange sociological question. There were few women — I could count the female engineers with one hand — and so you had testosterone fueled egotism in the mix. However, soon the working relationships became … disheartening. I am essentially a communications systems embedded engineer. We also received $500 bonuses for simply meeting milestones – doing our jobs….it boosted morale a LOT though. I quit for different reasons. You know, I have been relaxed and complacent while I am in the field and doing repetitive jobs. I wish I did that. How can I help make it happen? I was the top math, science, and economics student ($$$!!!) Here are a few. It has both to do about purpose as well as bringing in some extra cash flow. Good luck! If one doesn’t like one’s job, one should find a way to leave. an integral approach to software engineering BY PANKAJ JALOTE. Everyone who is thinking about quitting their job should read Financial Samurai’s book: How to engineer your layoff. I am working part time right now on a retail store ( not IT ), so not to get bored. I almost think I should just find something outside of engineering for my first job and veer into something else for a career where I could utilize my engineering skills but in a different way. That piece of paper can be a significant feather in our caps. At the very least, it will avoid problems like have occurred with me! Business analysis? But engineers are notoriously bad business people (there are some exceptions as you can see in the ENR top firms) and enjoy the technical side much more. Good luck finding another EE job. Your story caught my eye when “googling” engineering student burnout symptoms. We also are expecting our first baby in Jan so we cannot quit our jobs. Another idea was for him to look for other jobs where he could do something different and interesting while still using his engineer/analysis skills..He is a great people person and was told he was the best communicator in his group and the best project manager (because he is very good at working to bring together groups of people to a common goal) . Im also a Msc engineer, quite young and from other country where engineer is not so well payed. Clearly, being buddies with your team leads helps. He can study what he likes. So far 2 months looking and little interest from the job market so far. If you changed mid-semester and did not complete those 19 credits, I understand you may be done. They can be generalists and make a living. However, don’t you think it would be prudent to find another job before quitting, especially in this very difficult, ultra-competitive job market? ses (-sēz) 1. A little more than 2/3 of the engineers were Americans and the rest were foreigners, largely Chinese and Indians. Civil is the most secure from what I see. Engineering-Economics.pdf However, engineering was not the right fit for me anymore. I finally have my own blog but it’s about the environment! I have been an engineer for 11 years now, have a PE stamp, and am entering this senior engineer role. Each employer may be slightly different, but I believe there are examples of success in each that demonstrate a reasonable work-life balance can be achieved at even the highest ranks. If you are a senior-level engineer, do you still enjoy your job and will you continue with it until full retirement age? One of my old neighbors installs big mobiles in corporate offices. I understand that you worked at Intel for a long time but were there any drawbacks when you were thinking about retiring at early age? Financial independence will give you more choices. I don’t know why they keep trying to make engineers a manager if there is such a shortage. Total insult. Thanks! NSF 17-1 January 30, 2017 Chapter II - Proposal Preparation Instructions. The ultimate goal should be innovation. The increase in difficulty between high school and the university was too much for lots of people. That way you can control your hours. Once my kid goes to school full time, then I will probably try other self employment business. Cheap paper writing service provides high-quality essays for affordable prices. I’m graduating in computer engineering pretty soon with a great gpa and looking for jobs. That’s the wrong move if you want to stay employed. Work as an engineer for a few years and see if it’s bearable. So hardly did it save a meaningful amount of money compared to the damage to morale. It will give you more options no matter what happens in the future. I no longer care for it, actually I hate it and every time I hear any IT slang it makes me cringe. My actual salary after more than 3 years experience is around 30k$ before taxes thats makes around 18k$ after taxes. But I’m glad you got out because nothing is worth your health. However, the company wants their senior engineers to lead and work through others. I think I would hate a job like that. I was unable to escape this even when switch jobs multiple times. I’ve experienced this over and over. Best Assignment writing services in USA by Top American writing experts online. I’m glad you got out of a field that was no longer a fit for you, thanks for sharing!