These numbers range from economy filters (FPR 4) to Premium (FPR 10) with a guidance chart available in-store or online for a comparison of what sort of containment the filters will remove. MERV vs FPR. Established by the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air Conditioning Engineers, MERV rates a filter’s ability to capture and hold particles and pollutants. How to Take Control of Pet Dander and Odors in Your Home. MERV vs. MPR vs. FPR: Navigating Through Air Filter Rating Systems. We have your filter! It rates the manufacturer’s filters and their ability to capture airborne particles smaller than 1 micron. MERV stands for Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value. Because these filters vary in size, each specific filter only fits a limited category of HVAC systems—maybe even just one. In order to keep your air clean in your home or business, it is important to install replacements frequently and dispose of your old filters properly. The largest selection of AC and Furnace Filters, shipped directly to your home. All filters have a MERV rating. It is important to note that most filter manufactures who utilize a proprietary rating system, such as FPR or MPR, will also provide the closest equivalent MERV ratings in the product details. MERV to FPR Conversion. MERV vs. HEPA. Unlike the FPR, though, the MPR measures the effectiveness of a filter’s capturing only the smallest particles on the MERV scale: 0.3 to 1.0 microns. MERV ratings report a filter’s ability to remove air particles between 0.3 and 10 microns (µm). This rating describes how effectively the filters remove particles and allergens like pet dander, dust, and pollen from the air. MERV 6, MPR 300, FPR … Many HVAC companies and distributors offer filters with a MERV rating between one and 20. 2800 MPR has a rating of MERV 14 FPR or Filter Performance Ratings were created by The Home Depot. While FPR ratings correspond to MERV, it’s a rough set of comparisons. MERV 14 pleated air filters capture most airborne particulates such as lint, dust, pollen, bacteria, pet dander, dust mites, mold spores, smoke particles, viruses, coughs and sneeze, smog and other contaminants. Engineers. This means that many retailers, including independent ones, must expect their customers to navigate two different rating systems: MERV and MPR. And it was created by Home Depot. For most our customers it’s learning about air filter ratings. Lowers air-related allergy/asthma indoor triggers, Reduced exposure to airborne allergens, toxins, and irritants, Improved sanitary conditions by OSHA standards, Chemical / biological contamination is controlled. Not necessarily. Here’s a simple way to remember what FPR numbers mean: the higher the number the better the air filter performance is according to The Home Depot. Make it possible for new and existing products, services, and processes to be interoperable with those that already exist. MERV 13+ = FPR 10 ; Which one should you trust? If you’ve been troubled by the MERV vs. MPR vs. FPR comparison, we’re here to help clear things up. This Rating Chart will help you understand which ratings are comparable to each other during your Filter Inserts of your Mask Making or Filter Making. As with any industry niche and product there’s always some revelations that come naturally on the learning curve. Filter Performance Rating – FPR. MERV Ratings 1-6. With our custom air filter wizard, you can build a size to fit your needs. MERV vs. MPR vs. FPR: WHAT THE HECK DOES IT ALL MEAN? MERV 13+ = ~MPR 1500-1900+ FPR: The Filter Performance Rating, developed by Home Depot for brands sold through their store including Honeywell and Holmes. Available in MERV 6, MERV 8, MERV 11, and MERV MPR measures ratings based on sizes 0.3 to 1 microns. HEPA is a type of pleated mechanical air filter.