It’s known for its antiseptic and antimicrobial properties, used to treat everything from acne to dandruff. Consumer Reports looks at the evidence on whether it works. It can powerfully address nail fungal infections. Repeat the steps on how to dilute tea tree oil for toenail fungus 2 to 3 times per day. Tea Tree Oil Application. Remove any dead nails with clean scissors, nail clippers, or a nail file. Always keep infected nail dry as much as possible. Wear ventilating socks to evade moisture buildup on feet. Even with proper dilution, tea tree oil could still result in an allergic reaction. Tea tree oil is gotten from the Australian tea tree. Tea tree is extremely effective in treating toenail fungus and because the oil acts as an antibiotic. Getting rid of toenail fungus can take some patience and requires time to fully heal. Step 5 : Apply thoroughly, so the oil penetrates the affected nail as much as possible, pressing it gently but firmly so that the liquid comes out. For every one or two drops of the tea tree oil, you can add twelve drops of a carrier oil. Can you apply Tea Tree oil over nail polish on the nail? Undiluted tea tree oil may be irritating. Clotrimazole is an antifungal cream available on prescription or from a pharmacy. Stop using tea tree oil if you have any skin irritation or rash. Step 2 : File away any bits of dead toenails at the corners. Thus, it is an effective treatment for toenail fungus. We have listed all ways to use tea tree oil for nail fungus below for your convenience. After applying the Tea Tree oil dilution to your nails allow it time to absorb. You can apply the mixture in your forearm first as a patch test. If left untreated, it can quickly spread from nail to nail as well as the surrounding skin. Nevertheless, it could have a stinging effect on the skin around the nail hence the need for proper dilution with carrier oils such as olive oil and sweet almond oil. Leaving toenail fungus untreated may lead to the cracking, splitting and even complete loss of toenail. Mix the oils well to make a solution. Like most natural products, tea tree oil is largely safe for usage especially in the right proportion, and is approved by the FDA. According to the research, when tea tree oil for toenail fungus treatment produces results within 14 days of consistent use. Apply 1-2 drops of pure tea tree oil to the affected toe twice a day (preferably in the morning and evening ). Apply a few drops on the affected nails. Step 1: Mix 2-3 drops of tea tree oil with 1 tablespoon of a carrier oil like olive oil or coconut oil, both of which have anti-fungal properties. It contains antiseptic and antifungal properties which makes it a viable treatment option for toenail fungus. Nail fungus does not look attractive. Tea tree oil should start to clear up symptoms within a few days of consistent use. BEST SUPPLEMENT FOR GETTING RID OF FUNGUS ️ ️ I use tea tree oil for toenail fungus and athlete's foot. We recommend choosing any one of them and try it regularly. Tea tree oil is a very powerful essential oil. Mix With Other Essential Oils. There are several ways of treating toenail fungus including oral medications which often only prevent the fungus from spreading but do not entirely clear it. How To Use Apple Cider Vinegar For Toenail Fungus, Ingrown Toenail Pus – Causes, Symptoms, And How To Treat With CurveCorrect, Top 20 Best Nail Polish Remover Brands On The Market, What Is The Most Effective Treatment For Toenail Fungus? Visually, it ranges from pale yellow to clear in color. Using tea tree oil for toenail fungus is not a remedy backed by a wealth of scientific or medical study results, though it is a remedy often recommended by doctors. Cinnamon oil. About one out of five people can expect a complete cure in 6 months. Essential oils contain highly concentrated plant chemicals, and while applying undiluted or 100 percent tea tree oil might help an infected nail, this same oil can cause skin irritation or rash. Do not apply tea tree oil directly to skin. If after 24 hours of this application, you do not experience any skin reactions then you are not likely to see any allergic reactions when applied elsewhere. For toenail fungus, apply 100% tea tree oil to the infected toe, 2 times a day for 6 months. How to dilute Tea Tree Oil for Toenail Fungus. These natural products include tea tree oil, lavender oil, and olive oil. Toenail Fungus Infection. With dietary and lifestyle changes, supplements and certain essential oils, you can treat and eliminate the cause of toenail fungus. That’s is how to apply tea tree oil to toenail fungus ; Pro Tips: Be careful while using it so that it doesn’t touch your skin. Also, wash your hands very well after each treatment to further lower the risk of a spread. The process can be slow, but in time you will see a drastic improvement. As a quick remedy to soothe sore. When an entirely new clear and healthy nail has fully grown, then the fungal infection has been completely cured. It’s important to dilute tea tree oil for toenail fungus with a carrier oil, such as olive oil, coconut oil, or almond oil. Step 3 : Gently scrub and wash infected nails with soap and warm water to remove dust and dirt. Here’s a list of natural treatments that other’s have had success with: Vicks for Toe nail fungus. Tea tree essential oil is antifungal, antibacterial, and a natural disinfectant. 3. Treats discoloration; Toenail fungus can discolor your nail, making it look pale yellow and dirty. Apply Vicks VapoRub directly onto the toenail twice a day. a. Unfortunately, many do not know they can use tea tree oil for toenail fungus. Also, most of these medications have side effects ranging from mild to serious. Apply 100% pure tea tree oil twice daily on the infected toenails. Add warm water and then soak your feet in it for about 20 minutes. Tea tree oil. Dilute one or two drops of tea tree oil with about 12 drops of a carrier oil. Hence, it is good to do a skin patch test before use. While you may have success with tea tree oil and toe nail fungus, there are a number of other natural remedies for you can try. Leaving your nail untreated, or failing to apply tea tree oil the right way, can lead to worse problems. In addition to this, one must also be aware of the side effects of Tea tree oil. Thanks. Various researches have proved the effectiveness of tea tree oil for toenail fungus treatment as well as in the treatment of other fungus infections. Find Out Now, Top 10 Most Affordable And Reliable Nail Dust Collectors – A Review, Top 10 Affordable & Long Lasting Nail Polishes On The Market. These products are rich in antifungal properties that help for the effective treatment of nail fungus. Toenail fungus can be challenging to treat because it may not resolve right away. Nail Fungus Natural Turpentine Vicks Vapo Rub On Toenail Fungus Topical Medication For Treating Fungus On Skin. Add five drops of tea tree oil to a half-ounce of carrier oil, mix, stir into a bucket of warm water, and soak your feet for 20 minutes. In this article, You can find a lot of methods in this article to mix Tea Tree Oil with other ingredients like water, Orange oil, Coconut oil and many others. It may take a long time until you will see perfectly grown nails. Tea tree oil is promoted as a natural cure for athlete's foot, toenail fungus, acne, and more. There are a number of ways in which you can dilute tea tree oil. Trichophyton rubrum is responsible for many nail infections and is the major fungus leading to athlete’s foot. Purchase the oil and get a dropper as you prepare to dilute it. 3) Oregano Oil with Melaleuca or Tea Tree Oil. Wrap the nail with a soft bandage so that it can be absorbed completely. Toenail fungus usually takes time to heal. Similarly, products that use it as the active ingredient are said to be effective in toenail fungus treatment. Combine 3 drops of OO and 2 drops of tea tree oil. Gel Nails Vs Acrylic Nails: Which Is The Best? Although tea tree oil for toenail fungus works, Tea tree oil is designed for external use and must never be taken internally. Don’t ever use your fingers to apply the diluted tea tree solution to the affected area because toenail fungus spreads really fast. Garlic. 4.6 out of 5 (179 customer reviews) Jamberry And Nail Fungus Toe Fungus Infection …