How Long Can Molly Fish Go Without Food? Hair, like fingernails, is made of keratin and is much more durable than skin and flesh. Mollies do not require any special condition for breeding, because merely keeping a few males and more number of females in the tank is enough to keep on reproducing the species. S. snowyangel Fish Gatherer. after we rearranged things, they stopped. Breeding is easiest when a bit of aquarium salt is added to the breeding tank. Another crucial element in prolonging the life expectancy of your fish is determined by the water parameters in the aquarium. Molly fish are livebearers and the females seem to almost always be pregnant, thanks to the voracious Molly fish breeding behavior. Molly fish also require plenty of live aquatic plants to munch on as well as hide behind. Top Answer. I have had some pretty big tetras,(silver with red and black fins, forget what they are called)living for awhile almost 2 years. Recently one died after getting weak gradually. Aug 5, 2004 #1 how long do they live? Specially bred for their deep bodies and distended-looking bellies, these fish look somewhat more unusual than other kinds of mollies. 3-4 years. If they are kept with proper care, they can live some more years. They are a peaceful breed of fish, and they give live birth to their offspring. If it’s your first time keeping platies, you may have questions related to their lifespan: How long do platy fish live … River Rock Large Stone as Aquarium Gravel? Mollies originate in Central America and have a lifespan of 3 to 5 years. After owning molly fish or any livebearer for some time, you will quickly find out how much they breed. Topic: What is the average lifespan of a Molly Fish? In fact, it’s more than a hobby, because I’ve spent countless hours doing research on different fish species. whether the fish is kept in captivity or lives in the wild, whether they have good genetics, whether they’re fed well or kept in proper conditions. i heard about a year is this true because it sounds rather short?! However, if you want the fry to survive until adulthood, you have to take several steps to care for them, including protecting … You may already know that livebearers don’t lay eggs and instead give birth to live fish. Keep a lighting schedule and make sure you observe correct female to male ratio in the tank. See Answer. Asked by Wiki User. Live-bearers like mollies breed a lot and male mollies tend to pursue females constantly, thus, stressing them out. So, How Long Do Dalmatian Mollies Live? Live-bearing fish do not lay eggs but give birth to live tiny little fish babies. Mollies reproduce like rabbits. Aquarium heaters come in various brands and sizes. Most mollies have the ability to live 4-5 years or more. They’re rather hardy and even went through an outbreak of ich and survived just fine. The most you can probably expect out of your livebearers, even with excellent care, is 2 or 3 years. Housing. Balloon Mollies usually live for about 3 to 5 years while all the types of mollies have a different life span. The ignition temperature is rather high, but the burning is self-sustaining after ignition. Source(s): Fish Store Owner. 0 0. Mollies are a brackish species where, they live most of their life in semi-salty water; however, these regions are places where it can in the span of a day go from fully fresh, to fully salt. How long do male mollies live compared to female mollies. Unternehmen . How long do tetras, mollies, and other small tropical friendly fish live ? These are: Let’s analyze each of these in more detail. Mollies, like guppies, are capable of acclimating to full strength sea water temporarily, but it is not their natural environment by any means. By okspud1 5 Dez 2019, 18:13 Alle Features anzeigen. How Long Do Balloon Mollies Live? Read more…. A little less than the regular mollies, about 3-4 years. Source(s): Updated May 14, 2020 Author: Mike - FishLore Admin Social Media:. Some pet stores can also be a good place to source your fish from, but breeders are a superior choice when it comes to knowledgeability about good fish genetics. Generally speaking, Dalmatian mollies live for anywhere between 3 and 5 years. So for the survival of newly hatched babies, we separate them in a small tank with the same conditions as water parameters, temperature, and food. Life expectancy can be maximized with proper care. In your research on molly fish, you’ve probably searched information on how long mollies live for and what can you do to improve molly fish lifespan. Considering the life span of Balloon Mollies, they have a shorter life span than other kinds of mollies. Thus, it’s important to feed them quality foods and offer them a diverse diet that can contain commercial foods and foods that you prepare at home. I really enjoy the aquarium hobby and love sharing my experience with others. The average lifespan of a molly fish is around 2-5 years. 1 decade ago. From what I can tell the best solution is to either seperate the males and females to eliminate more fry, and possibly find a fish that eats mollies and set up a tank for them. It usually takes between 40 and 70 days for the gestation period to complete. Please always ask a veterinarian for help regarding your pets. But, a filter is not necessarily mandatory to keep your guppies healthy. I own rats & they typically only live … But if you add a male to your tank, forever. The same is true for male mollies that mate with females all the time. The same is not true for molly fry, which can only survive up to 3 days without food. The water requirements for mollies are as follows: These are the general guidelines for molly fish but be sure to check the specific requirements for the molly breed you choose for your aquarium. By okspud1 11 Dez 2019, 17:55 Post Malone balances the "Rockstar" life and reflection on Runaway Tour Live. Livebearers are shorter lived than most tropicals (which DO live 10 yrs or more with good care.) … Required fields are marked *, Fish keeping and aquariums has been my hobby for almost 20 years. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to, If you want to set up an aquarium with multiple types of fish, a good…, Molly fish reproduce at a rapid rate and produce a lot of fry, so it’s…, Beautiful, varied and lively, molly fish are a must-have fish that can be kept in…. S. snowyangel Fish Gatherer. does not intend to provide any kind of veterinary suggestion. How long do mollies live? You have to remember that these fish are constantly breeding and designed to do just that. Human hair can endure for several years, often 2 years, before decomposing along with softer tissues. Mit Flexionstabellen der verschiedenen Fälle und Zeiten Aussprache und relevante Diskussionen Kostenloser Vokabeltrainer Their lifespan will completely depend on how well they are cared for, but in the perfect scenario, Black Molly fish can live up to 5 years in captivity. By Staff Writer Last Updated Mar 25, 2020 8:33:37 PM ET. Mollies are an ideal choice of live bearing fish (i.e. These fish somewhat live a short lived life but it can still be very meaningful. How long do these fish live or what is their life expectancy? Molly fish is a known live breeder like Guppies, meaning after mating, the mother molly gets pregnant and then gives birth to live babies. There isn’t any evidence that males molly fish live longer or less than female molly fish, however, a female molly fish that spawn constantly will have a shorter lifespan. Mine seem to keep dying on me and I can’t figure out if it’s something in my tanks or do they just not live a long life? 4 years ago. Being livebearers, they do give ‘live birth’ to their babies. 1 decade ago. It is unlikely that the baby fish will be able to survive around the other fish. If you don’t mind cultivating fish food at home, you can opt for live food cultivation like brine shrimp, vinegar eels, daphnia for a protein-rich diet. Source(s): Fishfanatic since 1999. These babies are known as Fry. Some people claim they’ve had mollies live for 7 years but.. How To Extend The Life Of Your Dalmatian Molly. The main differences are colors and patterns, but sizes and shapes can differ too. Your email address will not be published. how long do mollies live? The countdown automatically adjusts for DST changes in the selected location. See Answer. The Balloon Molly is a hybrid variation of Poecilia latipinna,the Sailfin Molly. Just like other livebearers, mollies are easy to breed, and make fascinating fish for the seasoned aquarist. Not only do Mollies bear live young, but they breed very readily in the home aquarium. It sounds like your molly gave birth while you were away, but the rest of her offspring became food for the other fish. If you have any questions feel free to contact me or leave a comment below. Joined Jul 12, 2004 Messages 65 Reaction score 0 Location Gt London UK. T. tangeriiine Fish Fanatic. Other mollies are found in estuaries and around mangroves, being well able to live in full-strength seawater without problems. Life Span: How long do Balloon Mollies live? we had to separate one of our smaller kohaku mollie and a couple guppies from them because our pineapple mollies are just total jerks. To be trustworthy I see the Molly killing the Betta and not any incorrect way around! Naturally, you’re worried about how your mollies are going to survive without food, especially if you don’t have anyone who you can ask to keep an eye on your mollies while you’re gone. The beautiful fins get their maximum beauty and size only during the 2nd year of the fish life. *Awarded Answer Life Span: How long do Balloon Mollies live? The babies are easy to care for too, If you just let them go you'll have at least a 75% sucess rate. Reference samples of black molly fish don’t have any glitter or … Life expectancy can be maximized with proper care. How Long Do Guppies Live Without A Filter? Providing a stress-free environment means eliminating anything that can be a source of stress for your fish: Choose compatible tank mates for your mollies (guppies, platies, bristlenose plecos, harlequin rasboras, etc. they don't lay eggs) to place in a community aquarium or fish tank. Offer them food once or twice a day and limit the food to an amount they can eat in 3-5 minutes. Recently one died after getting weak gradually. That said, there are differences in life expectancy between the various molly fish breeds, however, on average, molly fish live 3-5 years. These fish remain fairly small, growing to an average size around 3 to 4 inches and they are a very peaceful species which makes them a great addition to the community tank. Mollies have fast growth rates and large brood numbers so a few Mollies can quickly turn into a large colony. Perfect Tank Conditions For Black Molly Fish They may be cheap, and they are certainly hardy and easy to breed when kept correctly, but in many ways they are not ideal fish for the community aquarium. Because of this they often have organ failure and other problems, which cut their life expectancy a bit shorter. Share your countdown by copying the web address (URL). Mollies are very versatile fish having the unique ability to live in both freshwater and saltwater if acclimated slowly. 17 pounds? I just kept them in a small tank, heated and crushed up the food really finely so they could eat it. And being livebearers you’ll, What’s bb? Most mollies will live around three years in captivity, though some well cared for mollies can live for as long as five years. Say it’s your first time keeping molly fish and you’ve never been apart from them, but something comes up and in a few days you must go on a week-long trip.. How long do Molly fish live? How Long Do Betta Fish Live In 1 Gallon Tank? ), be careful not to keep too many fish in your tank and offer plants and decorations for hiding. i heard about a year is this true because it sounds rather short?! A varied diet including algae-based flake food, along with freeze-dried bloodworms, tubifex worms, and brine shrimp will provide proper nutrition to a wide range of different livebearer species. how long do mollies live? Logged beowulf Re: How long do Mollies live? What are you looking forward to? The gourami should live longer. … You may be able to get away with it for a week or so if they are juvenile fish while you find alternatives. Perform regular water changes, keep the tank clean and treat the water use for water changes. ... Molly Fish tanks do require an aquarium heater. Mollies require a little bit of aquarium salt, they are naturally brackish water , I would recommend platies for lower maintenance fish. 2 Answers. Homemade fish food is also a great option for feeding your molly fish. Top Answer. The genus Mollienesia , from which the name mollie was derived, has been re-classified as Poecilia and is considered to be in the same genus as the guppy. 1 day later the fungus looks like its more attached (not floating and barely hanging on). The molly fish cannot live in brackish water, so it is best to put some salt into the water of your fish tank. There have been documented cases of bettas living five years or more, but that is not the norm. Mollies require a minimum of 20-gallon tanks, and they prefer to be kept in tall aquariums. The content of this website is not meant to be a substitute for professional medical advice. This size would be suitable for up to four depending on the species – larger mollies like the sailfins will need a 30 gallon tank. Any molly fish can breed with another breed of molly. The balloons are a selectively bred fish and usually are a result of severe inbreeding. Source(s): Still, you can’t just pack your bags and go, and hope for the best. Perfect Tank Conditions For Black Molly Fish The first thing to take into consideration when setting up … John M. 1 decade ago. Yes it may have a shorter lifespan but so do many species. Mollies are live-bearers, which mean the majority reproduce by giving birth to live babies. Adult molly fish can survive without food for up to 2 weeks. A Balloon Mollie can live a full & happy life without assistance. A filter does not directly affect the lifespan of guppies but more so the water conditions in the tank. Help: The black molly has a fungus showing up on her eyes and it appeared the day after the other fish died. $\begingroup$ You can destroy diamonds, so they're not really forever - in fact, diamonds burn, releasing just the usual carbon dioxide you'd expect. The average lifespan of a molly fish is around 2-5 years. Water changes are also an important part of keeping healthy mollies. 3-4 years. I am so sorry to say this, but neither container would be large enough for a goldfish and not Mollies either. We’ve had the tank for close to a month and we’ve been changing like a 3rd of the water every sunday. If your fish have bad genetics, everything else comes second to it. And even if they do live for a long time, it’s going to be an extremely unhappy life. Mollies are livebearing fish , which means the females release live babies about once a month. Balloon mollies, sometimes known as potbelly mollies, are a hybrid of species belonging to the genus Poecilia. Male mollies will chase the female mollies and you may notice the male under the female molly, which is a sign of copulation. Their lifespan will completely depend on how well they are cared for, but in the perfect scenario, Black Molly fish can live up to 5 years in captivity. Get a siphon and a bucket. Most fish live longer in the wild than in captivity, even if you would be inclined to believe that since they get access to food so readily, they would live longer in captivity, but it’s the other way around. Im having the same issue, just had our third batch of fry. Live bearing fish do not always deliver all of their fry at one time, and the younger females tend to drop fewer fry. If you would like to try to raise them, purchase some fry food and a breeding facility that lets water pass through, but not other fish. 0 0 1 0 0 0 0. How Long Do Mollies Live. Favorite Answer. Fry fish could not live more life in a big tank with adult mollies because they eat them all in a short period. You will need to purchase one that is designed for the tank you purchased. We were all pretty inexperienced but we’ve been doing so much reading since we brought them home we’re realizing we should have done stuff differently. If they are kept with proper care, they can live some more years. 1 decade ago. We added water conditioner today. The water chemistry is typically hard and alkaline, pH 7.5 to 8.0 and hardness 15-30Ë°dH. Mollies are live-bearing fish. I've had low ph problems for a long time and real bad cloudy water. There are lots of molly fish varieties – most are very similar to the common molly (Poecilia sphenops). Tank: 5.5g, 2 (was 3) mollies, 2 snails, living plants, gravel substrate, filter,  heater, Fish: 1 gold molly, 1 black molly (with a fungus infection), 1 dalmatian molly (passed away) + 1 nerite and 1 mystery snail.