Something went wrong. It sounds like at least some of your feeders are on poles. Learn how your comment data is processed. The raccoons will also leave behind germs that could prove unhealthy for you and your family. I discovered the grisly murders at 1AM. You have to position it really carefully though to be effective. Remember Raccoons Do Not Hibernate: Raccoons do not hibernate, so food is as scarce for them in the winter as it is for the birds. How to build Raccoon / Possum proof cat feeder. The long, cylindrical design of our Raccoon Baffle specializes in deterring raccoons from reaching your feeders. For myself, I’ve found that the $100 I spend on a pole/baffle set-up saves me much more in seed over the long run. I needed an easy solution. I did not use the "lexan" design, because lexan can be more difficult to work with, considering the material's expense. This complete raccoon proof bird feeder system really shines with the copper accent feeders… In the morning, I found the birdbath full of dissolved suet. MEKKAPRO Squirrel Proof Double Suet Wild Bird Feeder with Hanging Metal Roof, Two Suet Capacity. Roller Feeder 2 – Cardinal – 2 Tone Green – RedSq Squirrel Proof Bird Feeder $ 109.95 $ 98.94. 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed at your Wild Bird Superstore. Want to read more posts about birds? Thanks! Raccoon damage is worst in late spring when female raccoons need extra calories to produce milk for babies and soon enough those babies will follow mom to the feeders too. I buy my poles and baffles at my local bird store. I have a feeling the poles and baffles you write about could end up too costly for my budget. Droll Yankees Squirrel Proof Feeder. Squirrel Buster Classic Squirrel-proof Bird Feeder w/4 Feeding Ports, 2.4-pound Seed Capacity Michelle assured me that raccoons are not as acrobatic as squirrels. The original Lifelong raccoon proof, squirrel proof suet bird feeder! It will take some work, but there are some constructive ways to discourage the raccoon from even trying to get at the feeder. Video Transcript Yes, I have recently built a racoon-proof squirrel feeder. This time, the raccoon had a new strategy. We use Have a Heart Raccoon traps and relocate them to a woods nearby. CHECK OUT THE VIDEOS BELOW FROM OUR HAPPY CUSTOMERS! After putting suet on baffled poles, there were no more attacks on any of the feeders. They can climb and reach out to get to a feeder, but they don’t leap to them like squirrels will. Roller Feeder 2 – Cardinal – 2 Tone Green – RedSq LARGE Squirrel Proof Bird Feeder $ 113.20 $ 102.19. But I took reassurance that the first suet feeder hadn’t been attacked again. Try moving your pole over a cpl of feet and see if that makes any difference. It is easy to load, I always know the exact amount of suet left on both sides of the feeder … ECO-FRIENDLY - IT NEVER BREAKS, SO YOU NEVER HAVE TO THROW IT IN THE TRASH LIKE YOU'VE DONE WITH OTHER FEEDERS ☹, Weight empty: Just over 1-1/2 # Overall Dimensions: 5 1/2"w x 11 1/4"h x 2"d, Inside grid dimensions: 5" x 8 5/8" x 1 1/16" (holds approximately 1 - 2 standard suet cakes maximum - 1 works best), * SHIPPING TO CANADA: e-mail me with complete shipping address for shipping cost BEFORE ORDERING: [email protected]. If you want to outsmart a raccoon, you need to think like a raccoon. By bonedoggie Follow. This is mostly because raccoons would rather not go to that much work. My first thought was that a squirrel had carried off the suet. One night last spring, a pack of raccoons broke into our basement & ate our baby chickens. HARRISON, NY written by G. R., June 24, 2010: Hi! I put the two smaller suet cage feeders away. Squirrel Buster Suet Squirrel-proof Suet Bird Feeder w/2 Suet Cake Trays, 2 Crumb Ports, Mess-free Suet Loading,Green. When you subscribe below, you’ll get an email whenever a new post goes up (and ONLY then. Bring bird feeders … Birdseed & Binoculars is the blog of Nancie Waterman. It REALLY is raccoon proof. There isn’t a way to protect tree-hung feeders from raccoons. Guaranteed Squirrel Proof. I also bought one of Erva’s caged suet feeders recently. Another clever Raccoon emptied my wife’s bird feeder again. Birds Choice Upside Down Suet Feeder Review, Want to read more posts about birds? When I grumble about our regular squirrels, I remind myself that at least they aren’t raccoons. BUT, if you don’t want to mess with poles (and I totally understand that), check out my post on baffling branch hung suet. Sale! The remaining four are Birds Choice hanging upside down suet feeders that look like little tan and green houses. If the raccoons have carried the suet to water but they seem set on accessing our hot suet, my conclusion is that they are intent on taking hot suet out of the feeders. FAX 1.603.224.3925 $16.99 $ 16. Yuck! More by the author: This is a simple but effective Instructable. Add to cart; Sale! Black oil sunflower seeds for everyone else. I noticed our motion sensor light was on in front, and when I investigated found a raccoon at the bird feeder. In DIY. There wasn’t a good place for a pole out front where the suet feeders were previously located. So you really need to watch the feeders and see exactly HOW they are getting onto them and then problem solve to prevent that method. All aluminum and stainless steel. (If not, I’ll be back to the store for raccoon baffles.). Download Favorite. They can be sneaky little suckers… With those little fingers, they can get into just about anything! I participate in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, “an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to” If you use an affiliate link on my site to go to Amazon and make a purchase within 24 hours, I earn a small fee which helps offset blog related costs. Proper placement is important, so ask WBU for guidelines. They will return to normal hardness at room temperature. There are a lot of mixed opinions on whether or not you should feed raccoons, but placing a few cobs of corn or pieces … I had one of mine closed with wire and metal clips but the raccoon pulled the whole thing down off the branch one time. Make them Sweat. How to Keep Squirrels Out of Suet? There are 2 brushed copper bird feeders that hold all the birds favorite seed of sunflower and thistle. This baffle can be mounted to fit our Advanced Pole System® (APS) and is available in a durable black powder-coated finish. It couldn’t get into it though because the baffle fell on top of it and pinned the cage feeder to the ground under it. I’m willing to bet that almost every homeowner at one point or another has had to deal with raccoons. Several years ago, I tried a lot of locations and strategies for positioning suet feeders.I also tried out a DIY method for “Starling Proofing the Suet”.But when a raccoon started getting into my suet feeders and causing a mess, I changed where I hang them.And that made a huge difference! 100% better than those smaller green cages that never close property. This is the regular microchip cat flap, the one that isn’t … Portals are designed for large mixed seeds such as wild bird mixes, black oil sunflower or cardinal mixes. So I needed to position the poles far enough away from anything that a raccoon can reach from to the feeder. So maybe building your own bird feeder is just too much of a task today, and you’d much rather spend a pretty penny on a raccoon-resistant feeder. The raccoon moved on to suet feeders hanging in low bushes in front of the house. My design for a "metal cage with flip-top box feeder" utilized concepts of someone else's design for removable, tree-mounted lexan box assembly with a gravity feeder bottle. The final Birds Choice suet feeder stayed hanging on far end of the branch initially, but later I added an extra third arm to the back yard pole for that one. 0 You liked it! Now I’m taking care of that with the new poles and baffles. Please try again later. One night last spring, a pack of raccoons … Account & Lists Account Returns & Orders. For the ultimate squirrel-proof bird feeder, opt for a free-standing post placed away from tree coverage. Squirrels can be relentless when it comes to trying to get into feeders. (See my “Erva Starling-Proof Suet Feeder Review” post.) 42,969. I already had a squirrel baffle but I think they were something like $25 – $35.) Because I’ve been using hot pepper suet blocks, I figured a squirrel had found the fallen suet but didn’t like the taste and left it there. The last time it happened was over six months ago. I am ecstatic with your Lifelong suet feeder. They really are pretty lazy! So she set me up with two poles, each with two arms and a raccoon baffle. Squirrel Buster Suet Squirrel-proof Suet Bird Feeder w/2 Suet Cake Trays, 2 Crumb Ports, Mess-free Suet Loading,Green. On July 4th when closing the blinds in the bedroom which is the second location with a pole feeder and a squirrel baffle, we witnessed a mouse feasting on the hot suet. ... Click to add item "Enchanted Garden™ Small Rustic Bird Feeder with Suet … The containers have to be tightly sealed to protect from, raccoons and other pests. Stopping raccoons from climbing bird feeder: Building a raccoon proof bird feeder can help you to protect your bird feeders. Then scroll down to see the rest of the gallery. Some raccoons are so clever they can yank the suet out of the feeder and run off with the morsels leaving the emptied feeder intact. Raccoon effective. Deciding Which Suet Feeders to Keep. Love your articles that ive just happened upon while searching for birdseed squirrels wont eat. . I bought 2×2 and built 2 ground feeders … Built to last for generations! How to Make a Raccoon “Resistant” Bird Feeder Stand. My suet has been the least protected from furry critters of all my feeders. Bird Feeders, Bird Houses, Bird Baths | Specialists in Wild Bird Feeding | Wild Bird Superstore Since 1952 Call Duncraft at 1.888.879.5095 102 Fisherville Road, Concord, NH 03303. Nancie. The dual shepherd’s hook type pole I have bought in the past would have been I think about $20 less, but holds fewer feeders. Up until the arrival of the raccoon, I had six suet feeders and one more with a nut block. We have mounted motion detection lights to the feeder. Hang 'em high—Hang your bird feeders on poles a half inch or less in diameter, securing the pole firmly so it cannot be knocked over. So I set out to my local bird feeding store, Mother Natures in Columbia Maryland. It's been over 6 months, the feeder is holding up really well and we have discovered another added benefit to it. Cart Chicken leg stumps in pools of blood. Are all of the feeders you are having problems with on poles or do some hang from something else like a tree branch? I haven’t seen evidence of a raccoon in months but I’m betting they return this spring. When Grackles Don’t Leave. When there are one or two, I think they are kind of fun to watch. Nature Products Pole Mount Feeder stands five feet tall with a metal top and heavy-duty squirrel baffle made of durable plastic at the base for extra protection. By Wick. Adding a steel raccoon baffle to your feeder pole is the most effective way to stop raccoons. The blog’s focus is on backyard bird watching, especially solutions for problems that come up with feeding backyard birds. Okay so not quite 20,000 volts, but it’s a nice zap that makes raccoons want to get away, very fast. Buy the Eco-Strong Tail Prop Suet Feeder at Raccoons cannot climb such a thin pole and they won’t be able to tip it … SureFlap Sure Petcare Microchip Cat Flap. Electrified Raccoon-Proof Bird Feeder. This is the story of what was happening and how I solved the problem. This feeder is designed more like a double-wide traditional suet feeder … I haven’t had too many problems with squirrels yet but I know it’s just a matter of time. a four-way top to hang four feeders ($34.99) and an auger type bottom piece ($19.99). You can use S hooks and/or cables to make it more difficult for them to pull the feeder down, but it won’t keep a raccoon from shaking the feeder or jumping on top of it to reach seed. My suet cage is now extra locked with a bread bag tie, which seemed to be all it took for the racoons to lose interest. That’s interesting that locking the suet that way stopped the raccoons. It should extend five or six inches past the entrance to the box and prevents most cats from being able to reach … I didn’t think it was windy last night.” I replaced the missing suet block and re-hung the feeder. To keep furry critters away from bird feeders that are mounted on a pole, … (My local squirrels usually eat hot pepper suet only when they are very hungry.). RACCOON PROOF, SQUIRREL PROOF SUET BIRD FEEDER -- U.S. Patent No. . Keep raccoons and squirrels away from your bird seed. Slip this steel barrier onto your pole and critters can't climb up to reach your feeders. The small fees they provide help cover my site costs. More Posts About Grackles. See my post on Maryland Backyard Birds. Well, look no further, because the feeders we’ve found for you in this guide are not only fabulously stylish but also come at very reasonable prices! That is when I realized that something was deliberately going after the feeders. Get it as soon as Mon, Feb 8. I happen to really like this new suet feeder. They are brazen enough to chatter and tease our dogs throughout the day, and at night the racoons ravage the feeders, both seed and suet. 97 Hi Vicki, I have mixed feelings about squirrels. First, use your shovel or post-hole digger to dig a circular hole about 2 feet deep in the ground, and wide enough to fit your piece of PVC pipe. They understand what they sell so they can give you advice. But I do bring in the cages I dont want destroyed, or I’ll empty them at night and refill in the morning. In my yard, there is usually a pair of Downy Woodpeckers in the front yard and another pair in back. Also shown are the Raccoons trying to steal the cat food. If they don’t want to be bothered now, that is excellent! Feeder … Fortunately, raccoons are less frequent in my yard. Can you provide additional information on your feeder set up? All content of this site is copyrighted Nancie Waterman 2013-2021 unless credited to someone else (who probably then has copyright on it.) Add to cart; Sale! This was one of those times when I REALLY appreciated having a local store staffed with people with long experience feeding birds. She first suggested taking the feeders in each night, which is a reasonable strategy. Few tricks of stopping Raccoons from climbing bird feeder pole are listed below. I’ve set up feeders and baffles in the past and have been SURE that nothing can get on them, only to find that the critter (usually squirrels in my yard) has found a way that I didn’t see. Using the method of piping. Luckily I did not catch anything else because the city told me they will remove whatever I catch. Your email address will not be published. The baffle collar needed to pole mount this item is included. You can also find raccoon repellants such as Havahart Critter Ridder Animal Repellent that may be effective in getting rid of them. Due to a small number of recently reported issues with our 2 Plug Suet Feeder, in an … The last feeder is a much larger and heavier cage feeder that holds an extra large nut block. CLICK THE WHITE ARROW BELOW TO SEE THE LIFELONG FEEDER IN ACTION! I try to find a balance with them and will usually go out and break up the squirrel party when it starts getting crazy like that. 9. I try to support these people with my business because their help over time has been invaluable. Battery/Motor Free! Stop raccoons and squirrels from climbing your pole! I also touch on bird photography, stories about birds and birding field trips. Michelle talked me through the problem. Home » Bird Feeders, Baffles & Poles » Bird Feeders » A Raccoon is Eating My Suet! Please always respect copyrights. Because there was so much suet left in the bath, I had hope that her washing experiment didn’t work. This DIY squirrel and raccoon baffle is easy to make, costs little in materials, and is sure to befuddle even the craftiest of critters. I thought, “Oh, that’s odd. Apparently not liking the taste of hot pepper, she tried washing the suet in the nearby ground birdbath. Not so. By using a WBU Advanced Pole System, one baffle … Thanks so much for all the useful info and ideas!! Bird Feeders with a Shorter Squirrel Baffle on Pole, Suet and Nut Block Feeders With EVRA Baffles, Downy Woodpecker Eating Suet (and Spilling Some), New Pole with Longer Raccoon Baffle and Two Suet Feeders. The last feeder is a much larger and heavier cage feeder … Enter your email address to receive email notifications of new posts. Report WBU offers a Solution Clip to fit over the end of a shepherd's hook or WBU pole system arm to stop raccoons from taking feeders. 4.4 out of 5 stars 959. ones the critters can't eat from or destroy), but we have one suet feeder (nicknamed "The BEAST") which has proven its merit. My first clue was finding dirt in my ground birdbaths a few times as if someone was washing in them. By bonedoggie in Outside Birding. $29.99 $ 29. … It’s all about the feeders you get, the food you put in it and the placement. But when there are ten or more and they start doing repeated kamakaze runs on the ground feeding birds or get into a feeder and hog all the food, they are less fun. Is anyone else experiencing this? Because of the squirrels we have made a few changes and especially, after a midwinter possum was caught on the feeder in broad daylight. BUYING A RACCOON-RESISTANT BIRD FEEDER . If possible, the best bet is usually to try to keep the critters off the feeders completely. While feeding birds in your yard is a popular pastime, squirrels and raccoons can often empty or destroy a bird feeder in no time flat. (I have a post about that.) Required fields are marked *. I only use these links for products I’ve used myself unless specifically noted otherwise. Hummingbirds will not visit a feeder if a raccoon is near it. So I put the feeders away from branches or surfaces within squirrel jumping range where possible. By morning when I checked, the mouse had eaten along the top edge of 2 suet cakes. Raccoons are nocturnal creatures who love nothing better than burning the midnight oil. There are squirrel barrel baffles and also longer barrel baffles made specifically for deterring raccoons. I have read that raccoons will usually go for whatever food is easiest to obtain. Use a Raccoon-Proof Feeder - Order Online There are few feeders that are in themselves truly raccoon proof (i.e. I think I got off lucky this time. Mar 30, 2016 - How to hang a raccoon-proof bird feeder. All of this was happening during the night, so I suspected a raccoon was getting into the suet. Customer Notice: 2 Plug Suet Feeder (Item # 1021A) Voluntarily Removed from Market by Wild Birds Unlimited. By Wick. Introduction: Squirrel Proof Suet Feeder. Stopping raccoons from climbing bird feeder: Building a raccoon proof bird feeder can help you to protect your bird feeders. PREDATORGUARD Squirrel Guard Baffle - Protects Hanging Bird Feeders & Poles - Raccoon & Squirrel Proof Your Bird Feeders & Bird Houses - Anti-Rust Galvanized Steel - 17 Inch 4.4 out of 5 stars 1,396 $37.97 $ 37 . jun 14, 2012 - raccoon-proof squirrel-proof suet bird feeder And then there are the squirrels. This can cause conflicts. Suet Bird Feeder for Outside [Double Capacity] Suet Wild Bird Feeder with Hanging Metal Roof, Suet Feeders for Outside, for Use with Suet Cakes, Seed Cakes, Mealworm Cakes 4.6 out of 5 stars 876 … But my conversation with Michelle was reassuring. More Birds 38070 Stokes Select Double Feeder with Metal Roof, Two Suet Capaci, Cakes, Black. Now the feeder is still in place but the double suet feeder is opened and emptied. Just as I was congratulating myself that I had gotten my feeders strategically set up to attract the birds I wanted while keeping squirrels out . A Raccoon is Eating My Suet! Keep raccoon and cats away by adding a roof extension to your birdhouse. July 8, 2020 This is an independent local store, so prices in your local stores might be different of course. I would try putting a high quality suet like WBU SuperSuet in your feeder and see if that helps. a new visitor from nature arrived. The remaining four are Birds Choice hanging upside down suet feeders that look like little tan and green houses. Add Tip Ask Question Comment Download. I use barrel baffles on my poles. LIFELONG® RACCOON PROOF SQUIRREL PROOF SUET BIRD FEEDER. lifelong® raccoon proof squirrel proof suet bird feeder home page; how it works; videos & pics; customer reviews & pictures; shop; please read warranty & privacy; question? made of hulled sunflower, peanuts, millet, corn, and fruit, Rascal is formulated to attract a wide range of birds to your back yard. Raccoon Proof Bird Feeders. So I put one pole in the front yard and one in the back. While the pole feeder near the front window is definitely within jumping distance for a squirrel, the only thing in those feeders is the hot pepper suet which they don’t like so they haven’t bothered it at all. We have frequently found the feeders opened and even emptied on the ground. Birds Choice hanging upside down suet feeders, How to Feed Ground-Feeding Birds in the Snow, Squirrel Buster Standard & Dried Mealworms, Reduce Bird Strikes: DIY Birdsavers Zen Wind Curtains. Grackles vs Nuttery Globe Feeder. Upside Down Feeders on a Pole. Bird Feeder S Pole Raccoon Proof System has 4 hanger arms with 3 copper accent bird feeders, weather baffles, a cylinder Raccoon baffle for poles and ground socket anchor. Squirrel-Proof Bird Feeders (13) Suet Feeders (11) Tube Bird Feeders (34) Window Bird Feeders (2) Food Type. This year I added yet another way to protect suet from starlings and grackles, an Erva Starling Proof Suet Feeder. 97. Raccoons apparently aren’t jumpers like squirrels so even though the pole is close to the house, they can’t reach it. 99. The only time they’ll eat the hot pepper suet is in the winter when they are so hungry that they’ll eat about anything and I put sunflower in a special feeder for them in the backyard that keeps them happy then and off the suet. You need to position them carefully to make sure they are effective. . The raccoon so far hadn’t gotten into other feeders. To keep furry critters away from bird feeders that are mounted on a pole, make a DIY guard from a piece of 6-inch stovepipe and end cap. Plastic piping can do wonders and help you succeed in your mission to protect your bird feeders. The roof protects the suet from breaking apart during rain. There’s definitely practical in this feeder – the cage, which means no regular squirrels can go through even if they try their hardest. None of this has kept the raccoons from emptying the feeders. contact us; menu; how it works 'red' says, "click the white arrow in the center below to see how easy it is to fill & clean the lifelong feeder -- i just love this thing!" Check out this great 17-inch wrap around, rust-proof Squirrel Guard Baffle on Amazon, which offers effective protection for both pole-mounted and hanging bird feeders. HELP? all stainless steel and aluminum raccoon proof, squirrel proof suet bird feeder. Fewer Mixed Blackbird Flocks at My Feeders. Bird Feeder Baffles in the Wind & Suet. 97. The feeder had been emptied, the suet … Usually ships within 1 to 3 weeks. It sounds like you have an all out wildlife assault on your feeders! Use a Raccoon-Proof Feeder - Order Online There are few feeders that are in themselves truly raccoon proof (i.e. Treats will become soft and pliable at 100 degrees if exposed to extreme heat. D611661 SEE VIDEO BELOW. My plan for this winter/spring when the annoying flocks arrive is to use regular suet with the extras inside the caged suet feeder and use pure suet in the open hanging upside-down feeders. I learned my lesson with jumping squirrels that I cannot keep the Shepards hook too close to thr house, because the squirrels climb the hkuse, and then just jump into the feeder …kinda like Circ de’ solei swinging to and fro….lol even with the baffles on the poles, I’m guessing they can still get the goods by climbing the house and hopping on over to the feeder itself. Then, carefully place your pipe over the 4×4. Squirrel baffles won't cut it. I just bought a new pole recently that has an 80″ straight pole ($25.99). The best way to keep squirrels out of suet is to hang it in a suet feeder on a pole protected by barrel type squirrel or raccoon baffle. So in my yard, putting them on poles was the solution to keeping both squirrels and raccoons out. Cat food as bait. We’ve been here in the country for 8 years. It’s such a battle! Stop by and we'll show you how it works. (I know, easier said than done.). Lock Feeders Down and Ration Food. Learn More About Maryland Birds . We can bring them in but our morning routine does not allow for morning replacement so the birds miss out and so do we. Electrified Raccoon-Proof Bird Feeder. Raccoons now stay out of my suet! Mount the baffle about 4 ft off of the ground and stop the raccoons and squirrels by mounting the pole 8-10 ft away from anything they can jump from. When the raccoon first arrived, I didn’t immediately realize it. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. They compete with blue jays for peanuts. Attract Cardinals, Black-Capped Chickadees, Grosbeaks and more with the 15 Seed Tube Feeder. Wow! But between putting feeders on baffled poles, using Squirrel Buster Plus feeders when hanging in one them in trees and using the hot pepper type of suet, the squirrels pretty much leave my feeders alone these days. It is also important to make sure that the poles themselves are positioned far enough away from other jumping off points in your yard so that the critters can’t jump to the feeder, avoiding the baffle. Up until the arrival of the raccoon, I had six suet feeders and one more with a nut block. Rascal the Raccoon brings a little extra life to your cylinder feeder. Brome Squirrel Buster Plus Wild Bird Feeder. I enjoy the squirrels, their acrobatics are very entertaining. We have all sorts of wildlife around our house: deer, raccoons, foxes and even hogs. In 10 days I caught 4 raccoons and the problem is gone. 'red' says, "click the white arrow in the center below to see how easy it is to fill & clean the … guaranteed for life! Feeding birds in your yard can be rewarding , but it can also be frustrating if you don’t know how to squirrel-proof a bird feeder to avoid losing seed to furry diners. So far putting the suet on poles with raccoon baffles has stopped that problem. The Droll … Our suet would disappear very quickly as the squirrels would eat it and drive all the birds away. Then one morning, I came outside to find a suet feeder that hung on a tree branch had fallen down.