These skills include small scale and large scale harmonic procedures, melodic organization and developmental procedures, rhythmic or metric organization, texture, or formal devices and procedures. You should especially focus on sight singing, as this is always a part of the free response section. I'm also taking AP Stats, Bio, US history, and Language/Composition Tags: Report. Read on for tips for preparing for the exam. Finally, you will need to work on your own musical performance. The AP Music Theory Course is divided into eight units. // // Set that we've now attempted a downgrade request. setTimeout(function() { var response, Leave Feedback reload =; .d-none { window.removeEventListener("orientationchange", lazyLoad); For a comprehensive AP exam schedule, along with study tips, and more check out our blog 2020 AP Exam Schedule: Everything You Need to Know. 2. And when I say it isn't as popular, I mean some high schools do not even offer it as a course! AP Music Theory has confusing and contradictory ideas, so to have an adult as a guide helps tremendously. !function(f,b,e,v,n,t,s){if(f.fbq)return;n=f.fbq=function(){n.callMethod? Some student-recommended apps and softwares include Auralia and EarMaster. Hello, this year I am currently enrolled in five AP classes and I was thinking about adding on AP Music Theory but through self-studying. missameliax 8 replies 5 threads New Member. lazyImages.forEach(function(lazyImage) { AP exams offer the chance to demonstrate subject mastery and the possibility of earning college credit. A full course description that can help to guide your studying and understanding of the knowledge required for the exam can be found in the College Board AP Music Theory course description. function lazyLoadFallback(className, load) { For each chord you will need to write the Roman numeral that appropriately indicates its harmonic function. Example of a melodic dictation free response question, click on the image to hear it played : Example of a part writing from figured bass free response question: Example of a part writing from Roman numerals free response question: Example of a harmonization of melody free response question: For excellent examples of AP Music Theory exam’s sixth and seventh free response questions, along with student answers and scoring commentary check out Sample Student Responses and Scoring Commentary Free Response Question 6 and Free Response Question 7 on the College Board’s website. Because of this, you might be struggling to find as many resources on the AP Music Theory exam as more popular exams. display: none !important; .site-title a, Start by taking a practice test to test your understanding of the material. 'browser', var BUFFER = 200; // to reduce flickers, we load images before they are actually in view Free Response Questions 3 & 4: Questions 3 and 4 in the free response section will focus on harmonic dictation. // Ajax action. The second section of the AP Music Theory exam begins with four free response questions: two on melodic dictation and two on harmonic dictation. window._wp_rp_post_title = 'Ultimate+Guide+to+the+AP+Music+Theory+Exam'; }); Describe, analyze, and create complex harmonic progressions in the form of four-part (SATB: soprano, alto, tenor, and bass) voice leading. It covers content, skills formed in order to test, and organizes these into comprehensive units. 20.3% Consider Using an App: Finally, another convenient way to study is to use an ear-training app. Looking for more info about the AP exams? Describe, analyze, and create complex harmonic progressions in the form of four-part (SATB: soprano, alto, tenor, and bass) voice leading. }); You will always be told ahead how many times the melody will be played (usually 3-4, depending on its length). It can be helpful to have a teacher or friend score your free response essays, as these artistic interpretations are more subjective than the multiple choice section. Step 1: Assess Your Skills "version": "5.5.3", 2020 AP Exam Schedule Make sure you read reviews before choosing one – their quality varies widely. Example of a part writing from Roman numerals free response question: Keep in mind that credit and advanced standing based on AP scores varies widely from school to school. It makes your first year quite a bit easier if you don't want to test into the higher theory levels at first. formId: "dbfc13e4-8f32-4c28-95f3-672c39980544", display: block !important; There are so many different kinds of AP® classes across so many different disciplines that there is really a chance for every type of student to shine. } Calculate your chances at your dream schools and learn what areas you need to improve right now — it only takes 3 minutes and it's 100% free. ); It is especially helpful to have some sort of advisor to consult during the process, which helps with the motivation factor as well. If you’re curious about other score distributions, see our post, Keep in mind that credit and advanced standing based on AP scores varies widely from school to school. The course is designed to prepare students for the AP music theory test in the spring. These questions will ask you to notate a melody after listening to it several times. 'support.boxModel', if (active === false) { if (t.invoked) return void (window.console && console.error && console.error("Drift snippet included twice.   (Link “Is it Hard? addthis_config.data_track_clickback = false; AP Music Theory Self-Study and Homeschool. The mean score (3.1) on the AP Music Theory exam was also above passing. This study guide consistently receives high reviews for its effective summary of the material and test taking strategies specific to the AP Music Theory exam. 1. About 10 minutes | 2 questions | 10% of score. See the College Board website for regulations regarding which APs qualify for course credits or advanced placement at specific colleges. The first section lasts 1 hour and 20 minutes, is made up of 75 multiple-choice questions, and accounts for 45% of your total score. Read on for tips for preparing for the exam. 1 if (entry.isIntersecting) {