If you haven’t changed your filter lately, now might be the time to do so. The Unit’s Air Filter Is Clogged. If your filter is loaded with dust and dirt, it could be causing your air conditioner to not run effectively. The company that put it in says the 75 degrees is the standard and … read more. But why is my air conditioning not cooling below 80? When the air filter is clogged with dust and debris, it cannot push as much cool air through the system. In addition to the warm temperatures in your home and the increased energy bill, you will find that the air conditioner is not even putting off cold air anymore. You can try to keep your house cooler using other methods such as sealing around windows and doors. This house is not even in direct sunlight for most of the afternoon. Most units will only live until their tenth birthday. Clean out any leaves, stems, branches, or grim that may be around the outside of the condenser. There are a few things you can do on your own before you call a repairman. Categories; Blog (75) FAQ (10) Do-It-Yourself Tips (4) Return to All Entries. Leaky ductwork is often the reason why we ask ourselves, “Why is my air conditioning not cooling?”. Your air conditioner has to work significantly harder when the filter is dirty. During the hot summer days, it’s important your air conditioner reaches below 80 degrees. Aug. 07, 2018. For more information on what could be causing your cooling crisis, take a look at some of these potential culprits. There are a few signs that you might want to keep in mind if you suspect that an undersized air conditioner is to blame for your heat. I know i have some rights as a tenant, I don't necesarily want out of my lease. Some signs of a refrigerant leak include: If you notice any of these, let the repairman know. If your air conditioner isn’t cooling the house, the problem could be poor airflow. We will also tell you how to fix it, or if needed when to call in an HVAC professional. Many homeowners are dismayed to find that their air conditioner is not cooling the house below 80 degrees. Air conditioner not cooling house below 77 degrees during the day in 100 degree weather is that normal? If your AC is not cooling the house to the set temp and it is pretty old, you may want to have a professional take a look. If this doesn’t work, then you may need a professional to diagnose your HVAC problem. Jul 6, 2018 - If your AC can’t cool your home below 80 degrees, it’s either just an abnormally hot day or you have one of these 6 problems. One of the main reasons I rented this house was that it had a brand new 5-ton RUUD compressor and air mover downstairs, and a seperate but older 5-ton unit upstairs. Your air conditioner may not be blowing cool air due to a refrigerant leak. It has been in the 100's for 16 days straight. then it goes to that setting." Click here to see what those 6 problems are that are hindering your air conditioners performance. My Honeywell Thermostat Says Wait: What to do Next? Reset all the breakers marked for the air conditioner. If you’ve been thinking my AC can’t keep up, isn’t keeping my house cool, or noticed that lately your AC runs constantly: This article will give you a good idea of what’s going on & what to do about it. Replacing this cheap air filter with a fresh one might be all you need to cool down your home. Why is my air conditioner not cooling the house? Your air conditioner works overtime trying to keep you cool during those hot summer months. That might sound like a lot, but it will really make a difference in how well your air conditioner works. ; Dirty air filter - A dirty air filter hinders airflow to the AC unit. Regardless of the model or brand, each air conditioner has the lowest temperature limit. https://trusteyman.com/blog/why-air-conditioning-is-not-cooling August 16, 2020 . Filters keep dust and other contaminants from building up in your air conditioner. Another common issue that many homeowners encounter is a refrigerant leak. 13 years ago . Some common reasons include: Thermostat in switched to ON instead of AUTO - Switch the thermostat to AUTO so that air will only blow into your house when the AC is running. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Blocked Vents Or Air Ducts. Sometimes when we get to the site we realize that the original system that was installed is just too small for the space it’s trying to keep cool. So hard in fact, that this might be why your air conditioner won’t cool below 80 degrees in your house. This can be a serious issue that is extremely expensive to repair. We like to be comfortable in our homes. Vocational, Technical or Trade School. Take care not to break or damage the condenser fins when washing around them. Itâs Cold! “My AC wont cool below 80 degrees” (or 84, 85, etc.). We can help you with any problem that may arise. The appliance circulates air, but nothing refreshingly chill. Experts typically recommend changing it every two to three months. They are simple things that homeowners should know how to do for regular maintenance on their air conditioners. Why is my air conditioner not cooling? Purchasing a new one might not be on your radar screen, but we will help you compute a cost analysis. Even if you feel that you recently replaced it, this is the best place to start. Oct 8, 2019 - If your AC can’t cool your home below 80 degrees, it’s either just an abnormally hot day or you have one of these 6 problems. If the air filter is clogged, air cannot flow properly through the air conditioner. My a/c won't cool the house below 77 degrees during the day. On extremely hot days, however, your air conditioner might not be able to cool down your home to its normal temperature. Refrigerant is the special chemical that cools the air. This article will examine all the reasons an air conditioner may start blowing warm air. If it's past the 10-year mark, it's entering the last phase of its projected lifespan of 15 to 20 years and could be struggling to cool your home. So when we can’t feel a difference between the hot, sticky, summer air outside, and the temperature inside, that’s a problem. Sadly Air conditioning systems age. Air conditioner will not cool below 78 degrees and have high humidity in house. Most systems only last 15 to 20 years. Common Reasons: If you were closing your air vents in unused rooms in an effort to conserve energy or save money on your power bill, you may want to rethink those efforts when you find your air conditioner is not cooling the house below 80 degrees. When the sun starts blazing,… How to Vent a Portable Air Conditioner Without a Window? You can test this by tapping a thermometer next to the thermostat. If none of the above suggestions work, you’ll likely need professional help to get your house cool and comfortable. Well, some problems may prevent an air conditioning from cooling the house properly, including a dirty air filter. When you replace your unit, this is also a good time to make sure that your new one is properly sized for your home. A lot of homeowners like to plant shrubs or ground cover around the unit. I have had almost 8 complaints in 7 days of upstairs units with 2 Ton Ac units being set at 74 - 77 degrees and temperature not going below 80 until way after midnight. Refrigerant Leak. House Not Cooling. When the sun starts blazing, you may find that your air conditioner is on the fritz. They should consider the square footage of your home, the number of occupants, the number of stories, and more before recommending a specific unit. Many of these issues can be addressed by a handy homeowner, but others will require more professional intervention. The condenser is the outdoor portion of your air conditioning system. 3. In fact, the US Department of Energy states that leaky ducts can cost you hundreds of dollars a year in high energy bills. In addition, if the air filter is clogged, the evaporator coils will frost over. Find out why. They turn on all of the ceiling fans and try to let the air circulate, but there is simply no substitute for a good air conditioning unit in working order. A common problem is the system comes on but is blowing only warm air, or not cooling the house. Shutting the windows tightly and using curtains to block out some of the sunlight can also help to cool down areas of your home that are susceptible to lots of sunlight. Why is my air conditioner not cooling my house below 80 degrees? Home is where we want to be. Filed Under: Advice & Tips, HVAC Tagged With: AC not cooling. It can be hard to diagnose exactly what the problem is so don’t hesitate to call us at (402) 731-2727. In this video we give you two simple things to check if your home's air conditioner is not cooling enough. Hours of Operation: Mon-Fri 7:00am-5:00pm, During regular business hours, Mon-Fri, 7am-5pm, If it’s battery operated, replace the batteries. 4. When the sun starts blazing, you may find that your air conditioner is on the fritz. Common Reasons: If you were closing your air vents in unused rooms in an effort to conserve energy or save money on your power bill, you may want to rethink those efforts when you find your air conditioner is not cooling the house below 80 degrees. If you can’t figure out the answer to “why is my air conditioning not cooling,” it could just be that the circuit breakers may have tripped. Also, check for water around the condenser. You’ll definitely want to make sure your ducts are in working order. Unfortunately, there isnât a one-size-fits-all solution to remedy the issue. I have a Haier 3.5 ton heat pump only a year old but with the R22 freon. If so, you’re probably frustrated and ready to call in a professional to repair your AC. Then restart the system. If it is not possible to clean the air … So you put AC thermostat under 80 degrees, but you noticed that the air conditioning has problems reaching the set temperature. And trust us, we want you comfortable in your home as soon as possible. Last but not least, you are likely to see serious spikes in your energy bills. Mar 16, 2020 - Air conditioner not turning on set your thermostat right to save money aircon servicing cost guide in If you feel warm air, there is a pretty good chance that you have a refrigerant leak. Is this true? You might also head outside to take a look at your air conditioning unit. your thermostat is set on 74 your temperature never drops below 80). If you notice anything inside, can a professional HVAC company. This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. You’d be surprised how often a homeowner thinks, “Why is my air conditioning not cooling?” Just to find that their thermostat was just set on the wrong setting. This can cause obstructions and block the air flow. Air filters in the AC play a significant role in ensuring cool air circulates into the home. If there is a leak, your system will become low and refrigerant and the amount of cooling that can be provided will be very limited. And even if it is only 10-years old, you may end up saving more money by getting a newer, more efficient system. ... on hot days high 80's and humid i have my ac set at 72 and it will only hold 75 in house. Click here to see what those 6 problems are that are hindering your air conditioners performance. My apartment said they fixed the air conditioner but it still gets up to 80 degrees when the thermostat is set on 72, the maintenance tech says it works properly and the management talks down to me like i'm stupid when i told them, "I just thought you turn the knob to the desired temp. The age of your air conditioner. If you have tried all of the above solutions for an AC that wonât go below 80 degrees, then you might simply be exceeding your unitâs capabilities. Tweet Share. Note: Do not stick your hand inside of it! Appliance repair business owner. This may sound so simple and basic, but we’ve seen it before: check the thermostat. Air conditioners have minimum temperature thresholds, after which a person will start feeling uncomfortable. More importantly, how do I fix it? If it’s past the 10-year mark, you may need to start considering getting a new system within the next 5 years. He said nothing is wrong with my system its just so hot outside. This greatly reduces the cooling capacity of the air conditioner. Here are some things that could be wrong with your system. Move the breaker to the “off” position, wait a few minutes then flip them back to “on.”. If it’s 100 degrees outside, for example, your air conditioner might only be capable of cooling your home down to 80 degrees (although likely a bit lower since your indoor return air is usually cooler than the air outside). There are lots of reasons why your air conditioner might not be working like it should. We like to be comfortable in our homes. If this is the case, the unit will always struggle to reach the desired temperature. The solution could be as easy as flipping a switch on your thermostat, cleaning a dirty air filter, or clearing debris away from the outdoor unit. How old is your current air conditioner? By Michael Joseph. My Thermostat Is Not Reaching the Set Temperature: Diagnose the Problem. If it's 94 degrees outside and I have the thermostat set at 79 degrees, it will cool down to 80-81 degrees and run continually. If your air conditioner wonât cool below 80 degrees, you know that you have a major problem on your hands. It may seem like a pain, or expensive, but your air conditioner works significantly harder when it has to push air through a saturated filter, just like you had to breathe harder through that down comforter. Is your central air conditioner not cooling your home down to the set temperature on your thermostat? Contact a local HVAC company to have an evaluation of your system done to determine the exact cause. The front room with the big windows is going to be significantly warmer than the dark hallway. Because you know, we all need that place to relax and unwind. If you’re system still isn’t working, you may need to recalibrate your thermostat. Your home air conditioner is like your car and needs maintenance. Tenants claim AC does not cycle on and off but runs continuously. To remove debris from the air filter, try cleaning the filter. They can advise you on whether it will be more cost-effective to repair your old unit or to install a new one entirely. AC struggles to circulate enough cool air to get your home to the desired temperature (e.g. There is a simple test called the Manual J Calculation that can be done to figure out the exact tonnage needed for your home. My AC Is Running But Not Cooling the House. Leaky ducts are also expensive because you are paying for all the cool air that escapes. I had a company come out and said the air coming out of vent is 56 degrees and air going in is 75. If your air conditioner is constantly running but your house is not cooling down, there could be a number of reasons why. Type above and press Enter to search. 172 satisfied customers. And clean air filters reduce allergens in the home, and that’s definitely a good thing. Why is my air conditioner not cooling the house? If you see water this may indicate that there is a blocked drain line or crack. The limit is usually anywhere below 60 degrees Fahrenheit. Leaky ductwork includes small cracks and faulty connections. arizonared. Fortunately, some of the solutions are extremely simple for a DIY approach. It can be extremely uncomfortable to have an air conditioner that isnât pulling its weight during the summer months. I've had the temp at the intake checked vs the temp of the air at the register and was told the unit is operating properly.