Against Casters: You cant  rely on teleport totally..You’ll have to evade,chase on foot at times.Faster runwalk,makes it difficult for the opponent to guess your position to be-which is the judgement many characters like blizz sorcs rely on.Expect some frustation on their faces. So when you have just tackled a large pack & there are few left standing, he’ll gladly go after them & clean up your job. Pack up on this mod wherever possible. Howl comes in handy in those situations. But I came across something really interesting on Diablo Wiki - Whirlwind: Dual Wielding. 1. Use light armors for casters,for Barbs defense should be your focus,it is best to ignore this factor,use the one that suits your stat setup.Archons/krakens. Untwinked-delay till finding deent weapon. Critical strike is checked first & deadly is kept out & if it fails deadly strike is checked & critical is kept out. Don’t waste too many here. You will literally dive into danger zones-many shots will be taken at you, some of those will break through. So vitality should be the favourite for most builds. Quite simply: they cut down the extent of their role & tune the performance of whirlwind from a crude state to deliver the combined goodness of a finished-uninterruptible, sustained & a dynamic (moving) attack. You guys should change it back to the old WW from pre 1.10 :P. WW was always clunky, we just loved it because it was such a unique move. So forget about the glory days of sure shot double damage & cherish all the three great mods you get from just 20 points. Pierce does not affect this skill, which means we can seek items with IAS/Enhanced Damage/Crit instead of Pierce. This classic uses the ability to ignore unit collision with the Whirlwind attack animation, making your Barbarian a spinning top of death. Crushing blow removes x% of the remaining life of a target immediately after a successful ar check & before the final damage is dealt on the target. So it is still very much dependant on your gear & base stats. We recommend bringing alt Enchantress Sorc (using second D2) to get around 2000 fire damage on each attack and 300% Attack Rating. December 2, 2018 The Whirlwind Build is probably one of the most famous builds in Diablo 2 from the beginning to now. Use gore riders.there are no better boots for pvp.BVB too,CB doesnt work well in pvp remember so goblins arent attractive. You need mercenary with Reaper to remove immunities. The chance to hit the target is calculated on the reduced defense value. In fact, the only combination where I know dual wielding is able to kill in Hell Classic is with a 2 very high end battle hammers with 40 ias on a Frenzy barb. level 2. The increase in hits however is allotted at what are know as breakpoints (bp) , which are like speed checkpoints, hitting them will allot more attacks per second. To sum up,the factors of wias & range bear a heavy influence on the disadvantages. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. But if you look it the other way, it is in-effect reducing elemental damage by 200% of the value stated on the weapon. SYNERGIES: Shout: +5 second duration per level (mutual synergy) Battle command: +5 seconds per level (mutual synergy). However, iron skin is the best candidate for placing all your left over points after the big four you must max: WW, Mastery, BO & Shout.Hence WMBS. PVP: Barbs are the real test. An upgraded shaftstop or leviathan should work well. Not sure what's up with that. This is one neat trick. I don't remember. They significantly reduce the extent to which these disadvantages affect whirlwind’s performance. If they keep breaking through-it all comes down to your life. Though as mcm suggests,using high damage but non-lwbp is an alternative against certain casters,since when tele whirling those two free checks at 4th & 8th frame can be taken advantage of. Guide by: rikstaker - February 3, 2006. But you can get by with that since you have 75% block. What’s a million dollar fighter/bomber that isn’t capable of hitting its targets? It gives a much clearer picture on how distinct yet so dependent & important all whirlwind features & mechanics are. PVP: Pretty useful,Having a 25% defense cut weapon in pvp is like having 80% more ar. These are all the words one can think of that often get associated with the skill. ED% per point: 1% for all weapons except warhammer, maul & great maul & their exceptional & elite versions which get 1.1%ed. Clvl 90: 266.7 per sec over 8 seconds for a total of 2133.6 damage. In hell you are going to take damage as you fight,monster ar & damage has been beefed up & there is a wider distribution of elemental monsters which replenish your mana easily since ele damage doesnt have to go through the cth check.You can continue to execute whirls non-stop which wont be possible otherwise when you come across unleechables. The difference in performance is considerable.You get 2 extra checks per second at lwbp. Applications: Universal- PVM & PVP. a monster with 75% leech effectiveness-225*75%=169 life stolen on hit.Unleechbles have a leech effectiveness of 0-thats why they are unleechables. 3. The chance to score them however doesn’t stack, since, though their effects are identical, they are different mods. However, one shouldn’t actively seek this form of damage as the main damage dealer. So making the most out of whirlwind simply involves using a weapon that is lwbp compatible.All weapons you see mentioned & graded in the build guides are all lwbp compatible. You will notice, as you gain levels, your Block rate suffers, It can be kept at 75% with investment in Dexterity & yes that’s exactly what & all it is supposed to be looked as. PVM: The more hits you land the more damage you deal, the more damage you deal,the more you kill & the more life & mana you leech, the more life & mana you leech, the longer you can fight,to land more hits. Diablo 2 Guide: WW barb. PVM: It is good to have some you’ll need it against gloams, but its not mandatory. They have their own advantages & disadvantages, some can handle particular roles & situations better than the others. After struggling … Fight the monsters he is having difficulty with, use howl when you come across dangerous aura enchants like fana. People tell me if you get godly items it can work. So mastery is very much a basic necessity. You’ll need a large mana supply in pvp-more so against casters, since teleport will be executed followed by whirls, causing a further drain. It also reduces their damage & slows them down by 50%. Half the battle is won & lost between defense & ar as factors.So find some high defense plates & make them pay. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); You're not logged in. But the added value you get is with Berserk damage. Most casters use such items. We aim to maintain the Diablo II: Lord of Destruction experience and provide consistent ladder resets while improving on the game as if development never ceased. The mod has turned pvp arena,bvb in particular on it head. Also, the … It is done this way: E.g. We’re around lv55 and I can’t solo anything with more than 3 people in the game. The eth rune gives this (25%), so does the property on weapons like Death cleaver (33%). They must kill to live. So all in all, to significantly reduce the effects of these extreme conditions, it is best to stick to lwbp weapons, since more attacks translate into more chances of breaking through. It is highly recommended that you max this skill regardless of your build. Check out the strategy section in PVM for more info on that. There are 4 variables which are taken into account when calculating the chance to hit. Besides base runwalk, goblintoes have an edge over gores due to the higher crushing blow. (more in pain zones). However dual wielders have an edge over 2handers,since they can switch to a wep/shield setup at leisure in “pain zones” see builds section,but swords nullify that argument due to their unique versatility. Invest just 1 point each in increased stamina & increased speed,it suffers from diminishing returns,let + to skills up it. But one must note that not all items get their life doubled: Life not doubled: + to vitality/all stats items: you’ll simply net the vitality x 4 life. This thing is high on utility, there are certain situations in which you’d want to avoid/delay fighting certain monsters for x reasons. Barb WW equipment without character (account), merc, jewels or charms. It gives mutual synergy to battle orders & battle command. I am a long time gaming addict,had the habbit since atari & all through subsequent systems, Diablo classic was the first game I played on my p.c so quite naturally its special *Took me a week to figure out(by accident) that you need to click on monsters to attack them*  . Crushing blow is applied as a physical damage, positive physical resists reduce its effectiveness. Damage reduction is important,vampire gaze is a good  choice gives leech & damage recution, so is Guillaume’s face for the crushing blow & deadly.. Andariels visage is another excellent helmet as Hal recommends. Note: the bps of 2h swords remain the same as all 1handed weapons whether they are held 1handed or2 handed. Pages in … But it falls off a little in NM and is just trash in hell. Here is a table to help you out: NOTE;1 second =24 frames-so 4 frames=1/6th of a second. This is one neat trick & kudos to the folk who suggested this. “Whirlwind- ‘a fierce spinning attack that cuts your path through the legions of your enemies’ nerfed fiercely by Blizzard. I strongly recommend an ith rune in areats, ed% from a jewel turns out lame numbers after *0.17 pvp penalty & 50% damage reduction.But dont rely completely on dtm. wooot! You’ll still lose life, but you will be compensated by an increase in mana.