The Administrator . APUSH Period 1 Notes (1491-1607) APUSH Period 2 Notes (1607-1754) APUSH Period 3 Notes (1754-1800) APUSH Period 4 Notes (1800-1848) APUSH Period 5 Notes (1844-1877) APUSH Period 6 Notes (1865-1898) APUSH Period 7 Notes (1890-1945) APUSH Period 8 Notes (1945-1980) APUSH Period 9 Notes (1980-Present) Home / AP Test / AP US History Practice Tests. rhgirl99. Settings. These are all multiple choice questions that are similar to those on the updated US History test. All the Key Concepts and themes of 6.1 to 6.3 are explained. Match. As you move through each multiple choice question, the quizzes will provide you with instant feedback. Save. American History AP Quizzes. THIS SET IS OFTEN IN FOLDERS WITH... Period 7 Chapter 20 . 76% average accuracy. APUSH Period 6 Test. The questions will be related to the stimulus material and will draw upon your knowledge of US … a Protestant Christian intellectual movement that was most prominent in the early 20th century United States and Canada. 0. AP US History Practice Test: Period 6 (1865–1898). The total time allowed for this quiz is 8 minutes. Test. 17 terms. This site has dozens of amazing American history quizzes on African-American history, women’s history, labor history, Presidents, US wars, and landmark Supreme Court cases. Difficulty. APUSH Period 5 (1844-1877) DRAFT. Period 6 Highlights APUSH Review Time Period: 1865-1898 This period deals with information from the end of the Civil War through the beginning of the Spanish-American War. second industrial revolution. During the Quiz End of Quiz. Started by the 1848 discovery of gold in California b. View Test Prep - APUSH: Period 6: 1865- 1898 from APUSH AP US Hist at Coppell H S. AP US History- Unit 5 Review period 6: 1865- 1898 industrialization, urbanization and immigration What was the AliciaL23. See All test questions » Do AP US History Practice Tests » Download AP US History Practice Tests » Best AP US History Books; Questions 1-3 refer to the following information. 11th - University grade . This website has over 100 AP U.S. History quizzes with over 1200 total questions. American buisness man leader who controlled the new york central railroad and up to 4.500 miles of track. Share practice link. AliciaL23. Enter your first and last name below as you'd like it to appear on your certificate. Created by. This was the name of for a second set of innovations that transformed the economies and societies of westen nations in lat 19th and 20th centuries, provide four innovations of this second round of industrial growth, petroleum, cars, planes, internal combustion engine, steel steam ships, provide two railroad companies and/or owners who grew by purchasing smaller rental companies, Carnegie Steel Company, Rockefeller's Standard Oil, this is the event in 1893 that caused an economic downturn in the US, This is the name of the banker who bought out many railroad indication companies between 1893 and 1897 and successfully maintained regulated these companies, This is the name for the organizing of labor and all the steps of production into one location, This is the name of the process that greatly decreased the time and production costs for steel production, Provide an example of a person or company that provided massive amounts of steel to construct 19th century steel railways, skyscrapers, bridges, and ships, provide two communication innovations that transformed that transformed 19th century society, this is a new type of ship that allowed much larger amounts of cargo to be transported much more rapidly than wouldn't sell ships, What was the name of the canal constructed by the US and Central America to connect the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans, Provide two new innovations that made it easier for consumers to purchase products from companies, Provide two companies that adopted at least one of the innovations in number 12, Provide two aspects of American life that greatly increased over the long-term due to laissez-faire free market policies in the 19th and 20th centuries, This is a company that controls an industry and its prices by eliminating competition, a group of companies that controls an industry and its prices by elimination competition, this term is used to describe an informal political group or party that supports individuals elected to office by listening to constituents and lobbying on their behalf-- often when benefiting personally, provide one specific example of a boss that headed a political machine, This is the term used to describe a collusive alliance between political leaders and businessmen in which politicians accept bribes or campaign money in return for financial favors or contracts to the businessman or their company, Provide four intolerable or detrimental conditions suffered by working-class laborers, poor housing, poor pay, subject to child labor, long work weeks, provide two specific examples in which the US military forcefully returned striking workers back to work in order to ensure the US economy and its transportation systems remained intact, Homestead Steel Plant and Pullman Railroad strike, what was the primary driving force in the reduction of grain prices in late 19th century, How did most farmers cause grain prices to drop even further as they attempted to make up for real lost wages, what was the primary consequence for these farmers defaulting on payments for their lands or equipment to banks or other financers, provide the two primary unions started int he 1860s that failed because of frequent wildcat strikes, too many demands, and the inability to unify skilled and unskilled laborers, which worker union formed int 1886 under Smauel Gompers, was more successful in meeting their simple demands, how did the organization under Gompers unify skilled and unskilled laborers, provide two groups that acted to exploit farmers by charging excessively high rates for transportation and storage, what was the collective group of farmers called that successfully procured discounts on farm machinery, set a max price and grain storage, and won a cash only policy free of financing or price swindling, which court case in 1877 set the max price on green storage, what was the name of the political party that attempted to improve the situation for farmers (this was also the last major organized political effort acting solely on behalf of farmers), why was it too difficult to form and maintain the populist party, they didn't want to deplete the democratic party, which representatives did the populist party want to vote for directly, provide two reasons why the south remain largely agricultural despite efforts to industrialize, this was the name of the native Hawaiian Queen that was overthrown in the coup as Hawaii was later annexed by the US, William Seward authorized the purchase of this segment of land from Russia in the face of much domestic criticism, this is the name of the conflict in which the US intervened on behalf of the independence movement for Cuba, this is the name of the moment in which the US the rights to intervene in Cuba on behalf of maintaining stability for the US businesses, as well as establishing a military base in Guantanamo Bay, Provide four new types of immigrant that flooded Americas, Jews, Chinese, Eastern and Southern Europe, provide two conditions that caused Chinese nationals to immigrate to the US, This is a term used to describe a location or area inhabited by a common ethnicity that is surrounded by different cultures or ethnicity, provide two reasons why Americans oppose increased immigration, took their jobs, lessened their pay, threat to their culture, provide an example of nativists limiting immigration, provide two warrior Indian tribes that actively resisted settlers, provide the last treaty formed by the US government with Indian tribes that attempted to protect the Sioux in the West Dakota region, This was the name of the iconic American who killed or is responsible for killing millions of Buffalo, This was the name of the spiritual exercise and gathering in which many Sioux and Plains Indians attempted to revitalize and maintain their traditional Buffalo based lifestyle the planes, this was the leader of the Indian spiritual movement, this was the battle in which the US soldiers killed scores of innocent Indians after an accidental rifle discharge, Provide two Indian tribes that successfully assimilated to American life, this was the name of the act in which the US attempted to assimilate and Americanize Indians and boarding schools, this is the economic theory that believed the inequalities of society were a result of human social economic systems, what was the name of the book published by Marx and Engels, According to the creators of the economic theory, over what concept or issue did classes struggle to take and control, provide three examples of communist regimes that resulted in the persecution and death's of tens of millions, this is the name for a dominant system for which serotonin-based brain circuits that stretch back evolutionary more than 350 million years are largely responsible, this is the name of the mathematical expression and representation for the universal phenomena in which resources are distributed unequally in nature regardless of human systematic structures, this was the American intellectual who argued that real estate speculators should pay a high capital gain tax with which the government could redistribute to combat income inequality and poverty, this was the name of the book that laid the theories of Henry George, provide three types of jobs available to women that allowed them greater economic independence, teachers, operators, nursing, managers, clerical jobs, this is the name of the social theory applied to the evolutionary concept of natural selection, this was the book written by Andrew Carnegie, this is the name of the party that advocated the use of printed money in currency rather that a gold or silver standard, this is the act that required the US treasury purchase of 4.5 million ounces of silver per month in order to stabilize and protect the American money supply, after investors profited from the purchase, resale, global purchase, resale etc., which president repealed the Sherman Silver Purchase Act, This is the name for the financial crisis.