Upload 2 forms ID 1099 and 1040 to PUA portal again just in case. California, Ohio, Michigan, Indiana, Hawaii, Pennsylvania and Virginia continue to have issues that'll delay payments to some unemployed workers for weeks. Staying positive. Please lmk if you know something or in same boat. PUA portal is back ONLINE but no changes to my claim. Anf i am still able to certified weekly payment. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. Shame so many people are going to lose so much over this. What should I do now? Tips to avoid common application issues 1. so not sure, New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, More posts from the Unemployment community. Not knowing what to do, I tried using, but had major issues with setting up an ILJ account. Yes i hope so too! This could be the underlying reason why you haven’t yet received your payment, whether you’re marked as approved or still pending. Payment will be in one lump sum via direct deposit or debit card. If you indicated any separation reason other than a lack of work due to a COVID-19 reason listed on the application, then we must review if you are eligible for PUA. Does everyone else's say at the bottom to upload 1040 tax document? 36,417 likes. You will be paid retroactively for eligible week(s) claimed, even if you have returned to work. Tried to transfer me and I told her I always get hung up on when I get transferred. I now have all tabs on side bar and pending issues in correspondence has changed from 2 to 1. There has been no correspondence, emails etc... i am an independent contractor as well. Watch our video about the unemployment process. Cookies help us deliver our Services. ... Who can file for PUA. 6/1 UPDATE V4. Also, I noticed something different as well. Delays in PUA program payments: State unemployment agencies and labor departments have experienced many challenges in rolling out the PUA program but all are now processing applications and payments for individuals who are self-employed, seeking part-time employment, or who otherwise would not qualify for regular unemployment compensation prior to new provision in the CARES … Republicans Mock Illinois House Democrats: ... “It says on my claim it’s a benefit payment control issue,” Mylan said. I now have all tabs on side bar and pending issues in correspondence has changed from 2 to 1. They want ppl to give up so they don’t have to pay out. Posted ... it went from payment hold to 1 pending issue for 3 weeks. I tried to do weekly claim. 2. Several PUA issues deal with your potential eligibility for regular unemployent, the need to verify your identiy, or other considerations which affect PUA eligibility. 6/1 UPDATE V3. This is clearly a glitch - anyone else not have this tab? Looks like you're using new Reddit on an old browser. Also where it’s says status where the weeks are... it’s says 1 pending issue. ALL WEEKS CERTIFIED HAVE SWITCHED TO PAID!!!!! … This is sooo frustrating! I have the same problem. He was able to see more tabs on his screen but also stated this fix could be updated automatically. Im having an issue that i cant even see what the issues are. I’m praying our claims will update automatically. [ILLINOIS] PUA portal has 1 pending issue [Illinois] Question. I have no way of finding out what are the issues. Close. 12. Press J to jump to the feed. [ILLINOIS] PUA application submitted, the wait begins... 5/11/2020. I now have all tabs on side bar and pending issues in correspondence has changed from 2 to 1. Still do not see a “View and Maintain” tab, even though its telling me I can go there to view requests and such. When I've needed to upload things, I've done so here: https://www2.illinois.gov/ides/Pages/default2.aspx and using the dropdown option under "Sign In To My Account" in the upper right selected the "Upload Document" option and followed the instructions. The reports reveal why people like Jonathan Robinson, who filed for PUA benefits, haven’t received their money. A place for your unemployment insurance questions. 1. Certification status still “pending issues”. it do not state why just as it did not state what the pending issue was for. Anyone have any insight to this new status option that has appeared? Payment will come eventually. It says if there are any issues or changes I need to make it will be sent to my INBOX but inbox is empty and everything seems to be fine. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. ! But for whole weeks payment on hold. I have no idea if I need to upload anything or speak to someone or....? To learn the requirements and details regarding the PUA program please review our " Learn about PUA " website section which goes into details regarding the application process and potential benefits you may receive if found eligible for the program. Had no answers to my questions. Let's hope this is just another odd step of confusing information in their process that gets us to a payment. I haven’t seen anyone go back to pending issues after being approved and paid not sure what to make of that. Top 5 tips to avoid common application issues. As always GOOD LUCK everyone! I uploaded all my things with application...I don't know why it is pending....I am now in my 4 week and running out of money. (KFVS) - The Illinois Department of Employment Security (IDES) has confirmed a limited data access issue within the new Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA) system. To clarify, "NOT PAID" simply means state has not yet applied to FEMA for funds.Once applied and approved, it will switch to "PAYMENT PENDING".So you should continue to certify as usual every week even if status is NOT PAID, and check back often for updates. UPDATE: We've received lots of emails asking about the "NOT PAID" status. It has and will help many people. Any suggestions... or only wait ...sunday is the next certification ...my changes always happened on Mondays or Tuesdays...what can I do? just wondering if anything else changed for you, Im also 1099 uber driver and mine say Payment Hold NO just today 5-26 and to the right of all my certifications is shows payment HOLD. Illinois I had the same "pending issues" for pua and id verification, though I'd submitted proof of both, with my initial claim, 3 weeks earlier. What is the buzz on the state of Illinois not having any money to pay out unemployment benefits??? • If your claim shows as “pending,” this means we are still processing it, and If your payment shows as “paid” and a date is listed, this means you should receive payment … You went back to work on October 15, 2019 stopped claiming benefits and life returned to normal, then due to Covid19 became unemployed again and submitted a claim. ... Now I have 0 pending issues. What does issues pending mean on pua unemployment application mean? 6/1 UPDATE V3. Besides wait till ARMAGEDDON?!?! From payment hold switched on 06/08/2020 to pending issues...payment hold is no since then. Hopefully this means they are updating our claims!!! For example, if They change my payment status every day. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. I've previously received communications with instructions but nothing this time. Previously when I had an issue, there was a message indicating what I needed to fix (which I did). I also still only have 3 tabs in my side bar - “Home, My Home and My inbox”. To view this and other requests as well as payment history, select View and Maintain and then Payment History. But I’ll never get my hopes up.. Obviously I haven't been paid. Anyway, if you can still certify that is good sign! Following the tips in this guide will help you avoid issues that can delay your payment. Last three weeks pending issues- not paid. It seems that our state has run out of money to issue payments. There's a work search log you can download from that website. Live in Illinois. Thank you for confirming the change. Still on "Payment Hold" :( I do have a question..well 2. I just got off the phone with IDES. What's that mean?? Please keep us updated on your claims, we’re the only help we have. Illinois Department of Employment Security - IDES. For example, you made an unemployment claim on July 1, 2019, the benefit claim year would run through June 2020. Contact us via E-Mail; Phone Call; or even Facebook Messenger. I have filed for PUA unemployment. PAYMENT DATE 6/3!!! I've sent copies of my state ID and social security card approximately FIVE times, so it surely SHOULDN'T be anything related to that....but it says the issue is Identity Verification?!?!?!? Any info, advice, etc. Pua payment status pending issues illinois Pua payment status pending issues illinois For specific clarification and IDES' explanation you would need to speak with someone or maybe someone on here knows exactly what that means. I have the same situation here. Most, if not all of us have a notation of one pending issue with no additional information explaining the issue or where/how to resolve the issue. No “maintain account” tab or any other options. the tips in this guide will help you avoid issues that can delay your payment. I think they have put PUA on pause until further notice. I also heard that they don’t have enough money. Certification status still “pending issues”. I don't see the dropbox you reference (I could easily just not be looking in the correct spot) but my experience so far, when given instructions to upload something I've done so. Hi I applied on 5/11 and was paid 6/3 about 3weeks. Anyone else see this change recently? I got paid for a few weeks and now it is saying, "Pending issues" but I can't get through to anyone on the phone! LIES - just wait it took me about 20 minutes until someone answered. I’ll continue to answer questions or concerns to my best knowledge moving forward. what does pending issues mean for pua illinois. Of course, there is no other information about the issue(s). Those reports are sent from Deloitte, the contractor hired to install and maintain the Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA) state website, to the Illinois Department of Employment Security (IDES). Good luck and hang in there. Discussion. Left side bar if there are only still 3 tabs that means your claim has not yet been looked at. PaymentHold Says =NO 1 pending issue now. If you have applied for regular unemployment insurance benefits and have been denied within twelve months of today’s date, you can now file for PUA. As for the "Reopen Date" I don't see that on mine but what it could mean (I emphasize "could" as I am taking my best guess, I do not know this for a fact) that you may have had an existing unemployment claim, you returned to work (or exhausted the benefits from the original claim) yet have "reopened" your claim during the original benefit year. I’m praying for some movement today. What does this mean and how can I change issues? Also, I certified on 5/15 people are getting paid that certified days after that. Could certify every week. PUA claimants who correctly file their weekly certification will get payment within three business days in line with their state’s UI payment schedule – weekly or bi-weekly. Table Notes: $300 FPUC Weekly Unemployment Stimulus Payment Status by State Tracker. I have been waiting since April 15. Good luck! 2 days ago I was finally able to certify for all weeks going back to 3/15, yet it says there is 1 pending issue. ALL WEEKS CERTIFIED HAVE SWITCHED TO PAID!!!!!! !Input please! Q – What does my claims status mean (allowed, pending or denied)? ? today I notice that the pending issue was gone and the determination was inelgible. Still pending issues on my certification weeks. PUA, PEUC and $300 FPUC Weekly Unemployment Payment Status. May 31st was my last and my certifying for the past three weeks show pending issues. I applied for an unemployment from PUA on 5/13 but until today it just shows me pending 2 issues. [Illinois] "Hold Payment" Status Updated to "NO" But Now New Issue: "Pending Issues" [Illinois] Question So I've been waiting like everyone else for the "Hold Payment" status to … Mine just changed to the "pending issues" as well. A Maximum of 11 weeks (Dec 27th, 2020 to March 14th, 2021) can be paid under this program and you must be getting $1 from existing program during coverage period. Lastly, you mention having one pending issue. Report Save. I had another user tell me he had 2 pending issues and also got paid. My girlfriend went two weeks with pending issues, including identity issues...Her friend gave her a private number of someone who works from home for IDES, she called yesterday, had a 2 min. It also says that my determination status is 'eligible.' Thank you all so much for participating in this thread. All of my certification weeks have switch from pending to PROCESSED! Do everything you can to get money yourself because I don’t think this money is coming to people that have had pending issues this long, at least for a while. Individuals who had an Illinois regular unemployment insurance claim, but have run out of those benefits (i.e. Many of these issues deal with your "separation," which is the reason you became - and continue to be - unemployed. This morning my PUA page allowed me to certify for my 10th week of unemployment... “You successfully submitted a weekly payment request. Hang tight someone hasn’t looked at your claim yet when they do your payment Status will update automatically, Go to your email and they should of sent u an email to verify your account. I have received paid PUA for seven deposits. If you have extra tabs look for a way to upload your documents, most likely need to upload 1 or 2 forms of ID to verify your identity. ... Hey guys i just checked and the payment status changed from submitted to payment hold does it show the same for anyone else? If I understand it correctly, you would still be within the original claim year and you've simply "Reopen"ed your claim. HANG IN THERE AND GOOD LUCK!! Applied 05/21/20. That's a guess. What a terrible experience but I’m so happy I had the input of so many. This thread has been locked by the moderators of r/Unemployment, More posts from the Unemployment community. Now, nothing. MORE THAN LIKELY THEY SWITCHED YOU BACK TOO UI. !, are you still in the same boat? Click Here. ALLL WEEKS CERTIFIED HAVE BEEN PAID AND MONEY IS IN MY ACCOUNT!!!! Watching this 10-minute video may save you a lot of time. PAYMENT DATE 6/3!! Everyone keep us updated on your claims!! I received my first few payments and now my certification for the last 3 weeks says pending issues status for payment. Previously when there has been an issue I received a notice within the dashboard informing me of the issue and what was required to correct it (in my particular case, I needed to upload one more document). would be GREATLY appreciated!! She replies with “ I know because we have overwhelming amount of calls, just keep trying”. !, Work search requirements have been waived until now but states are now beginning to enforce them again. What does that mean? AND, that may be why you are seeing a reference for you to upload your 2019 Form 1040, which would update your earnings information for an existing claim. Hello everyone... here is my situation. I have the same Problems pending issues and 2 issues but can’t see nothing smh, Yes i got the same thing i just checked this right now this is so frustrating. Can you post us the number she called, please we all are trying to get our money, I need help I’m having the same problems with pending issues I have nothing in my inbox I don’t know what to do please help me I’ve been waiting for days. Close. Tried to call IDES nothing...I have also 3 pending issues SAVE/PUA/Identity Verification. Please call (877) OHIO-JOB (1-877-644-6562) or TTY at (888) 642-8203. 11. Please let us know if you have gotten paid AFTER your certification weeks status said “pending issues”. It's recommended you do the virtual career workshops here they are considered work search activities and you get certificates of completion that you can print as proof of having completed the workshops. Like everyone else, I continue to be frustrated. It said status active and program name is regular UI. Have you received any previous instructions on correcting a pending issue? You can Print this confirmation for your records.”. I have 2 issues but it doesn't tell me what they are or how to fix them. PUA portal is back ONLINE but no changes to my claim. If a pending issue is cleared and you are then allowed regular benefits, you will be issued unemployment insurance benefits automatically. I did that when I applied and figured all was good, however I have 1 pending issue with no idea what that issue is so thought maybe that might be it. Good luck everyone and thanks for all of your input, The PUA portal is DOWN. If you get through it will say your wait time is like 126,000.6 minutes LOL! FRUSTRATING!! MY PAYMENT WEEKS STILL SAY “PENDING ISSUES” AFTER SWITCHING FROM “PAYMENT HOLD” last week. It's all done online so no risk of exposure to Covid19. Still pending issues on my certification weeks. The guy was polite but clueless, gave me a whole different number for PUA’s office but that number was disconnected. Do you know how long it was from the time you were first able to certify until you were finally paid? Same issue here. I’m 1099. Given what everyone else is saying, I'm sure it won't be quick or easy, you could always try calling and try to get more specific answers. Anyone knows? The state has to know people have “pending issues” with no way to fix these issues. This was the 5th rep I was able to speak to over the course of 3 weeks, this one was just as clueless as the rest. PUA portal is back ONLINE but no changes to my claim. PSA Have you received a message through the dashboard instructing you to upload your 1040 tax document or are you simply seeing an option to upload your 1040? Enter your name as it appears on your Social Security card. A place for your unemployment insurance questions. The site may not work properly if you don't, If you do not update your browser, we suggest you visit, Press J to jump to the feed. I had 3. com The Illinois Department of Employment Security (IDES) announced today that the unemployment rate fell -0. I hear that we are another state to ask for federal loans! He told me my identity needed to be verified but had no idea how I could do that because I’m only showing “my home” “home” and “my inbox” on my side bar. Payment Hold YES or NO۔ Is anyone know what does it.mean? Filing Continued Claims for PUA - Individuals who applied for PUA before January 31, 2021 and receive a payment of PUA on or after December 27, 2020 (regardless of which week ending date is being paid), are required to provide documentation substantiating employment or self-employment, or the planned beginning of employment or self-employment, within 90 days of the application date or when directed … Sadly, that's about all we've been able to offer each other. by | Feb 7, 2021 | Uncategorized | Feb 7, 2021 | Uncategorized ... or PUA… On my home page in the basic info.. below (File Date) it now says REOPEN DATE...?? What Input do any of you have at this time. Still pending issues on my certification weeks. GRRRRRRRR!!!!! Certification status still “pending issues”. Individual Eligibility DO NOT RELY ON STATE. FINALLY I was able to speak to a human at IDES! https://www2.illinois.gov/ides/Pages/default2.aspx. 1. share. Also S.A.V.E and PUA says pending and level it says adjucation. This Facebook page provides general information about IDES programs and services. So I've been waiting like everyone else for the "Hold Payment" status to change from yes to no, which it has done. Conversation with her and the lady switched all her statuses to paid, and has a playdate of this Mon. Now, on every week I've certified under status is now states "Pending Issues." Ides illinois pua pending issues.